Chapter 13- back too school

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'Beep Beep Beep Beep ' my alarm clock. Urrgghh I was going back to school.

I got up and looked about Mike was passed out on top of Tre. I giggled and took a picture.

I left the room and went to my brother to wake them up for school. I got to there door. I opened it and the boys were asleep.

" boys wake up" I said the both groaned go away.

" If you don't get up now I'll chuck a bucket if water over you's to get you up."

Jake shot up first " don't worry in up " he said.

" what time is it" he asked " 7 oclock come on we got tone at school for 8 cause we are starting back". I said.

" wake up Joey and I'll wake everyone else up ....... Ohh and put the bloke out earphones on" I said.

He nodded and went to wake Joey up. I went to the kitchen and got the air horn I bought. I took Tres drumming earphones and went up stairs.

By 7:35 everyone was up, showered and dressed. Mike, Tre and dad had hangovers.

By 7:45 we left for school it was 5 minuets always so we didn't take the car.

I made dad and Mike put sunglasses on but Tre refused cause he likes the attention. When we arrive at school we went to the head teachers office.

After 5 minuets me and Jake were dismissed and mike and Tre kept us company in the hall.

We sat down at a table nobody was at school yet. " hey lets see ur timetable" Jake asked. I passed him it.

Me and Tre were playing tig in the hall when the first train full of people arrived which me some of my friends would be here.

Me and Tre sat back down at the table and Tre brought his drums sticks out and started playing a tune on sleeping Mikes head.

" hey Alex" I looked up and Haley was there.

" hey Haley you've met Tre and well Mikes asleep." I said pointing at Mike.

" Tre I just had an idea I have 2 Sharpies in my pocket" I said. Tre looked up and smile he knew were I was going.

I handed him a pen and we drew. When we finished he had a beard, moustache and bad words wrote on his face.

More people arrived along with Danny,Drew and Will. "Hey guys ummm this is my brother Jake and Tre " I said.

" who's the guy with pen on his face" Drew asked.

" That's Mike" I heard laughing and it was dad and Joey.

"Jake you let them draw on his face with pen" dad said laughing and Tre said.

" it's permanent" we all laughed the dad sat down and took his glasses off. There was gasps then. Danny hit out with "Your all in Green Day". Omg

We woke Mike up and him dad and Tre left. Thank god mum didn't come cause she is the give away.

Me! my brothers , Drew, Danny , Will and Haley were talking for a bit the everyone else came in.

"I just heard someone say Green Day were in the school." Elle said. " wait who are u two " she said pointing to my brothers.

Once I told everyone what happened which took forever cause people kept interrupting the first bell went.

Dad had managed to get me and Jake in all the same classes. So yay. Once we were in Form the teacher made Jake stand in front of the class and say some stuff about his self.

" Hi I'm Jakob Danger Armstrong, I'm from California. Alex over there" he said pointing to me " yeah she is my twin sister our parents live in America and ohh yeah our big brother Joey started today to soo umm yeah that's me " he looked at the teacher.

" any questions for mr armstrong" he said. A lot of hand flew up

" ummm is it true your dads in Green Day" some girl asked. Jake nodded.

" is it true that's the whole Green Day group was in the hall today " some guys asked.

Joey answered " umm no my dad, Tre and Mike were but Jason wasn't there." He said.

" okay that enough, mr armstrong please take a seat." Jake walk away from the front and sat next to me, Haley and Louise. We talked for a bit then the bell went for class.

At lunch we met up with Joey and he told us he had became friends with all Jordan's friends so he was gonna sit with them a lunch.

Me and Jake didn't mind. We sat down at our table jake sat next to Elle and Brooke. I sat next to Rhys and Haley.

" so how was ur summer" I asked them. They told me what they did Haley went on holiday for 2 weeks and Rhys was alone so he went to work with his mum and met loads of celebrities .

" So how was ur summer" Rhys asked.

" Well the most eventful thing a did was on Saturday" I said laughing inside a my flashback.

" How what did you do" Haley asked. I picked up one if my chips and threw it at Jake.

He looked up" can I get ur phone Jake" he nodded and handed me his phone. I found the video and the burst out laughing.

The bell went at 1 signalling lunch was over. So back to class.

At 4 o'clock we met Joey and walked home. Joey told us he had got 9 girls numbers.

Yes that's right 9. " Tre will be proud bro" I said. He laughed. The walk home lasted a couple minuets and in that time me and Jake made Joey trip and fall.

We got home at 5 past and there was cases at the door. " hey kids how was school" dad asked.

" is it legal for teachers to give you homework on the first day" Jake asked. Dad laughed. " and they all said it needed to be signed by a parent." I said. Dad laughted and I went up stairs.

I got to Mike and Tre's room and walked in Tre was packing. Mike was on the phone. " hey guys need help" I asked. Tre nodded.

I started to pack when Tre whispered " Mike hasn't see his face yet" I burst out laughing.

Tre continued " we thought cause ur so brave that you could tell him". I nodded. Once we finished packing Mike had hung up the phone so I turned to him.

"Mike you have a little something on ur face " I said. Mike looked at me then went to the bathroom.

"Fuck" he shouted. Me and Tre hid under the bed. Mike burst in the room.

" Tre ,Alex were the fuck are you's" me and Tre started giggling.

" Tre get out from under the too Alex" Tre crawled out first and then me.

Mike looked pissed " did you's two draw on my face with pen" Mike said.

Me and Tre laughed louder. " what are you laughing at" Mike said.

" We actually wrote in permanent markers " Tre said. Mikes face went red with anger.

" RRUUUNNNN" me and Tre shouted. We ran downstairs I hid behind my dad and Tre hid behind Joey.

Mike burst threw the door. " where are they" Mike said looking around. He spotted Tre and ran to him.

He tackled Tre and pinned him down."Alex I'll forgive you if you give me ur maker." I nodded an gave him it. After a couple of minuets he turned Tre into a cat with ' dick' wrote across his forehead. The last night together will be entertaining.

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