Chapter 25-Day with Daddy

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Today I woke up about 10am. Last night Casey only woke up at 12 to get fed. I walked over to his cot and he was still fast asleep with squishy.

So I went for a shower, I felt soo good. When I got out I wrapped a towel round me and left the bathroom. Casey was still sleeping. He may look like Rhys but sleeps like an Armstrong.

I texted Rhys ' hey u can come over bout 12ish cause dad and the band left a like 7 and my bros and Casey r still sleeping xx ' I put green day on my stereo and got changed into black short shorts and one of Rhys' band tops. I dried my hair. I need a new colour to dye the tips. Hmmmmm. I decided the tips were going from green to blue like Casey's eyes.

I was just sitting on my bed when Casey started crying. I got up and changed his nappy. I went downstairs and breast fed him. I was weird being only 15 and having a baby.

Once he was down I went to go up stairs when the door when I pulled my phone out my back pocket 12:10. Oops. I answerd the door.

"Hey Alex and Casey"

" Hey Rhys come on in, I need to get lazily bones ready"

" what he's just up" I nodded.

"Yeah he's the worlds best baby he's like 2-3 weeks old and wakes up a midnight and whenever in the morning" I heard his laugh and I went up stairs. Rhys followed.

I put Casey down on my bed." Can you watch him while I pick clothes out for him." He nodded. I went to the drawers and pulled out purple jeans and a kiss top.

" brought to life by music" Rhys muttered." Yeah Tre bought him one in like every size when he was touring America". I started to take his jammies off.

I dressed him and took a picture. I picked him and a baby brush up and lay on my bed." Come sit" I said to Rhys. He lay next to me and I sat Casey up and started brushing his long black hair.

"So who all knows about Casey." Rhys asked.

"Ummm well my parents and brothers, Tre,Mike and Jason, you and Haley"he interrupted

" wait when did Haley find out".

"Well the day he was born we didn't have a cot and stuff cause he was a month early and we went to toys r us to get stuff and she was there but don't be mad she convinced me to tell you".

" I'm not mad I'm just......" He was interrupted but Casey crying.

" Hey can you go over to his cot and get squishy". Rhys raised an eyebrow

"And squishy isssss "

" his jellyfish" he laughed and picked squishy up and gave him to Casey. He stopped crying instantly.

"So are you coming back to school" Rhys asked.

" yeah my dad talked to the school and cause I'm a total brain box I'm in ur year" I said.

"Yess, so what bout Casey what's happening to him" he asked talking Casey's tiny hand.

" Ummm well you know my adopted mum had some sisters well ones a nursery teacher so I'm putting him in that nursery so I know he is in safe hands" I said thinking back.

" Cool so are we gonna tell people" he shyly asked." Yeah I don't see why not I'm not ashamed of Casey. I'm not gonna shout it from the roof tops but if someone asks me I'm not denying it." He just nodded." And I'm going to tell the guys tonight I'm taking Casey to ice skating wanna come" Rhys smiled

" of course".We talked for ages and Rhys had too tuns of pictures and he left at 3. We were meeting a 7 tonight so this will be fun.

Me and Casey went to see what uncle Joey and uncle Jake were up to. I knocked on their door no answer so I went in. Both were still sleeping." Good afternoon boys" I shouted. Casey laughed when Joey hit his head on the bunk above his head.

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