Chapter 4 - Realness

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We arrived at one of the fancier hotel in the city centre and the car stopped outside, allowing the doorman to open our door. I've never been to a place that had doormen who opened your car doors. Very fancy. 

My real father is inside this building, I'm about to meet my real father. He apparently know Mike as well, which is pretty weird but I guess small world and all that jazz. Mike lead us all inside and he knew exactly where he was going. I just held onto my friends who were at either side of me. I'm lucky to have supportive friends. 

"I think Ally should go inside to meet her dad herself, just for a little bit of privacy." Mike spoke as my friends both turned to me. 

"Alex?" Rhys asked. I feel bad making them come all the way out here for me but I should do this on my own, I need to meet him by myself. 

"It's okay, I'll be out soon." I squeezed both of their hands before looking up at Mike who gave me a small smile. 

The 3 of them left me to go in on my own time, probably not a wise idea as I stood outside the room for a good few minuets before building up the courage to open it with the key I was given. I knocked softly as I pushed the door open. 

The room was pretty chilly and I soon noticed that was due to the balcony doors being open wide and a hooded figure leaning against the fence on the balcony. He wasn't that tall or built, just kind of average. I'm tiny as well, maybe I got my shortness off of him. 

"Hello." I spoke up since he hadn't heard my knocking. 

He turned quickly but the way his hood's angled, I still couldn't see my fathers face. "Ally, I thought it was you." He muttered, with a recognisable American accent. 

"Um." I stuttered as he moved his hood down. "Fuck off, this is a prank, am I on punk'd?" I stumbled back as Billie Joe Armstrong standing in front of me. 

This has to be a joke, I grabbed the handle and legged it out of the room quicker that lighten speed. I couldn't wait on the lift, I went straight to the stairs, this is all just too weird and probably just a sick prank. I was heading to the door but ran straight into someone. 

"Alex?" I looked up and it was my Uncle Alan, if he even is my Uncle Alan anymore. I shook my head and pushed passed him. 

"Alexandra!" Someone shouted, the only person I needed, my big cousin Ashley. I stopped in my tracks and it wasn't long before I was wrapped in her arms and I began to sob. "Baby, tell me, tell Ashley!" 

I sniffled and held onto her tightly as she lead me back inside the building. I looked up and saw both Mike and Tré at the bottom of the stairs that I just ran down a few minuets prior. 

"Alexandra!" I heard Mike yell as I held on tighter to Ashley. 

"Take me somewhere and I'll tell you!"

Ashley took me into an empty changing room and locked the door from the inside so we wouldn't be disturbed. I'm glad it was Ashely at the bottom of the stair, her or Rhys, either would have been fine. But right now, my big cousin is good enough. 

"Alexandra, tell me what's going on right now! Who are those people looking for you?" Ashley stood up and looked down at me with her arms crossed over her chest. 

Telling Ashely everything was hard and a lot of tears were produced when she found out I wasn't actually related to her. Everything I told her, she kept me under her arm and listened contently, it was just what I needed. I just needed to get everything out of my system and not bottle it up anymore. 

"So,that's everything." I ended, looked up at her. 

"Holy crap, kid." 

Ashely gave me a little bit of advice about what I should do next, her main thought was go back and talk to Billie, actually talk all of this over and figure everything out. Like I have questions that need answered and if I want those answers then I have to go back.

I left the changing room after letting out a deep breath, I can do this, I have to be a grown up about this situation. When I rounded the corner, Mike and Tré were both standing waiting for me with small, sympathetic smiles. 

"Where have you been, Ally A?" Tré asked hugging me tightly. 

"I was just gonna leave, but my cousins talked sense into me, I need to talk to Billie." I stated as both guys smiled brightly at each other. 

I left my big cousin, promising that I'd call her later to tell her everything. She was going to go ask her dad about whatever he knew. I think this is just going to change my life, well I don't actually think, I know this is changing my life. 

Rhys was in the hotel room with Billie who was hunched over with his face in his hands while Rhys just kinda sat next to him. I creaked the door a little which caught Rhys' attention, he looked up at me with a bit of relief. 

"I'm going to go find Haley and just head home, text me?" Rhys slapped Billie's back before pulling me into a hug. 

"Yeah I'll probably show up or phone you." I mumbled in his ear as he just nodded. "I need answers, I need to know everything from the beginning!" I demanded as Billie looked up at me with his red eyes. 

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