Chapter 4

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Time. Time is a funny thing. For example you might be late only for 3 minutes while you are going to your work and once you are there you realize that a big piano fell on the ground just the moment you were to go inside. Stupid example but I saw that commercial with George Clooney and his amazing coffee machine. But my point is that time is a funny thing. I stopped looking at time when everything happened.

If my father waited and not wanted to come home they would still be alive. And if Dahee hadn't met the asshole she wouldn't be pregnant and she wouldn't die. Not that I am not happy that I have Ella. I am more than happy. But everything goes around time. And I hate it. Time and the right moment for anything.

Working at the bakery wasn't the best job in the world. At least not something that I was hoping for. But it was a decent job and my co-workers and manager were good people and that was the most important thing. I had the money to support us and I was saving so we could go to a better place. At least they haven't robbed us or anything. That's a plus.

Christmas was coming and people were crazy. They were buying and buying and it made me think those people that didn't have the money to eat or a place to stay. A year ago we were almost like these people. I just thank for my luck. And as every day my business people were coming inside to buy their donats and muffins. Other were smiling and wishing merry Christmas and other like robots they were cold. Christmas is for everyone. It's the most beautiful day of the year. At least for some people.

The uptight brunette were here as every morning. Not once have I seen her smile and it was strange. She was always serious and cold. I believe the snow is warmer than her. And it's such a shame. I am wondering if I was ever like her. They say money change people. I had money all my life but I don't think I was ever like her. Sometimes I want to start a conversation with her. Like 'hello, goodmorning. Nice weather today. Here is your three muffins'. But I don't because she looks at us like we are nothing. And I know because she stopped wearing her sunglasses. Being cloudy outside it would be so strange wearing sunglasses. When I look at her dark eyes I feel that cold again. They say that eyes are the window to someone's soul. And her soul is non existent.

"Hey Jennie. Meeeerrry Christmas. How are you today?"

"I am fine Mark. Merry Christmas to you too. You are cheerful today." Mark was one of our regular clients and one of the best. He was always smiling and he was very polite to all of us. Giving the best tips.

"Are you kidding me? I may have to work 14 hours but it's Christmas. My girlfriend had to shut me up this morning because I was singing the Carol of the bells."

"Well Mark I understand her. No offense. But singing at 7am in the morning it's not the best thing."

"You and my girlfriend have no Christmas spirit."

Mark was making me laugh. He was such a nice guy. The one that a girl is lucky to have next to her. He was a CEO in a big law firm. Next to us was a skyscraper. A building with at least 50 floors. That's why we had so many clients with business suits every morning.

"Here is your coffee and your Christmas donat Mark"

"Jennie you are an angel. How is Ella?"

"She is okay. Tomorrow they have a party at her school."

"But don't you work tomorrow?"

"I asked a day off so I can go and see her."

While talking with Mark I saw the brunette coming in. It was crowed but when she was inside it was the only person I could see. Don't know why.

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