Chapter 22

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"Yeah?" Gemma's voice snapped and it took everything in Melody to hold it together.

"Gemma it's me" Melody replied.

"You using your cell?" Gemma asked and Melody laughed a little.

"No way, Jax got me a burner" Melody said.

"You're learning" Gemma said proudly.

"Yeah" Melody said her voice trailing off.

"Something wrong?" Gemma asked and Melody teared up.

"I miss you Gemma, there's too much testosterone around here" Melody said and Gemma chuckled.

"Hang in there babe, you got that wonderful boy there who needs you and Jax needs you" Gemma said and Melody scoffed.

"Jax doesn't need anyone" Melody grumbled.

"He's a man, he's gotta put on a show, but I know he needs you sweetheart, you've been through it but you just gotta hold on to what's important, family" Gemma said and Melody held in a sob. Suddenly there was a gunshot and Melody panicked.

"Gemma what's going on?" Melody asked.

"Shit I'll call you back" Gemma said ending the call. Melody leaned back on the couch in the nursery holding Abel's baby blanket. A couple tears slipped down her face as she brought the blanket up to her nose. She could still smell him and if she closed her eyes, it's like he was there.

Later that night

Melody tossed some clothes in a duffel bag and grabbed her first aid kit. In the kitchen Melody opened it making sure she had everything she needed. The door opened and Melody knew it was Jax. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Gemma called, something happened with her dad, she needs me up there" Melody said zipping her bag.

"No" Jax said harshly. "If you get caught with my mom, that's aiding and abetting, a federal crime"

"What do you want me to tell her?" Melody said frustrated.

"Maybe that you're heading back to Sacramento" Jax snapped.

"How did you-"

"Got a call at the shop today looking for you, wanted to confirm when you'd be coming back to the clinic" Jax said and Melody opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by Jax's phone. "I have to go but I'll be back later, we're not done with this conversation" Jax stormed out of the house and Melody's face was burning. Throwing her bag over her shoulder, Melody grabbed her keys and headed out to the car. Once Melody arrived at the house, she grabbed her bags and knocked on the door. Gemma swung the door open and pulled Melody into a tight hug.

"God it's so good to see you" Gemma said and Melody smiled.

"I missed you" Melody said and Gemma grabbed her bags from her.

"Come on" Gemma said leading Melody to a wounded Tig.

"Jesus Tig" Melody said looking at the bullet wound. "It doesn't look that bad, but it's definitely gonna hurt like a bitch to clean up" Melody said and Gemma went to check on her dad.

"He's gone, so is the hunting rifle" Gemma said coming back into the room.

"Shit I did hear a car about twenty minutes ago" Tig admitted and Melody smacked him over the head. "Ow Jesus"

"Why didn't you say anything" Melody said following Gemma. "Someone must know his routine" Melody said catching up to Gemma outside.

"Yeah, somebody does" Gemma said hesitating to go back inside. Gemma led Melody down to the basement where a woman was tied up in a wheelchair.

"Who the hell is that?" Melody hissed.

"It's his caregiver"

"Gemma are you insane?" Melody said but Gemma ignored her and headed over to the woman.

"Amelia, I need to ask you a question" Gemma said.

"Yeah and I needed to piss an hour ago" Amelia spat. Gemma helped Amelia on to a bedpan so she could relieve herself.

"Nate took off in the car about an hour ago, any idea where he might be headed" Gemma asked.

"What was he wearing" Amelia asked.

"I don't know" Gemma replied confused.

"It depends, he could be a hundred places" Amelia then tried to negotiate her way out but Gemma wasn't having it.

"Let me remind you, you're here with no friends and no family, you drop off the planet and no one knows, no one cares"

"Jesus Christ you threatening to kill me?" Amelia asked.

"No but I look around and see a drill, and a welding torch, a lot of shit to make you real uncomfortable" Amelia then spit in Gemma's face. Gemma punched her hard and Melody cringed.

"Gemma!" Melody yelled.

"Come on" Gemma said grabbing Melody's arm and bringing her back upstairs. Gemma called around while Melody went out looking for him, but neither of them had any luck. Gemma stormed off and Melody headed into the basement to help clean up Amelia.

"I can't feel my fingers" Amelia said as Melody cleaned out the cut on her face.

"I'll cut one hand free to get the blood flowing" Melody said grabbing a blade. "Don't do anything stupid" Melody growled cutting her hand free.

"Can I trouble you for the bedpan" Amelia asked shakily. Melody grabbed it and helped Amelia onto it. And that's when everything went black. When Melody came to, she quickly raced upstairs. Amelia had Gemma pinned with a knife to her throat. Melody slowed her pace and grabbed the first heavy object she could find. Once she was close enough she slammed it against Amelia's head which caused Amelia to drop the knife. Amelia dove for the knife but Gemma grabbed her and slammed her to the wall. Amelia gasped for air and Melody knew she stabbed herself.

"Shit" Melody said dropping to the floor next to Amelia and checking for a pulse. "She's dead" Melody stuttered.

"I leave you girls alone for ten minutes" Tig said when Gemma told him what happened. Melody was sitting with an ice pack to her pounding head. First the barrel of a gun and now an oxygen tank. To say her head was throbbing was an understatement.

"Jax can't know about this" Melody said suddenly.

"Bachman" Tig said randomly. "He could probably be here in an hour or so"

"The cleaner guy" Gemma asked.

"Yeah he works independent, works for around two or three grand, but he is good" Tig said.

"There's some cash here, but not that much" Gemma admitted. "Will he take jewelry" Gemma asked and Tig shrugged.

"I'll call him" Gemma then shoed Tig off to watch her dad.

"Come on, let's get her" Gemma said and Melody looked up at her. "You don't want Jax to find out about this, then we need to handle it" Gemma argued and Melody agreed standing up. They brought Amelia down into the basement and placed her on a hospital bed that Gemma's mom had used. Melody was about to head back upstairs when her phone rang.

"Hey" Melody answered.

"Finally" Jax said clearly annoyed with her.

"I'm sorry, there's been a lot going on here" Melody admitted.

"Everything ok?" Jax asked.

"Sure, your grandad shot Tig thinking he was an intruder, but I patched him up" Melody said.

"Jesus, well I'll be there tomorrow so stay put" Jax said.

"I will, I'm sorry how I left things" Melody said.

"It's ok, as long as everyone is alright" Jax said.

"We're all good here" Melody said trying not to think of Amelia's dead body. Once Bachman arrived Melody stayed upstairs with Nate. She felt nauseous and scared. Melody was far from her comfort zone and she was starting to think maybe she made the wrong choice in staying. Sure she loved Abel, but look at what this life caused. Abel was gone, Jax was pushing her away and she was a murderer now. Maybe it was time for her to start considering some other options.

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