Chapter 7

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Melody was shaken awake in the middle of the night by none other than Gemma. "What's going on" She asked.

"Something happened and I know you're a veterinarian and only work on animals, but do you think you could try on a man?" Gemma asked.

"If it's something serious he needs to go to a hospital" Melody answered.

"You know we can't do that" Gemma replied dragging her out of the bed. Melody was half asleep the whole car ride over, that is until she saw what was waiting for her. Juice had his finger in a bullet wound of some man she had never seen before.

"Ah Melody, this is Cameron, Cameron this is Melody" Chibs introduced.

"She the doctor?" He asked wincing in pain.

"Close enough" Chibs shrugged and then showed Melody the medical supplies from Tara.

"Guys, I work on animals and it's not like people go around shooting animals very often" Melody slipped on some gloves and dug through the bag looking at her options.

"Could you at least do something so that I don't need to keep my finger here all night" Juice groaned.

"I can try" Melody grabbed some gauze and cotton. Instructing Juice to remove his finger Melody quickly stuffed the wound. In a matter of minutes the blood soaked through the bandages. With blood squirting everywhere Melody grabbed for some forceps and began digging for the bullet. She removed it and packed the wound once again. This time holding her hand there hoping to slow the bleeding. "I think that's the best I can do, you'll have to change the bandaging every hour or so depending on the bleeding, but a professional should really look at this" Melody hinted.

"We'll try Tara in the morning" Chibs answered. Gemma drove her back home where Melody happily climbed back into bed and fell asleep. The next morning Melody headed out to the kitchen where Gemma was.

"Morning" Gemma said pouring Melody a cup of coffee.

"Morning" melody thanked Gemma for the coffee and sat at the table.

"Have you heard from Jax?" She asked.

"No, he didn't answer when I called last night" Melody answered. Gemma grabbed her keys and headed out leaving Melody alone to get ready for work.

"Hey Melody, you got a phone call" Tom said around noon.

"Be there in a second" Melody responded as she finished some paperwork. She grabbed the office phone and placed it to her ear. "Hello"

"Hi Melody, this is David Hale calling"

"Oh hi, how did you know where I worked?" She asked.

"Small town, everyone knows everyone" He responded.

"Alright, well can I go back to my apartment tonight?" Melody asked.

"Yeah, I got someone to install a new deadbolt and I'll have a squad car drive by every now and again later tonight" Melody felt a rush of relief.

"Thank you so much" She said.

"Anything to make you feel safe, would you maybe want to grab a coffee sometime?" He asked throwing Melody off guard.

"Uh sure" Melody hesitated but figured it would just be a friendly coffee date and nothing more.

"I go on lunch in about fifteen, maybe then?" He asked.

"Alright, I'll meet you there" They agreed on the little coffee place two stores down from the office. Melody let Tom know she was heading on break and left for the coffee place. David was already waiting at a table with two coffees.

"I wasn't sure what you liked so I got it black, they have cream and sugar over there" He gestured to a little stand but Melody shrugged.

"Black is fine" She answered taking a seat. They made small talk for awhile and Melody had to admit he was attractive, but she wasn't into him. He walked her back to the office and Melody thanked him for the coffee.

"It was no problem, I'd really like to take you to dinner sometime though" He stated.

"Right now isn't the best time" Melody answered truthfully. "After work I always visit Abel and mainly spend the weekends with him too"

"I can wait" David leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Call me when you're available" Melody headed back into the office to finish her day and then of course headed to the hospital to see Abel. Tara was checking his vitals when she arrived.

"How is he?" Melody asked and Tara smiled.

"He's doing good, he can probably go home soon" She responded.

"That's amazing" Melody smiled and brushed her hand against his cheek. Jax then walked in and Melody could feel the tension between him and Tara.

"Hey, how's he doing" He asked and Tara gave the same answer.

"I uh need some coffee, either of you want anything? Melody asked and Jax said he'd take a coffee too. Once she got back to the room she noticed Tara was just heading out. Melody handed Jax the coffee and sat down.

"Thanks for helping the club" Jax said and Melody shrugged.

"He needs a professional" Melody responded.

"I'm taking Tara there now, but I wanted to talk to you first"

"Alright, so talk" She said.

"Whatever is going on between you and David Hale needs to stop, he wants us out of Charming and he's probably just using you to get to us" Jax said.

"You can't tell me what to do Jax and there's nothing going on, if you were around to answer my call last night you would've known my apartment got broken into, he was being nice" Melody replied.

"So he took you on a date and kissed you because he was being nice?" Jax asked.

"He kissed me on the cheek and it was not a date!" Melody exclaimed. "I do not want David Hale and even if I did it's no ones business, especially not yours, I'm not some rat Jax" Melody was now on her feet standing in front of him.

"From what Wendy said, you seem too good for this kind of life" Jax answered.

"Of course Wendy called me a goody goody, that's all she ever saw me as, but did she tell you I never called the police on her even when she stole from me and showed up to my house high and belligerent and you know why?" Melody asked and Jax shook his head. "Because she's family" Melody said poking his chest with her finger. She was slightly out of breath and inches away from Jax. He grabbed the back of her head pulling her towards him until Abel cried out and sent them apart. Melody grabbed Abel and rocked him slowly.

"I have to go" Jax said running from the room.

"Oh Abel, what is going on" Melody said as Abel quieted down.

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