Chapter 13

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It had been a few weeks since Abel came home and Melody was back to work. Although she had asked Tom if he'd be alright shortening her hours. She was sure that it wouldn't be the last time Jax spent the night elsewhere. Tom was more than willing to be flexible with her hours, and Melody was extremely grateful. Tara had been spending most nights at Jax's making Melody feel a little awkward, especially after their little moment. Although she could tell taking care of Abel was taking a toll on Tara. Melody was there most days when Tara got home from work and she could just tell Tara was beat. Tara also seemed annoyed most days when Melody was at the house, but Melody didn't care.

"Hey Gemma, how did it go?" Melody asked holding her phone to her ear and doing her best to unlock her door with an arm full of groceries.

"He's the picture of health" Gemma said and the weight on Melody's chest lifted.

"That is such great news, I was so nervous the whole day" Melody said placing her groceries down on the table.

"I'm heading to the club now, you gonna come grab him?" Gemma asked.

"Absolutely, just gotta put some groceries and I'll be right over" Melody said.

"See you soon, bye now" Gemma ended the call and Melody quickly organized her groceries and then headed to the clubhouse. Melody was greeted with an abundance of hellos but headed straight to Abel.

"Look, mommy's here" Gemma said and Melody groaned.

"You better stop or he's going to have a very confusing childhood, what about Tara?" Melody asked grabbing Abel from his stroller. He smiled and made little baby gurgles that made Melody's heart flutter.

"What about her? She'll be out of here before you know it" Melody bounced Abel and kissed his cheek.

"She's been staying with Jax almost every night, it's pretty serious"

"Pretty serious my ass, she'll be running for the hills once something big happens" Gemma rolled her eyes and kissed Abel on the head. "You taking him home?" Melody nodded and Gemma helped her get Abel settled into the car.

"Let's get you home little man" Melody said buckling him in and shutting the door. "Listen Gem, I know you have this whole picture of Jax and I together as one big happy family, but it's just not going to happen, it's wrong Gemma, he's my sister's ex-husband " Melody said climbing into her car but Gemma grabbed the door before Melody could close it.

"Just tell me one thing, if Wendy was never married to Jax, would you be with him?" Gemma asked and Melody frowned.

"I-" But Melody quickly closed her mouth even though her subconscious was screaming yes.

"That's what I thought" Gemma said smirking. "Stop thinking about everyone else, Wendy and Jax were never going to work, it was a mistake and I am sure Wendy would agree, so if you want Jax, go for it sweetheart" Gemma said letting go of the door. Melody closed the door unable to even fathom a reply. She waved goodbye and then drove Abel home. She fed, burped and changed Abel hoping he'd settle in for a nap. Once he fell asleep Melody placed him in his crib and started a load of laundry. While she waited for the laundry to be done, Melody washed all the dishes. Then by the time the laundry was clean and put away Abel was up for another feeding. She settled into the rocker with Abel in her arms and slowly rocked him while he ate.

"Oh hey, I didn't know you'd be here" Tara said coming into the nursery.

"Yeah, I brought him home so Gemma could get a little work done at the clubhouse" Melody continued to feed Abel and burped him once he was done.

"You're good with him" Tara said as Melody changed Abel and placed him in his crib.

"Thanks, he's basically my whole world" Melody said tickling his tummy. "You staying?" Melody asked and Tara nodded. She had visible tears in her eyes but Melody didn't question it. "Alright, well he's fed, changed and has all the clean laundry and baby bottles a little boy could need"

"You did all that?" Tara asked and Melody nodded.

"Yeah it was no big deal, I'll see you around" Melody smiled, gave Abel a kiss and headed to the front door. Tara hadn't moved and Melody stopped turning around. "You alright?" She asked.

"Could you stay with him until Jax got home? I actually need to go" Tara pushed passed Melody and grabbed her keys.

"Yeah sure, everything ok?" Melody asked.

"Everything's fine" Tara said.

"Tara wait" Melody called out but Tara has already slammed the door shut. Melody shrugged and sat on the couch to read a book waiting for Jax to get back. Before she knew it, she was getting woken up by Jax.

"Where's Tara? She said she was coming by" Jax asked and Melody sat up rubbing her eyes.

"She was here, she left, said she had to go, even though she told me she was staying" Melody swung her feet off the couch and reached for her shoes she had kicked off earlier.

"Did she said why?" Jax asked and Melody shook her head.

"No, she asked if I'd stay until you got home and then left" Melody yawned and slipped her shoes on.

"Well thanks for staying" Jax said and Melody smiled.

"Anything for my favorite little man, you know that" Melody grabbed her keys and turned to face Jax. "Look, to be honest, Tara looked pretty upset when she left, but I could be wrong"

"I just don't get why she'd be upset" Jax said rubbing his face.

"I'm sorry I wish I knew, we barely even spoke two words so I can't imagine it was something I said" Melody yawned again and shrugged.

"You look exhausted Mel, why don't you just crash here, you looked awfully comfortable on the couch anyway" Jax said and Melody didn't bother arguing, she was exhausted. Kicking off her shoes again Melody grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and sat back down. "Goodnight" Jax said shutting the living room lights.

"Night Jax" Melody said getting comfortable once again and drifting to sleep.

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