Chapter 14 - Goodbye

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It was 7pm and my parents, Mike and Tre were leaving for the airport.

" Billie Joe have you got the passports" my mum shouted from downstairs.

" Yes Adie" he shouted back. Me, my brothers and Tre were playing Xbox in there room.

You would think we want to spend time with our parents but no cause either we were going to America of they were coming here. And there coming back in a couple weeks for me and Jakes birthday.

" kids and Tre come downstairs we're leaving." Mum shouted. We all huffed and got up. On the way down the stairs I jumped on Tre's back and he gave me a piggy bag to the living room.

"Right you guys sure you'll be okay" mum said hugging me tightly. I nodded.

Mum moved on to my brothers and dad, Tre and Mike came to me. " see you later kiddo" Mike said ruffling my hair.

" are you sure you'll be fine" dad said looking me dead in the eye. " dad I'll be fine".

Once everyone left we played Xbox box for an hour of so till we got bored.

We decided to call some friends round. At 8 o'clock Rhys, Haley, Lousie, Jordan ,Elle, Drew, Danny, Will were all round and we played just dance 4 and had ordered Chinese food.

At 11 everyone went home cause we had school. I went upstairs and had a shower.

The next morning I woke the boys up, got dressed and went and had breakfast.

By half eight we were dressed and left for school. On the way to school we had decide we were going to the hairdressers after school.

I was dying my hair blue and I was getting lighter as I went down. Joey was going blonde and Jake was going black.

School was boring today. I had a free period last thing so me and Haley had a catch up.

" okay so I need to tell you something important " Haley said.

" yeah sure you know you can tell me anything Haley" I answered.

" yeah well the thing is I'm moving" she said looking at the ground.

" what? Why? Where?" I said shocked.

" well my dad got promoted and its to California" she said. I nodded at least I'll see her when I go to visit family.

" so when do you leave" I asked.

" well that's the thing........I'm leaving tonight" she said.

" what why didn't u tell us? Does Rhys no?" I said.

" I didn't tell you cause I didn't want you to treat me different and yes Rhys knows but don't be mad at him cause I made him swear not to tell you" she said.

I hugged her and whispered in her ear" I'm gonna miss you". We stayed hugging till the final bell rang.

We stood up" well I guess this is goodbye" she said.

" Umm I guess" we hugged for a bit then she left.

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