Chapter 14

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Melody startled awake to the sound of her phone. "Hello" Melody said groggily.

"Melody it's Gemma, are you home?" She asked.

"No I'm at Jax's, what's going on?" Melody asked sitting up.

"Can you meet me at your apartment?" Gemma asked and Melody stood up grabbing her shoes.

"I'm on my way" Melody said ending the call and heading out the door. Melody pulled her car in and climbed out. Gemma and Unser were leaned up against his police car and melody rushed over. "Gemma what the hell happened?" Melody asked noticing blood and cuts on Gemma's face.

"Can we at least get upstairs before you play twenty questions" Gemma asked and Melody nodded guiding them upstairs and into her apartment. She grabbed her first aid kit and started cleaning Gemma's cuts. "Jax see you leave?"

"No I was crashing on the couch when you called so I just left" Melody replied. "Gemma what happened? I can only do so much and I think you should go to the hospital"

"Use your imagination" Gemma said and Melody squeezed Gemma's hand.

"Maybe we should let her rest awhile" Unser suggested.

"She needs a real doctor" Melody fired back.

"No, I'll have to check in and there's the insurance and shit, everybody will know" Gemma said and Melody sighed.

"Just give me a second" Melody said stepping into her room. Melody pulled out her phone and searched her contacts.

"Melody? What's going on, it's late" the person on the other end answered.

"I have a patient under certain circumstances and I need your help, are you still up at the clinic?" Melody asked.

"No, there was a doctor shortage at a small hospital down south a little ways, St. Thomas, why what's up? Is it Wendy?"

"No, if I come and see you at the hospital with this person, could you help me out?" Melody asked and the person groaned.

"I don't know Melody"

"Please, this is important and it's not just a junkie trying to score" Melody pleaded.

"Alright, meet me at the back entrance and call when you're here"

"Thank you, I owe you one, it might be a little while, I'm gonna try to get her cleaned up" Melody answered and then hung up. Heading back into the living room Melody grabbed her purse and keys. "Alright we're going to St. Thomas, I know a doctor there that can help us out on the low, let's get you home and changed"

"Promise me you won't tell anyone"

"We gotta tell Clay" Unser argued.

"Not Clay, not Jax, no one" Gemma said.

"Alright" Unser said.

"I won't say anything, but Gemma I'm worried about you" Melody said reorganizing her first aid kit. "We need to figure out what we're going to tell the guys" Melody said.

"I uh, I'll figure it out, just stay with her" Unser answered and Melody nodded.

"Come on, let get you some clean clothes" Melody helped Gemma up and out to her car. They drove back to Gemma's house where Gemma changed and washed her face. Melody helped her back out to the car and they headed to the hospital. Melody called her friend and they waited at the back entrance.

"Hey Melody, I got a room set up but we gotta hurry"

"Alright thanks, Gemma this is Katherine Davis, Kate this is Gemma, my nephews grandma" Melody introduced the two and they headed into the hospital and up to a private exam room.

"So what happened" Kate asked.

"She was assaulted, can you do an exam and just make sure she's alright to go home" Kate nodded and handed Gemma a hospital gown. "Do you want me to wait outside?" Melody asked and Gemma shook her head. Melody stayed next to Gemma holding her hand the whole time Kate was examining her.

"Well I need to run some tests and she needs antibiotics, but I can't just write a random prescription" Kate said and Melody sighed.

"I can handle getting the antibiotics, don't worry about it" Melody said squeezing Gemma's hand. There was a knock at the door and Kate stood up.

"It's a cop" Kate said panicked. Melody peaked around the curtained and sighed.

"It's just Unser he's with us" Melody said getting up to crack the door.

"I need a word with Gemma" He said and Melody nodded stepping aside. "Clay's here"

"You son of a bitch" Gemma hissed.

"I told him you were in a car accident, I didn't say anything about you know" Unser said.

"Well I don't want to see him right now" Gemma said.

"It's not just Clay, everyone is here"

"I got it, Kate could you just write me a list of antibiotics and directions, I can use my prescription pad, I have an extra at my apartment" Kate nodded and scribbled down a few names and some directions and handed them to Melody. "I'll be back"

"How is she?" Clay asked pushing towards Melody.

"She's ok, the doctor is still in with her now running a few more tests, but she's gonna be fine" Melody answered.

"Can I see her?" Clay asked.

"It's gonna be a little bit, but I can grab you when the doctor is done, she's a personal friend of mine" Melody said hoping to by Gemma some time.

"Alright, thanks for being here with her" Melody smiled and started to walk away. Jax grabbed her hand and pulled her off to the side.

"I really appreciate what you're doing for my mom" Jax said and Melody nodded.

"She's good to me, I figure I can do the same" Melody admitted.

"What happened last night? I heard you leave in the middle of the night" Jax said and Melody pursed her lips.

"You know after you came home I just couldn't get comfortable again, I tossed and turned for awhile and I figured my bed would be a lot better" Melody lied praying Jax would believe it.

"Alright as long as everything is ok" Jax said and Melody gave him a smile.

"Everything is just fine, I should get back to Gemma" Melody said and Jax nodded. As Melody turned to leave Jax grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a hug.

"Thanks Mel" Jax whispered in her ear making Melody blush.

"You're welcome" She replied and Jax released her letting her get back to Gemma.

"I bought you some time, but they're all pretty worried" Melody said once she was back in the room with Gemma.

"Alright thanks sweetheart, why don't you go relieve Neeta, I'm sure Abel misses you" Melody gave Gemma a weak smile and nodded.

"Call me ok? Whatever you need Gem and I'll bring by the antibiotics later"

"You could lose your license over that you know" Gemma said and Melody shrugged.

"Well if anyone asks your name is Fluffy and you're a purebred poodle" Melody said and grabbed Gemma's hand. "Everything is gonna be ok, you're one of the strongest women I know, I'll see you later" Melody gave her hand a squeeze and then headed over to Jax's to relieve Neeta.

(Hang in there!! It's about to heat up I promise! Just a few more chapters!)

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