Chapter 29

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Melody had come to pretty quickly and she realized she was in the trunk of her car. In reality, she was surprised he hadn't murdered her and left her in the abandoned lot. She was bound and gagged so there was really no hope in escaping. The car stopped and Melody heard the man get out of the car. He opened the trunk and pulled the bandana out of her mouth. He then grabbed her and led her into Jacob Hale's office.

"We need to see Jacob" Melody said to the receptionist.

"I need that spreadsheet" Jacob said coming out of the office. The man pointed the gun at Jacob and led them into the office.

"Let Charming know they have themselves a hostage situation" The man said to the receptionist and slamming the door shut. Soon Melody could hear sirens and the sound of motorcycles. "They're going to be calling any minute and you're going to do the talking" The man said to Melody. "Write this down" He said tossing a pen and pad of paper onto her lap. "I want a police vehicle, like a swat van, I want enough food, water, and gas to get to Mexico" He said listing his demands. "I want clear roads and guaranteed access across the boarder" He continued.

"Let me guess, and a suitcase full of money" Jacob said sarcastically and Melody glared at him.

"No, there's only one other thing I want" He said and then the phone rang. Melody answered and repeated all his demands including wanting to trade her for Jax. They said they would see what they could do and then call back. The phone rang again soon after and this time Jacob answered.

"They're sending Jax in" Jacob said and Melody's heart dropped. The man reached into a bag and pulled out a knife.

"You aren't gonna kill him" Melody said knowing Jax was his only way out.

"First, I'm gonna kill you and make him watch, then I'm gonna kill him" The man said and then there was a knock at the door. He pulled out his gun and swung the door open. Melody could see Jax from where she was sitting and the man let Jax walk in the room. "Sit down" He demanded pushing Jax into a chair.

"Let her go" Jax said his voice was deep and intimidating. The man laughed and slammed his gun into Jax's face. Melody cried out and wanted to run to Jax, but she was handcuffed to a post.

"You don't tell me what to do" The man yelled grabbing his knife. "Get up" He hissed at Melody, but she felt frozen with fear. He then reached down and pulled her to her feet roughly. "I watched my girl bleed out and die" He said holding the knife to Melody's throat. Jax stood up to charge him, but he pointed his gun at Jax. Jacob Hale quickly stabbed the man while he was distracted and Jax tackled him to the ground. They fought quickly, but the man got up and ran out. Jax ran to Melody and handed her a gun.

"You kill anyone who isn't a cop" Jax said and then kissed her hard. He took off after the man and Melody held the gun tightly. A swat team raided the room and got Melody free. They escorted her and Hale from the building where an ambulance was waiting. Melody was crying and watching the front of the building just waiting for Jax to come out.

"Ma'am we need to get you to the hospital" One of the EMTs said but Melody shook her head.

"Please, I have to know that he's alright" Melody said and they agreed to wait, but started cleaning her cuts. The guys headed over to the ambulance Melody was in and all gave her a hug.

"I'm so sorry, we tried to get you back safely" Tig said and Melody kissed his cheek.

"I know" Melody said and quickly looked up to see Jax being escorted from the building. Their eyes met and Melody jumped out of the ambulance ignoring everyone's protest. They ran into each other's arms and Jax swung her around.

"I'm here darlin' and I'm never letting you go" Jax said holding her tightly.

"Is Abel okay?" Melody asked pulling away from Jax.

"He's okay, we got him back Mel" Jax said and Melody sobbed throwing herself back into Jax's arms.

"Ma'am, the hospital" One of the EMTs said approaching them.

"Come on, let's get you fixed up" Jax said leading her back to the ambulance.

"Who was that guy?" Melody asked after a doctor had finished checking her out. She needed a couple stitches, but other than that she was alright.

"We helped the Mayans take out his club, I should've known he'd come after us" Jax said and Melody grabbed his hand.

"I'm okay Jax, now go get my release papers so I can get home to see my baby" Melody said and Jax nodded gently kissing her forehead. Unser came in after Jax left to ask her some questions.

"I'm glad you're alright sweetheart, I'm sorry we couldn't get you back sooner, that ATF agent made a mess of things" Unser admitted and Melody shrugged.

"It's okay, I won't get charged with anything right?" Melody asked and Unser shook his head.

"No, of course not, it's just policy to get a statement from the victim" Unser said and then patted Melody on the knee. "I better get going" He said standing up and heading to the door.

"Hey Wayne" Melody said.

"Yes Melody?" Unser replied turning to face her and Melody gave him a soft smile.

"You're a good man" She said which put a smile on his face.

"Thanks darling" He said and then left the room. Jax came back soon after Unser left and let her know they could leave. Jax drove them over to Gemma's and Melody's heart hammered in her chest. When Jax opened the door Melody could see Abel in Gemma's arms. Tears spilled immediately as Jax led her further into the kitchen. He took Abel from Gemma and Gemma pulled Melody into her arms. They hugged for a while until Gemma pulled away. Jax held out Abel and Melody took him into her arms. Melody sobbed and rocked him in her arms. She cried tears of joy, thrilled to know her family was back together again.

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