Chapter 36 - flying

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So we met everyone at the airport and I parked my car at the drop off station so someone can drive it back to mine. Casey was in Tres arms listening to him.

It was cute.

We boarded the jet jumping up and down. You can tell Mike let Tre have coffee this morning. I took Rhys' hand" ready" I asked.

He smiled and nodded" yeah come on" and we ran to the jet. When we got on board me and Rhys sat down.

"So when does the tour start" he asked.

" Umm dad said it starts on the 29th of July so that's 2 days away" I said.

" Yeah I can't wait" he said. I wrapped my arms around him

"me neither" and I kissed him. Seconds later a hear to people making gross noises so I stopped kissing Rhys and saw Tre and Casey were making faces.

" Come here baby" I said opening my arms to Casey. He leaped off Tre and onto me and cuddled in.

At 11 o'clock we set off a bit late but it was the airports fault so we didn't care. As usual I gave out lollie pops and gave Casey one too. I took my iPad out of my backpack and put my music on for Casey and gave him head phones.

I put him in the seat next to me and he sat watching the screen and smiling.

" Alex" I looked up.

" Yeah" I asked.

"We're going to start filming the flight for the fans" mike said.

" Why" I asked.

" Cause we want to so act normal" Rhys said.

"Fine" I said. Rhys got his video camera out and started talking.

" Okay so this is green day start of tour right now we are flying to American to begin the tour, on the plane we have BIllie Joe" he pointed the camera at dad" Tre Cool" pointed at Tre" Mike Dirnt" pointed it and mike." Casey and Alex, Billie Joes daughter and grandson" he said.

Casey never looked up so I laughed" and me Rhys aka Alex's boyfriend and Casey's dad" he had turned the camera round to him self while smiling.

" Hey let's do and interview thing" I said.

"Yeah" they all said. I jumped up and went to the other side of the plane and sat next to Rhys. Dad and Mike were sitting next to each other so Tre sat on top of the both of them." Okay first question" Tre said.

" Okay so what are your thoughts on hmmm Casey" I said. Tres eye lit up and he jumped on Mike to go get Casey. He came back with Casey still zoned in on the music videos.

" Okay this is Jellyfish and he is my best friend he is the most awesomeist 2 year old ever." He took a breath" he hates cartoons except spider man and loves music right now he is watching my chemical romance the kids of yesterday now come on he loves this stuff and he is two fucking two years of age" he stopped.

Dad spoke" I'm guessing you guys want to no his first words well it was prick and it was to Jake and Joey his uncles he said it cause Alex over there" Rhys turned the camera to me and I smiled" is always insulting her brother and playing tricks on them" dad said laughing.

" Yeah and the kid loves dressing in punk clothes like look at what he is wearing an Emilys army shirt, black skinny jeans and green day converse now come on" mike said.

" If you look Casey is still obliviousness to this interview" I said.

"Oh and his nickname is jellyfish and he has had it since he was in Alex's belly" Tre said. I laughed.

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