Chapter 33-STARBUCKS

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Author Note: hey pepz soz I'm skipping but it bores people to go on and on about every day life so I'm skipping to a couple day before Casey's second birthday party. Sorry again but the stuff I wrote was utter crap so I decided to skip it.

Okay so Casey is 2 in a couple of days yeah that's right 2 years of age. I remember his first birthday it was funny cause Casey was weird and spoke his first words when Jake and Joey brought his cake out he looked at them both and innocently said" prick". At that moment my and Rhys burst out laughing it was so funny.

Casey probably did that cause I'm alway calling my brothers pricks cause it's funny. I also finished high school that year with all a's and Rhys managed to get a's and b's.

Jake finished this year and we had a huge party. Life had Settled down a bit but in a week I was leaving to go on a 6 months tour with green day.

But don't worry Casey and Rhys are coming. I'm going cause I wanted to do make up when I'm older and Tre actually begged like down on his hands and knees.

Rhys wanted to be a photographer thing. He wants to specialise in gigs and concerts so green day took us all on. Also Joey went back to California and started a band called Emily's Army Which are doing well.

This week I had Joey, Travis, Max, Cole and Jake in one room. Mum and dad in the other and me and Casey had to share my room. I was happy thou.

"Mummy" I heard Casey scream as he ran into my room.

"Hey baby boy" he jumped up onto my bed.

" I love you mummy" Casey said hugging my.

" I love you to jellyfish" I said tickling him.

He started to laugh." Mummy I'm bored" he whined. I dressed him and myself then said.

"Case I have the best idea but we need to be quiet can you be quite" I whispered. Casey nodded putting his finger over his mouth." Shhh follow me" I took Casey and sat him on my shoulders and we sneaked off the the bathroom and filled a bucket with cold water and filled water balloons and water guns. We sneaked off to the boys room.

When we got the we slowly opened the door and Travis turned around." With us or against" I whispered.

" With" he answered and took a gun.

"3,2,1 ATTACK" I screamed. We attacked everyone with water. Then I picked Casey up and ran. Travis followed.

"Your soo dead" I heard Jake scream from the other room. We ran downstairs and out the door.

"We're we going" Travis asked.

"It's Thursday Casey has nursery" Travis nodded. Once we got the house out of sight we walked to the nursery.

" You know we're dead when we get back"Travis said.

" I have a plan" I said putting Casey on my back giving him a piggy back.

"Explain" Travis said.

" Well Rhys is coming over to go shopping for jellyfishes birthday so I say we hid Rhys then when we open the door through him in first" I said.

"How can you do that to ur boyfriend" he asked.

"Cause I'm mean" we all burst out laughing.

We got to the nursery by 12 cause Casey only does half days. When we opened the door Casey jumped off my back hugged me and Travis."bye uncle trawis bye mummy Wuv you gwuys" he said.

"love you to" me and Travis said. Then left Casey, he loved nursery.

" So Alex why does Casey still go to nursery if you and Rhys don't go to school" he asked.

" Well if Rhys had his way he wouldn't go but I don't want Casey to be around just older people so I keep him going to nursery" Travis nodded.

We talked about guitars till we got to Rhys'. I knocked the door"hey Rhys" I said when he opened the door.

" Hey what's up Alex hey Travis" I hugged him and set off home. I linked arm with both Rhys and Travis.

"Let's go" I said.

When we got home I pushed Rhys in first and he got attacked by Joey, Jake, Cole and Max. Me and Travis burst out laughing when Rhys came back out coverd in red paint.

" What the fuck" Rhys screamed.

"Sorry Rhys we thought you were them two" Cole said.

" Alex Travis I want a HUG!!" Rhys screamed.

"No no no no" my and Travis screamed but to late Rhys has got us covered in paint. Then we all went after each other and got into a big paint fight.

Once mum stopped us me and Rhys went and got changed. Then left for town to go shopping. For my 17th my parents got me a car." Let's go" I said.

" Yay" Rhys said.

We got to town by 1:30 and went straight to the Disney store. I ran in the shop and got strange looks. I went straight to the finding nightmare before christmas part and picked up tuns of stuff and bought it.

Then went round tuns of kids shops and bought Casey a lot of stuff. We bought stuff like more converse, doc martins and vans. Then some 3/4 length shorts and band t-shirts. More toys for his bedroom.

Then we went and got food." Where to" Rhys asked.

"Starbucks" I screamed in his ear.

He laughed" okay". And off we went to Starbucks. I got a booth while Rhys ordered.

He came back a couple minuets later with 1 coffee and frapchino and 2 chocolate chip muffins. I took the coffee straight away and took a sip then ate my muffin.

" So what we doing for Casey's birthday" Rhys said.

" Well we're having a house party and inviting his friends from nursery." I said.

" Okay Alex we need to get Casey now come on" Rhys said.

"Wait I want more coffee" I said.

" Fine Ill get you coffee you go get the car and Ill meet you out front." Rhys said.

" Thank you" I kissed his cheek and went to the car. I put my bags in the boot and drove round to Starbucks. Rhys brought some more bags to the boot and came in next to me.

"Here you go" and he handed me coffee. And we went and picked Casey up.

"Mummy Daddy" Casey screamed at us. He ran to Rhys and jumped on to him.

" Hey little guy" Rhys said. I thanked the nursery teacher and we left.

" So Casey how was nursery" I asked.

" FUN" he giggled.

"That's good what did you do" Rhys asked when we got to the car. I strapped him in and got in.

"We read books and me and Kyle played hid n seek" he said then looked out his window.

" So who is Kyle" Rhys whispered.

" His friend, Kyle's mum is in a really similar situation she's a teen mum and the father didn't want anything to do with her or Kyle" Rhys looked sad.

We got to my house and left the bags in the car. Rhys got Casey and I took my coffee and went inside.

"You went to Starbucks with out me" dad shouted.

"Yeah me and Rhys went" I said sitting next to him.

"Damn you I'm gonna go I want coffee" dad said.

" Just make coffee"

" never I want Starbucks" he said. I shook my head.

"Grampa" Casey said.

"Jellyfish" dad said. I loved the relationship Casey and my dad had it was soo good.

"Alex we're taking Casey to Starbucks" dad said.

" I'm coming" I screamed falling off the sofa.

" Alex I need to go home see you later" Rhys said.

" Sure bye" I kissed him. Then got in the car.

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