Chapter 35

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"Hey I think I left Abel's bag out in the car, could you check for me" Melody asked Gemma as she finished cleaning up from breakfast.

"Sure" Gemma said and grabbed Melody's keys heading outside.

"Was it there?" Melody asked when she heard Gemma come back inside.

"I was a little distracted by this" Gemma said and Melody turned around to see Gemma holding up a typed note.

I'm going to hurt you, then kill you vet bitch

"Could it be someone from work? Did something happen to a pet?" Gemma asked.

"You really think this had something to do with my job? Come on Gemma, get real, it's always about the club" Melody replied rolling her eyes.

"We should call Jax" Gemma said walking over to her purse.

"No" Melody said suddenly.

"We have to tell Jax" Gemma said and Melody bit her lip.

"No, listen just let me grab Abel, and we'll head to the clubhouse until Jax can come home tonight" Melody said walking to Abel's room to grab some stuff. "Come on Abel, we're leaving" Melody called out and Abel came running from the living room.

"Where's daddy, I want daddy" Abel said as Gemma's phone started ringing.

"He's working baby, come on we're going to go to the shop" Melody said reaching out her hand but Abel wouldn't move.

"I want daddy" Abel said and then started crying. "Where's daddy" Abel screeched and Melody pulled Abel into her arms.

"It's okay Abel, we'll see daddy soon" Melody said, but he kept crying.

"We gotta go, grab your kit" Gemma said and Melody picked up Abel handing him to Gemma. Then Melody went to grab her kit from the bathroom and they headed off to the clubhouse. When they got there, they left Abel in the car while they went to figure out what was happening. Two men were helping a third out of a truck who had clearly been shot.

"I'm not a doctor, why do you keep getting me to help when someone's shot" Melody groaned.

"Closest thing we got to a real doc" Clay shrugged.

"Get him into the clubhouse" Melody called out to the guys and turned to Gemma. "Make sure Abel is okay"

Melody then headed off to the clubhouse to try and patch the man up. He was clearly in pain while Melody stitched him up, but he'd live. From what she could tell the bullet didn't hit any major arteries, and the bleeding was subsiding.

"Alright, I'm going to wash up, keep clean dressings on it and use some antibiotic cream to lessen the chance of infection" Melody said and then headed out of the room. Everyone turned their heads to look at Melody and she knew it wasn't because they were concerned over Alvarez, the man who was shot. "You told them" Melody groaned looking at Gemma.

"I had to, we need to make sure you're safe" Gemma said and Melody stormed off to Jax's apartment to clean up. It's not that she wasn't scared over the death threat, but she didn't want Jax and the club to retaliate and get hurt because of her. As Melody washed her hands she watched as the water turned red from all the blood. She felt her stomach flip and she fell to her knees hugging the toilet bowl as she emptied the contents of her stomach.

"Hey Melody, the sheriff is here to talk to you" Clay called out knocking on the bathroom door.

"Shit, I'll be out in a second" Melody called back, flushing the toilet and then finished cleaning her hands. She quickly wiped down the toilet and then headed outside.

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