Chapter 3 - I Second That

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The 10 minuet warning had went out so everyone was getting prepared to go on stage, well everyone apart from Tré who was currently running around like a headless chicken and nobody could stop him to figure out what's wrong with him. 

"Tré!" I grabbed him, which actually made him stop. "What's going on?" 

"I can't fine my lucky drum sticks that I like so go on stage with!" He continued to look around even though he was held in place. 

"Need help?" I asked, he nodded instantly before dashing off in an other direction. 

I headed into the dressing room, this was probably the likely place that they would be, where else would they be. He was messing around with them earlier so they couldn't have gone too far. Billie was still in the dressing room, he was messing around with some chords on the guitar before it had to be plugged in. 

"Do you happen to know where Tré missing lucky sticks are?" I crouched down and checked under the sofa. 

"You mean the ones that have been on his dressing table since this afternoon?" He smirked and pointed over at them. 

"Thanks, he's been running around like an idiot for the past 10 minuets looking for them." I thanked Billie as I headed out, before I was fully out I stopped and turned around. "Break a leg out there." 

"Thanks Ally, enjoy the show." He smiled and before I could smile back, Tré was shaking me. 

"Did you fine them? It's the 2 minuet warning!" He panicked.

"Of course I did, you left them on your table, idiot!" I laughed, handing them to him. He grabbed both of my shoulders and the proceeded to kiss each cheek about 20 times. 

"Fucking life saver, Ally A!" He ruffled my hair before he ran off, yelling about how they were found and nobody had to worry, even though nobody was worried but him. 

The 3 of us could have stayed backstage to watch the show but if I'm going to see Green Day, then I'm going into the crowd to see them. We jumped down and squished our way into a semi decent spot before the lights went down. My heart raced up with excitement, today has just been a world of different emotions. 

The whole set was amazingly jaw dropping, Green Day are definitely a band you have to see live. The 3 of us met the 3 guys back stage and I don't know which group was covered in more sweat. I did know that I was covered in a lot of alcohol and other peoples sweat, so I felt disgusting. We all ended up in a massive group hug so it was pretty gross but amazing at the same time. I just can't believe how lucky I've been to experience all of this, with my best friends. 

I checked my phone and had a text conforming all the details for tomorrow and reality was slowly creeping back. I was meeting my biological parent tomorrow, the man who helped with my conception. This is going to be insane. 

"Okay there, short cake?" Billie asked as I was just read the text over again. 

"Just a big day ahead of me tomorrow." I locked my phone and put it in the back pocket of my jeans. 

It wasn't until the early hours of the morning that we were back at mine with my ear still ringing. That was one show I wouldn't mind repeating again and again. If Green Day ever come back, I'll be there standing front row. 

It was hard to drag ourselves out of bed and get to school, the 3 of us looked like crap but had the most amazing night ever. We all looked really bad when we got to school but it didn't matter, we were only in till lunch then the 2 of them where coming with me to the hotel where I'm meeting my dad. I need the moral support. 

"How was your night? The photos looked amazing!" Becka asked once we sat down at the table.

"Amazing." We grumbled in unison as Rhys just put his head on my shoulder. 

"What's up?" Brooke questioned, she looked worried when I opened one of my eyes. 

"Tired." I muttered, closing my eyes back of and putting my head on top of Rhys' while they started laughing. 

Time dragged by and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep in more than one of my classes, but it's finally time to go. Eleanor had said that a car was pick us up from school so we didn't have to make our own way there, which was a  blessing in disguise because we would have probably passed out on the bus and just would have kept going around and around, all day and night. 

Haley and I caught up with Rhys who was waiting out at the drop off point in our school. There was a long black car waiting, that can't be for us, wouldn't they have just sent a taxi with budget cuts and everything. 

"Alexandra Sampson?" A serious looking man with a black suit and sunglasses emerged from the car, looking us over. 

"Yeah, that's me." I smiled a little as I held tightly on to Rhys' hand. Is my biological dad in the mob or something?

"Follow me then." He lead us over to the impressive car and opened the door for us to pile inside. 

It was easy enough to get into but once inside, we noticed a man passed out on top of a row of seats. He looked a little familiar, he can't be my dad but, I'm meeting him at the hotel. Maybe it's like his body double. 

"Mike?" Rhys mumbled from beside me which caused the figure to jolt up. 

"Mike, what are you doing here?" The driver yelled, as he noticed Mike. 

"I second that, what are you doing here?" I asked. 

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