Chapter 33

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(Wearing dress in photo)

Jax left shortly after their talk and Melody got ready for the wedding. She was heading to the venue early to help Lyla. Neeta was going to watch Abel for the night so Melody didn't have to rush home.

"How's the soon to be Mrs. hanging in there" Melody teased watching Lyla do her makeup.

"Nervous, but totally ready" Lyla replied.

"You look amazing" Melody said when Lyla turned to show her the final result. Her dress was short and even though Melody preferred floor length wedding dresses, it worked for Lyla.

"Holy crap, what is that" Lyla gasped yanking Melody's hand into her own.

"Oh, I wasn't going to say anything, I didn't want to take away from your night, but Jax proposed" Melody said blushing slightly.

"You could see this thing from space" Lyla said and Melody smiled.

"Okay okay hush now, this day is about the ring on your finger, not mine" Melody said grabbing Lyla's veil.

"We're ready for ya" Piney said coming into view.

"See you out there Mrs. Winston" Melody teased and headed out to the ceremony space. Melody watched as Piney walked Lyla down the aisle and felt a pang in her chest. She didn't have someone to walk her down the aisle and frowned slightly. Jax caught her eye and winked making her smile. As the man performing the ceremony spoke, Melody watched Jax, and started picturing their own wedding. Opie turned to Jax for the ring and the couple spoke their vows.

"What else?" Jax said when Opie had finished his vows.

"And treat you as good as my leather and-"

"Ride you as much as my Harley" All the guys chimed in. Melody giggled knowing Jax would say the same cheesy line to her. Everyone cheered as the couple were pronounced man and wife.

The reception was in full swing as Melody danced with Gemma. They took turns spinning each other and Melody couldn't stop laughing.

"So, you like the ring?" Gemma asked and Melody blushed.

"It's perfect" Melody gushed and Gemma smiled. "You knew he was proposing, didn't you?" Melody asked and Gemma nodded.

"Who do you think got the ring?" Gemma said and Melody giggled.

"I'm gonna grab another drink, want something?" Melody asked and Gemma shook her head. "Can I get a vodka tonic, light on the tonic" Melody winked at the bartender making him laugh. Melody took the drink and sipped it slowly. "Can I get another for the rode?" Melody asked and the bartender handed her another.

"You double fisting it tonight?" Jax teased and Melody smirked.

"It's a celebration, gotta do it right" Melody said holding one of the glasses up and then chugging the rest.

"I'll be back in a little bit" Jax said and Melody nodded knowing what was going down.

"Come back to me in one piece, I hear the best man and maid of honor always end up screwing" Melody smirked and Jax kissed her.

"You look great" Jax whispered in her ear before heading off with the guys.

Few days later

"Hey I didn't know you had to work today" Gemma said as Melody handed Abel some cheerios.

"I didn't, but Tom has to look for a new tech, the one he hired is an idiot so I'm going to pull some applications" Melody said quickly grabbing her bag and kissing Abel's head. "I shouldn't be too long, I'll probably stop at the store after to pick up some stuff, do you need anything?" Melody asked grabbing her keys.

"No, I'm all set" Gemma said and Melody nodded.

"Alright, I'll be back" Melody said heading for her car. She felt guilty lying to Gemma even when she shouldn't.

Gemma knew about the letters and was trying to find them. Melody always knew when her things were shifted around mostly because Wendy would ransack her house trying to find anything she could to pawn off that wouldn't be missed. Melody never noticed at first, but when she did, she knew she had to train herself to notice these things. Gemma tried her best to put everything back the way it was, but Melody could tell even the slightest shift of an object. On top of that, Gemma had visited her at work, which is something she has never done before.

Melody had hidden the letters in her car knowing Gemma would never think to look there. They were tucked away in a folder where the spare tire was kept. Even if Gemma did look in her car, it was unlikely she would ever check there.

But now it was unsafe to even have the letters in the same town. That's why Melody was headed up to Sacramento. Without giving too many details away, Charlie agreed to let her keep the letters in her old clinic. He never got rid of the small safe she had in the office and Melody knew the letters would be safest there.

"Hey Melody" Charlie said as Melody opened the door to the office.

"I can't stay long, I told Gemma I would be home soon" Melody said punching in the code to the safe and tossing the letters inside.

"Nice ring" Charlie commented and Melody pushed her lips together. "You still planning on getting out?" Charlie asked and Melody nodded.

"Of course, but it's not the right time" Melody answered turning to face him.

"You called me two months ago begging for a job here" Charlie reminded her and Melody shrugged.

"Look, Jax and I talked, he wants out just like I do, but we have to do it safely" Melody explained and Charlie looked disappointed. "I love Jax, and honestly I loved the club. I could handle the guns and the violence, but realizing my child is going to be forced down the same path is not okay with me" Melody said and Charlie nodded.

"You always have a job here when you need it" Charlie said and Melody hugged him.

"It'll all work out" Melody said.

When Melody got home Gemma was sitting quietly at the dining room table. She had a paper in her hand and Melody sat down beside her.

"This fell out of one of Abel's coloring books, you have any idea where he might have found it" Gemma asked sliding the small paper towards her. It was the note from Maureen Ashby that looked like Abel had colored on.

"Doesn't look familiar" Melody said sliding the paper back.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Gemma asked seriously and Melody shook her head.

"Why would I do that?" Melody responded.

"Same reason you lied about going to the clinic" Gemma said making Melody laugh.

"I did go to the clinic, and I pulled applications to look over just like I said I would" Melody replied pulling out a stack of papers and tossing them on the table. She knew Gemma was trying to get her to confess, but Melody wouldn't crack that easily.

"Fine, but I do know that letters from John Teller would be very painful for my son to read" Gemm explained.

"Why?" Melody asked.

"John was in love with Maureen Ashby, when we were in Belfast we found out he had a kid with her and it stirred up all that old shit. I had already fallen in love with Clay and when Thomas died, I didn't even care anymore, I didn't try to hide it. That was a mistake, it put Clay at risk, it was humiliating for JT. Jax doesn't know any of that, him finding out could set things off with Clay again" Gemma paused looking away from Melody. "John ripped me apart, spent months at a time in Belfast with her, left me here, alone with his sons"

"I'm sorry" Melody said sincerely knowing that all probably hurt Gemma.

"I loved him, like you and Jax. I was nineteen and he was my goddamn world. This ain't good for anyone, you understand me? Wherever this leads, this is bad for our family" Gemma said holding up the note from Maureen. She stood up suddenly and walked to the front door. "Tell Abel grandma loves him" Gemma said and then left leaving Melody to decide what she was going to do.

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