Chapter 12

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"Hey Gemma, it's Melody, uh Jax never came home last night and I'm worried, give me a call back" Melody hit end and watched out the window for Jax. She felt like an idiot, cooking dinner and waiting around for hours. Most of all she was mad at Gemma for making her think Jax was into her in any sort of way. Melody had given a call earlier in the day to offer a woman the job as nanny for Abel. She seemed like a nice woman and once Melody started working again, they'd need someone to watch Abel. However, Melody had asked her to watch Abel for the day so she could go to Donna's funeral. Gemma insisted that she was family and it was important for her to be there even if she didn't really know Donna.

"Hey Neeta, thank you so much for watching him today, I know it was last minute" Melody said greeting Abel's new nanny.

"It's not a problem dear, you go on, we'll be just fine" Melody thanked Neeta again and headed  for the funeral. She sat next to Gemma and listened while the priest talked. Then she noticed Jax heading towards everyone and her stomach churned as Tara got up to meet him. They kissed and Gemma reached over to squeeze her hand. After the funeral was over Melody headed straight for her car.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Gemma asked stopping Melody from climbing in the car.

"Neeta is with Abel and I want to let her go home" Melody said crossing her arms. "You never called me back"

"I was busy" Gemma shrugged and Melody rolled her eyes.

"You made me feel like an idiot Gemma, we both saw clear as day that Jax wants to be with Tara"

"He just doesn't see how perfect you two are together-"

"Enough, I am here for Abel and that is it, whatever you thought would happen between us is never going to happen, so please keep your advice to yourself and save me the embarrassment" Melody said cutting Gemma off.

"But you wanted something to happen" Gemma smirked.

"Because you got in my head, I told him nothing could happen after we almost kissed and then you started talking and I don't know what I was thinking" Melody exclaimed.

"You almost kissed?" Gemma smirked again.

"Yes and if we did it would've been a mistake, now please let me go home to Abel" Melody nudged Gemma away from her car and unlocked the doors.

"Funny how you just called Jax's house home" Melody groaned and slammed the door shut wanting to get far away from Gemma and her ideas. Melody was confident that she shouldn't start anything with Jax. Gemma was meddling and that's why Melody was so confused.

"Hey Neeta, I'm back" Melody called out. Neeta came into view holding Abel and Melody broke into a smile. "Hey there little man" Melody said taking Abel from Neeta.

"He's an angel" Neeta commented grabbing her coat.

"He sure is, I left some cash on the table by the front door, thanks again"

"Anytime dear" Neeta left and Melody was happy to be home with Abel. She set him down in the nursery and started picking up the house. She heard the front door open and peaked her head around the corner.

"It's alright, it's just me" Jax said coming into view.

"I was worried about you" Melody said carrying a laundry basket out to the garage.

"I should've called" Jax said following her.

"You know I love Abel with all my heart, but you're his father" Melody said sorting the clothes.

"I know" Jax said leaning against the door frame.

"You can't just take off all night, especially once the nanny starts, she can't just be here all night" Melody started the washing machine and pushed passed Jax.

"You're mad" Jax said and Melody rolled her eyes.

"You weren't here for Abel, what if something happened" Melody argued heading towards the bedroom.

"You agreed to stay here and to help out" Jax argued back and Melody laughed.

"Yes, to help out, not to be here all night with him, he just got out of the hospital after a very rough start and if something had happened I need to be able to get in touch with you"

"Alright I get it, I'm sorry"

"It's fine, now go see your son" Melody headed into the bedroom and shut the door. She didn't even care that Jax never came home and she had to be here with Abel. She was mad at Gemma and taking it out on Jax. Melody took a deep breath and headed into the nursery. It gave her butterflies seeing Jax holding Abel. "I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you, just taking it out on you" Melody admitted.

"It's ok, need to talk about it?" Jax asked and Melody smiled.

"No that's alright" Melody stepped closer to Jax and tickled Abel's tummy. He stirred a little and soon his blue eyes opened focusing on Melody. He smiled a toothless grin up at her.

"He sure does love you" Jax said putting an arm around Melody. "Not sure I've ever seen him cry in your arms"

"What can I say? I'm magic" Melody laughed and looked up at Jax who was looking right back at her. Abel let out a cry ruining their little moment and Jax laughed.

"He sure does know how to ruin a moment" Jax said making Melody laughed. She then scooped Abel up from Jax's arms and began rocking him. Once he was calmed down, Melody placed him back in his crib and wound up his mobile. The pair left the nursery and Melody made sure to close the door as quietly as possible.

"I saw you and Tara today, everything good with you guys?" Melody asked and Jax nodded.

"I guess" Jax said not very convincingly. Melody wanted to pry but decided against it.

"I might be contradicting myself, but just because Tara came back doesn't mean you have to end up together" Melody said giving Jax a kiss on the cheek and heading into the bedroom for the night. Her body hit the door as soon as she closed it. She was playing a dangerous game and she knew it.

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