Chapter 28

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"Hello" Tig said answering the shop's phone.

"Hi, is Melody around?" A man asked.

"No, who's asking?" Tig questioned.

"This is Charlie from her clinic, she was supposed to be back last night, and she called maybe around seven to let me know she was on her way back to Sacramento, but she never showed up" The man explained.

"Shit, I'll see if I can find her, call back if she shows up" Tig said quickly hanging up and heading into the clubhouse. "Hey old man, have you seen Melody?" He asked Piney.

"Not since yesterday" He answered.

"Shit" Tig said and decided to head out to her apartment. Her car was gone and so was all her stuff. Tig called the clinic in town hoping Melody was there, but Tom told him she had picked up her paycheck and left around seven. "Fuck" Tig groaned ending the call. Tig had a bad feeling about this, but knew he had to handle it on his own. Jax had enough on his plate with Abel missing and he didn't need more to worry about.


Melody was tied up god knows where and had duck tape over her mouth. The couple that had kidnapped her came into the room and the woman ripped the duck tape off. Melody cringed and licked her lips trying to get some moisture back. The woman poured water into Melody's mouth, but it definitely wasn't enough to keep her hydrated, just enough to keep her alive.

"What do you want?" Melody asked her voice was hoarse and raspy.

"Shut up, you don't get to asked questions" The woman said.

"You know a way to reach your club?" The man asked.

"Why? What do you want?" Melody asked and the woman slapped her.

"What the hell did I just say bitch" The woman spat.

"They're not going to be able to give you what you want" Melody explained and this time the woman kicked her.

"You don't get a say in this, just give us the number" She hissed and Melody reluctantly gave them the number to the shop. She prayed someone would answer, but consider most of the club was in Belfast, she almost doubted it.

"This is the guy who has a gun on Jax Teller's old lady" The man said into the phone and then held it down for Melody to speak into.

"It's Melody, he's telling the truth" She said softly.

"Holy shit, Tig's been looking for you" Piney's voice said, but the man pulled the phone away before Melody could say anything else. He gave his demands and quickly hung up. The couple then left the room and Melody struggled trying to get her hands free. They weren't tied too tight and if she could get one hand free, she knew she could get out. She was scared, knowing Jax was in Belfast and there was no way he could come bursting through the doors to save her.


"Time's up" The man said coming back into the room.

"For what?" Melody asked.

"Your club ain't taking me seriously so I'm gonna cut your finger off, show them I mean business" He said pulling out a knife.

"Don't!" Melody cried out pulling her one hand free subtly. "Just give them more time, I swear they're trying" Melody said quickly pulling her other hand free and trying to make a break for it. The man reacted quickly kicking her in the stomach and Melody went limp. He pulled back his foot to kick her again, but then the phone rang. He put his foot down and answered the phone.

"I'll need proof" The man said into the phone and then held it down to Melody once again.

"Hello" Melody answered softly.

"You doing okay sweetheart?" Tig asked and Melody held her tears back. It was comforting hearing Tig's voice and it was hard not to cry.

"Yeah, I'm okay" Melody said.

"Alright, we're going to bring you home, I promise" Tig said and then the man pulled the phone away.

"If you're lying, she's dead" The man hissed hanging the phone up. Melody drifted in and out of consciousness and starting to lose track of time. The women came back every once and a while to give Melody some water, but that was it. Melody had spit some blood up earlier, but it wasn't enough to concern her.

"I need to use the bathroom" Melody said when the woman finally came back again.

"Hold it" The woman snapped.

"I've been holding it for hours, please" Melody begged and the woman rolled her eyes. She helped Melody up and led her to a bathroom. Melody slammed the door shut with her foot and started looking for a way out, or a weapon. Her eyes focussed on the mirror above the sink. She grabbed a hand towel and pressed it into the glass cracking it quietly. She used a piece to cut her hands free and then waited quietly. Melody heard the woman answer the phone and she climbed into the shower pulling the curtain closed. Suddenly the door slammed open and Melody jumped out slicing the woman's throat with the piece of mirror she had broken off. Melody pushed her into the tub and grabbed the gun from the ground. She raced down the stairs, but the man had burst in the front door and quickly fired his gun. The bullet only grazed her shoulder, but it was enough to make her drop the gun. It tumbled down the stairs and Melody knew there was no way she could get it without being shot.

"Stupid bitch, I'll kill you" The man growled. "Louisa, Louisa" The man yelled as Melody held her hand over her shoulder to try and stop the bleeding.

"She's bleeding out in the bathroom" Melody said and he led her back upstairs to see for himself.

"Hector" The woman cried out when she saw him.

"I am the closest thing you have to a doctor right now and you need me to keep her alive" Melody said.

"Do something" He said.

"First you have to lower the gun" Melody said and he lowered it to his side.

"We gotta get her out of here" He said and Melody nodded helping him bring her outside into the car. She was bleeding out and in seconds Melody was covered in her blood. Melody held a towel to her neck trying to slow the bleeding, but it wasn't working.

"We need to get her to a hospital" Melody said.

"No! No hospital" He said and Melody bit her lip.

"We can just lay her outside and drive away, no one has to know who dropped her off, they can save her" Melody pleaded, but he ignored her. He drove them to an abandoned lot, and Melody knew it was too late. She had severed the carotid artery when she cut her but figured this was her only chance to be kept alive. The man was sitting on the ground and Melody thought about making a run for it, but she was in the middle of nowhere and was already hurt. She could probably make it ten feet before getting shot.

"I'm sorry, she's gone" Melody admitted walking over to the man. He grabbed her and slammed her to the hood of the car. "I'm sorry" Melody cried out as he slammed her down again. He then started beating her until she started to black out.

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