Chapter 6

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"Hey Melody" Gemma was sitting in the waiting room next to some woman.

"Oh hey Gemma, I almost didn't see you there, why aren't you in with Abel" Melody asked adjusting the strap of her bag.

"Needed to talk business, Luann, this is Melody, Wendy's sister, Melody this is Luann, her husband is a club member" The two shook hands and Melody asked who her husband was.

"Otto Delaney, he's in prison so you wouldn't have met him"

"Sorry to hear that, it was nice meeting you, I'm going to head in to see Abel" Melody turned but Gemma called her name.

"Get it" Gemma said to Luann and then turned her attention to Melody. "I need a favor, well the club needs a favor" Gemma said and Melody felt her stomach drop. "The club needs money, Luann is fronting most of it but they still need around twenty grand"


"Look, I get it's a lot to ask and we haven't known each other long, but just think of Abel, he needs Jax to get the money so we can pay his hospital bills, get him food and pay for the house" Gemma was trying to guilt Melody and she knew it.

"I can pay for his hospital bills Gemma, don't use Abel to guilt me into this, just say you need the money"

"We need the money" Gemma admitted and Melody shrugged.

"Let me know when to drop by"

Later that day Melody headed to TM. The garage door was nearly shut, but Melody could hear the guys talking. "Hey it's me" she called out ducking under the door. Melody held out a large envelope to Jax and he peaked inside.

"You sure about this?" Jax asked and Melody shrugged.

"It was just sitting in the bank anyway" The guys cheered and Jax hugged Melody.

"Thank you" he whispered into her ear.

"I'm heading into work for a couple hours, call if you need anything" Melody noticed the ambulance in the garage and shook her head. Melody sat in the small office with some paper work when Tom rushed in.

"Melody I need your help, dog was hit by a car, it doesn't look good" The two rushed into the room changing into some scrubs and began to work. It was hours before the dog was stable enough to leave for the night. Melody checked her phone and was surprised at the number of missed calls she had. She called Gemma back while changing back into her regular clothes.


"Hey Gemma, sorry I missed your calls, I was in surgery, everything okay?" She asked.

"Everything is great, they're taking Abel out of the incubator" Gemma said and Melody rushed to grab her keys.

"I'll be right there" Melody hung up the phone after Gemma told her where they'd be and raced to the hospital. Melody burst through the door in a huff. "Did I miss it?" She asked and Jax chuckled.

"Tara went to grab him now" Jax said and Melody could feel the relief. Just as he spoke Tara came into view with Abel in her arms. She placed him in Jax's arms and Melody slipped her camera out of her bag. She snapped a picture of Jax looking down at Abel with a smile of his face. Gemma and Tara slowly left the room, but Melody snapped a couple more pictures then slowly retreated to the door. "You can stay" Jax called out and Melody smiled.

"Are you sure?" She asked and Jax nodded.

"You've been here more than anyone, you deserve this just as much as me" Melody slid over another chair and gazed down at Abel.

"He's beautiful Jax" Melody said tears slipping down her face. Jax slowly handed Abel to her and Melody held onto him tightly. "Hi there Abel, I'm your Aunt Melody" She said rocking him slowly. She didn't even notice Jax slipping the camera away and taking her picture. After awhile Melody slipped Abel back into Jax's arms and kissed his cheek. "You deserve some alone time with your son" Melody said and headed back home for the night her heart as full as ever. As Melody climbed the stairs to her open she noticed the door slightly open. Running back to her car she dialed 911 and locked the doors to her car. After she explained the situation she waited for someone to show up. A police car pulled in front of her and an officer got out of the car as Melody did the same.

"Are you Melody" He asked and she nodded trembling slightly. "I'm David Hale, you think someone might have broken in?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, the door was slightly open and I came back down as soon as I saw it" David told her to wait by her car and he headed upstairs to check it out.

"Well, it doesn't look like anyone took anything important, tv and jewelry are still there, I'll have someone come over in the morning to run prints and check for DNA, anyone you can stay with for the night?" He asked.

"I can call around" Grabbing her phone from her pocket the first person she called was Jax. He didn't answer so she left a message and then called Gemma.

"Hello" Gemma said answering the call.

"Hi Gemma, it's Melody, I think my apartment was broken into and I was wondering if I could stay with you tonight, I called Jax but he didn't answer" Melody explained.

"Of course, head on over" Melody asked David to escort her upstairs to grab a bag.

"Didn't know you hung around the club" He said leading her up the stairs.

"Actually, I'm Wendy's sister, I came down from Sacramento when I heard about the baby" Melody replied.

"Well you be careful hanging around that club, I wouldn't be surprised if this break in had something to do with them" Melody shrugged grabbing her things. David led her back to her car. He handed her a card with his number on it. "If you need anything, give me a call"

"Thanks" Melody said climbing into her car and then headed to Gemma's.

"You alright?" Gemma asked as she let Melody in.

"I'm fine, the officer said he'd get someone to check for fingerprints and DNA tomorrow" Gemma grabbed Melody's wrist and pulled her farther into the house.

"You called the police?" Gemma nearly yelled and Melody flinched.

"Well yeah, what else-"

"When you're involved with the club, you call the club not the police" Gemma explained.

"I'm not involved in the club, I don't know shit about the club besides the things you've told me and none of that is illegal" Melody argued.

"Doesn't matter, club has got some pretty serious enemies and whether you know what's going on or not, they won't hesitate to get to you" Gemma responded and Melody stood in shock.

"You think someone was trying to hurt me?" Melody asked and Gemma sighed.

"I don't know, just call one of the guys next time alright?" Melody agreed and Gemma showed her the guest room. Before Melody knew it, she was out cold.

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