Chapter 15

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"Tara open the door" Jax yelled pounding his fists on Tara's front door. The door swung open and Jax pushed passed Tara to get inside. "What the fuck is going on with you? You just leave Abel at the house and tell me nothing?" Jax hissed turning to face Tara.

"I left him with Melody" Tara argued back shutting the front door.

"I've been calling you"

"And I've been ignoring those calls" Tara shot back.

"Why?" Jax said clearly frustrated.

"You know when I got to your house Melody had fed Abel, changed him, washed the dishes and did a load of laundry" Tara said and Jax looked puzzled.

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?"

"She's ready to be a mom Jax, and I know she's what you want, someone who cleans and takes care of the kids, someone who puts their career second"

"She's putting her career second for now" Jax argued back.

"She dropped everything to come down here, and even now when Abel is doing just fine, she sticks around doing everything she can to take care of him" Tara grabbed something off the coffee table and shoved it into Jax's hand. It was a picture of Melody holding Abel at the hospital. She was glowing with that little boy in her arms.

"What is this?" Jax said looking at the picture.

"Don't play dumb, I found it in your wallet" Tara said harshly.

"So you're going through my shit now" Jax yelled and Tara laughed.

"I see the way you look at her, and I see the way she looks at you and Abel" Tara yelled back. "Frankly, I'm giving you a choice, it's me or her" Tara said calmly.

"That's insane, I picked you Tara"

"Then she needs to go, you need to tell her to pack up and head back to Sacramento" Tara said and Jax lost it.

"I'm not going to tell her to leave, Abel is my son and it's my decision, he's her god damn nephew Tara and she's allowed to be around him"

"Then get out" Tara yelled shoving Jax towards the front door.

"Fuck this, I don't need you" Jax said opening the door and slamming it behind him.


Melody asked confused heard the front door open and figured it was either Gemma or Jax. To her surprise it was Tara who came into view

"Oh hey, I didn't know you were stopping by" Melody said to Tara as she wiped her hands on a kitchen towel.

"I came here to talk" Tara said and Melody gestured to the table so they could sit.

"Is everything alright?" Melody asked a little concerned.

"No not really" Tara said and Melody eyebrows knit together.

"What's going-"

"Jax and I are done" Tara said bluntly.

"Tara why are you here, I don't need to know where you and Jax stand, it's none of my business" Melody said crossing her arms.

"I told him to tell you to leave Charming" Tara said.

"Why would you do that?" Melody asked.

"I see the way he looks at you, the way he pauses in the doorway of the nursery to watch you hold his son. He takes it all in and then pretends I'm the woman he wants because we have a history. I thought he'd stop once I spent more time with Abel, but I see the longing in his eyes wishing you were standing there instead of me. God, he even has a picture of you holding Abel in his wallet" Tara said and Melody swallowed feeling a big lump in her throat.


"Take care of them Melody, I really wish you the best" And with that Tara left, leaving Melody stunned and confused. What the hell was that? Melody's phone rang tearing her from her thoughts.

"H-hello" Melody stuttered still stunned at what had just happened.

"Melody it's Jax, I think we need to talk" Jax said.

"I think we do too, I'm at your house now if you want to swing by" Melody said tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I'll be there soon" Jax said ending the call. A little while later Jax came into view leaning up against the doorway to the kitchen.

"Hey" Melody said softly.

"Tara and I broke up" Jax said abruptly.

"I know, she stopped by not too long ago" Melody admitted.

"What did she say?" Jax asked and Melody fumbled with her hands.

"A lot of things Jax, it was weird and I just think she was being irrational" Melody answered not being able to look him in the eye. "She came back for you"

"I don't think that's why she came back" Jax said and Melody looked him at puzzled.

"She had this ex that was stalking and harassing her. I think she came back knowing I'd help her out" Jax admitted.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Melody asked and Jax sighed.

"I think if you're going to be around Abel and the club, you should know the truth" That's when Jax took a seat and explained everything. The guns, the enemies of the MC and just about every other illegal thing about them. Melody had knew something illegal was going on, but hearing everything for laid out like that made her stomach turn.

"Jax I don't know what you want me to say" Melody said truthfully.

"If you can't handle this stuff, I get it, but I just thought you should know" Jax stood up and headed to the door. Melody got up and followed him. "I have to head back to the club, are you ok to stay?" Jax asked.

"I'm a little worried, but I'm not going anywhere" Melody said with confidence.

"I'm glad, we'd really miss you around here" Jax admitted and Melody pulled him into a hug.

"I'd really miss you guys too" Melody said in his ear and Jax hugged her back. Jax headed towards his bike and climbed on. "Hey wait" Melody called out jogging over to Jax.

"You change your mind that quick?" Jax joked and Melody smiled.

"Don't take this the wrong way but I'm glad you and Tara broke up, she wasn't good for you" Melody said and Jax smirked.

"It sounds like you have someone else in mind who would be good for me" Jax said and Melody blushed.

"Maybe I do, you'll just have to wait and see biker boy" Melody winked and ran back into the house before Jax could say anything else. It's not like she didn't know that the way she felt was wrong, but being around Jax made Melody feel confident. She was different around him and every time her conscious got the best of her, Gemma's words always came right back to her.

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