Chapter 26- Shopping

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So this morning I woke up at noon. I was in my bed. I wonder who put me hear, I get up and go to see Casey.

" Hello bab..." He was gone." Shit" I whispered. I ran down stairs no one. I go back upstairs and burst into my brothers room.

Thank god they had Casey. Phew." What the fuck" they both looked up.

" What" Joey said. I smacked the back of his head along with Jakes head and picked Casey up."Hey" the both whined.

" What was that for" Jake said rubbing the back of his head.

" You nearly gave me a heart attack" I said hugging Casey closely.

" Ohh my god Alex I never thought sorry." Jake got up and hugged me.

" It's okay" I awkwardly hugged him back. Casey was in the way.

" Right come on we go back to school next week we need to get school stuff and were going to the green day concert tonight" I said. They got up.

I got changed and I dressed Casey normally in his black jeans, nirvana jumper and black vans. I got ready in black shorts, a white baggy shirt and black and white high tops. I picked up Casey nappy bag that I forgot yesterday and made my way downstairs with Casey.

The boys were on the sofas eating cereal from the box." Please say there's no milk in them bags" I asked putting Casey in his play mat.

" Why yes but I was there when we got down I'm guessing Tre and dad" Joey said. I laughed and shook my head.

" Boys" I got a pop tart and sat down on the sofa too. The boys surprise surprise were watching spongebob. I love that show now I have a kid I have an excuse to watch it. Boo yay.

I fed Casey before we left. We got in Joeys car and went off school shopping. Boring." So what do we need" Jake asked from the back seat.

"Ummm school uniform, stationary, school bag and a new outfit for tonight." I said. Jake laughed" what" I asked.

" You are always buying clothes" I sighed.

We got to the shopping centre and I took in his carseat. He had squishy so he was all good. "I'm going to hollister" Joey said.

We got in the shop and I went to the girls and my brother took Casey with them to the boys. I managed to find a cute dress to wear tonight , a couple of shirts I can wear to school along with 2 cardigans,a hoody and a school skirt.

When I found the boys me and Jake went to the checkout and Joey took Casey outside.Me and Jake went to separate checkouts.

" Hi" the sales lady said.

"Hi" I answered.

" So what you wearing ur dress too" she asked.

" My dads concert tonight" I said.

"Cool have I heard of ur dad." She asked taking Casey's stuff to scan.

" Umm I don't know his name is Billie Joe Armstrong he's in a band Green Day" I said getting my purse out. She never spoke so I looked up, she looked like she might pass out of something.

" Are you okay" I asked.

"sorry it's just green day are like my all time favourite band" I just smiled. Awkward. Once I left I felt safe.

"So what to now" Jake asked.

" Starbucks bitch" I screamed. People looked at me funny so what.

When we got to Starbucks I got a hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. Yummy. On my cup I got the name Billie freaky. We sat done . Casey was looking at me. I took a bit of my whipped cream and gave it to him.

He smile." Aww so we need to get stationary" Jake said.

" Cool to WHSmith" I said.

I had got the muppets animal stuff I now I'm 15 but so who really cares I like it. I got all my folders, pencil case, pens, pencils, rubbers, sharpener,ruler,calculator, notebook and is it bad it all had animal on it.

" It's a good thing we have a shopping cart" Joey said.

"yeah cause you two would have to carry everything cause I have Casey." I smiled.

" thank god" Jake said.

" I'm hungry" I whined.

" Me too" Jake joined in.

"Let's go get food then." Joey said pushing the trolley.

" KFC I want a krushem" I said. We went to KFC and got a small bucket to share. I pick my phone up 4:45" fuck" I shouted.

" what" the boys said.

" We need to go home cause dad said we need to be at the concert at six" I said. We all shot up. I took Casey and Jake took the trolley and we rushed to the car.

We got home at 5:10." Call the shower" I shouted. I ran upstairs and put Casey in his cot and went and showered. When I got out I put my dress on and straighten my hair.

Did i mention I dyed the tips blue. I put 2 bows in my hair and put eyeliner on. One done I picked Casey's outfit out. He wore a black shirt with stuff sewn on, black jean, black converse, a red tie and a leather jacket. I brushed his black hair." Perfect". At 5:50 we left. The venue was 5 minuets at the most away.

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