Chapter 41

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Sometimes reality has a way of sneaking up and biting us in the ass. And when the dam bursts, all you can do is swim. The world of pretend is a cage, not a cocoon. We can only lie to ourselves for so long. We are tired, we are scared, denying it doesn't change the truth. Sooner or later we have to put aside our denial and face the world. Head on, guns blazing. De Nile. It's not just a river in Egypt, it's a freakin' ocean. So how do you keep from drowning in it.

This is how I feel. That our life right now is the Nile. It's not just a river but an ocean. An ocean of possibilities, of perhaps and what to do's. I am that close to drawn in it but every time what keeps me from not it's Jennie and our little girl.

They always say that if something doesn't happen to you you can't understand. I read about people being threatened, I had people who were asking for my law advice. And I was always the third person. Now I am the one who is threatened. The bad thing is that it's not only me. It's us. And I don't know what else I can do. Deny it won't change a thing. I just had to find who is behind all this.

When I found Jennie shaking in the living room and for a moment, I was so scared. She was screaming my name and I thought that someone was here. Inside our home.. But when she pointed to the ashtray I knew what she meant and why she was acting like that. They invaded our personal space.

"They were here.. They were inside our home.." Her voice was cracking trying to say each word. I wanted to calm her but I was in the same state as well. And Ella was right next to me.

"I am going to ask John if he saw anyone coming inside. At least we may have a chance to see who it was.."

"The hell we will. Jisoo.. These people are professionals. They don't leave fingerprints. They invaded our space!!" She was walking back and forth. Like a lost person trying to understand where she was and how she came here.. And I felt Ella wrapping my leg. She hasn't seen her mom like that before and sure it was something new.

"Jennje.. please.. stop." Once she realized that I was telling her to stop because of Ella she bended down and hugged her telling her how sorry she was. I hated watching us being like this.. I was afraid that sooner or later we would start losing ourselves.

Jennie tried to tell Ella that everything was fine but I could see her struggling. We weren't okay and we both knew it. But for our little girl we had to pretend.

With two bag packs, having inside only the necessary we got down. John was in his place as always and I demanded to see the tapes. In one of the tapes I saw someone that seemed suspicious. He was wearing a hat and gloves covering himself. At that time John wasn't at the reception. That's when I asked him where he was and how long he was away. Five minutes..

"I didn't see anyone that I didn't know walking out from here. I swear Ms. Kim."

From my experience I knew he was lying.. His lip was trembling and he was looking anywhere but me. I didn't want to believe that he was lying. That John, the person who we trusted, let someone in. Especially after what happened with Suho.

"Jennie.. I found someone walking inside with a big hat covering his face. It might be them."

Detective Kang told us twenty minutes and it was already half an hour and we were still here. I realized that when my phone rang and she was on the phone telling me that we needed to go.

"Can you please come inside? We found something."

When I said that John changed a couple of colors. From white, to red, to yellow.. He was starting sweating and then I knew that something was wrong.. John lied.

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