Chapter 21- Jellyfish

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On 2nd of January was my doctors appointment and it was like a family day out. Once in the hospital we found the pregnancy part and sat in the waiting are.

" so are you finding out if jellyfish is a boy or girl" mum said.

" She doesn't need to she's a girl" Joey said. The name jellyfish had stuck now.

" Joey my dear boy you are mistaken its a boy" Jake said in a posh voice.

"yeah mum I am" I said.

" Ohh good that ways we can sort jellyfishes room out" she said.

" Alexandra Armstrong" a nurse shouted. I stood up with my mum. I only wanted her in with me.

" hi Alexandra I'm Zelda" she said.

" nice name" I said.

" thanks" she led us to my doctors room.

" hi Amy" I said when I entered.

" hello Alex" she said. She talked to me for a bit asking questions and then told me to lie down on the table chair thingy.

" So do u want to find out the sex" she asked.

" Yeah please mainly to shut my brothers up" she laughed.

" Well the baby"

" call it jelly fish everyone does" I interrupted.

She nodded " okay jelly fish is a little baby boy." Omg I'm having a boy. Yessss I secretly wanted a boy.

" and he is showing it proudly" she said. Me and mum giggled.

"He is just like Billie Joe then" my mum said.

We all started to laugh. " okay well I get the pictures printed the you can go" Amy said. I nodded more pics to go in my album. I had 2 pics so far cause each week Joey would take a picture of my bump and we would get is developed and put in the album.

" hear you go" the nurse said handing me a bundle of pictures. At least 12.

" thank you" I stood up. " bye" she said.

" Alex please tell me what jellyfish is" Joey whined. " nope not till Tre and Mike are hear" I answered stubbornly.

20 minuets later there was a knock Joey and Jake jumped up and ran to the door. They pushed Mike and Tre into the kitchen.

" Right there hear tell us." Jake said.

"Hi Mike." I said" hi Tre" I said.

" cut the crap and tell us" Tre said.

" okay the doctor told me jellyfish was showing his you no off proudly" I said. Mike and Tre burst out laughing.

"He'll be just like Billie" Tre said. " Joseph my dear dear brother you owe me 50 bucks" Jake said. We all laughed.

Today Joey and Jake were going back to Scotland cause they had school. They where to tell no one I was pregnant. We had devised a story that I was touring with my dad cause I could be back in time for 5th year and if they talked about a baby mum was pregnant.

" bye Joey I'm gonna miss you and so will jellyfish" I said squeezing the life out of him.

"bye Jake I'm gonna miss you the most but don't tell Joey" squeezing him to. They were boarding there plane and I shouted

" if u two wreck to my house I'm gonna kill ya and soo will jellyfish". They just laughed. Mum and dad didn't come with me cause they said we needed alone. But we have had loads of alone time because Joey and Jake always slept in my room.

We I got home I just lay in my bed. I decided to FaceTime Rhys. I missed him. I turned my computer on and found Rhys' name then phoned.

" hey ally bear" Rhys said.

"hey Rhys what's up" I asked.

" nothing much but I found out that the school will be closed for another 2 weeks" shit what do I say to him.

"Rhys I'm not coming back until July" I said.

" Is it cause of what we did"

" no Rhys it cause my mums pregnant and she asked me to stay for the pregnancy and I said yes. So I got I to go I'll call you later bye"

" okay well tell ur mum congrats and well bye" I hung up.

When I got downstairs and told my mum everything.

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