Chapter 35- Leaving again :( or :)

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I woke up and the sun was coming threw my blinds and blinding me. I stood up to sut them. I moaned I had a hangover :/

I shut my blinds and snuggled back in to Rhys. Seconds later I felt Casey climb on my bed.

Come on act normal" hey baby" I said.

"Mummy can I sleep here stool tired" he said.

" Yeah baby come here" he snuggled up next to me and we fell asleep.

When I woke again I smelt coffee. Yumm. I looked about Casey was looking at my new Rolling Stones magazine." Hey Casey what you doing" I asked.

" Looking at grampa, pops, Mike and Jason" I frowned.

" What" I asked

" Mummy there in the paper book" he pointed at the magazine. I frowned again.

" Can I see" he nodded and gave me the magazine.

" Casey it about the tour remember we're leaving tomorrow to go to California" I said.

He smiled." Yeah" he said.

" Come on let's get coffee" I said. I picked him up he still had the magazine and I went down stairs.

I got into the kitchen and Tre and Mike have a tray of coffees from Starbucks?" Hey guys" I said stealing a coffee.

" Hey" they groaned obv still hung over.

" POPS" Casey screamed. Tre opend his arms.

" Jellyfish" Tre said trying to sound normal.

" I have got you a present"he said.

"Why" Casey said.

" Cause I'm sooo nice" Tre said me and Mike both laughed.

" Why" Casey said. This went on for about 20 mins. Tre said something to Casey. Casey replayed with why. I was funny. Tre eventually gave up and gave Casey the juice cartoon he bought out of Starbucks.

Once we finished our drinks I spoke up." Casey come on we still need to pack we're leaving tomorrow" I said jumping off the counter in the kitchen.

" Yay" Casey said. He was looking forward to touring with Green day. When we got upstairs Casey woke Rhys up and we started to pack.

3 hours later we had finished packing so we went to McDonald's for food. When we got there Rhys and Casey sat down and I ordered.

" Hi what can I get you" the girl asked.

" hi can I get 2 Big Mac meals with cokes and a chicken nugget happy meal with milk please" I asked. She nodded and I handed her the money. She handed my tray and I went to get Casey and Rhys.

" Fooooooood" Casey screamed the whole place turned and looked at us I burst out laughing and Rhys went red.

"Here you go Casey" I gave him his box and milk. I put a straw in the milk and took his food out. Me and Casey ate our food.

" Mummy when we going on green tour with pops" Casey asked with food in his mouth.

" We leave tomorrow why case" I asked taking a drink.

"Pops said he teach me drums and watch muppets" he said.

I smiled." Okay that's why we were packing today" Rhys said.

" Oh I forgot" Casey said. Once we were finished we had to go shopping for some stuff.

We got to Tesco and we put Casey in the trolley." Okay so what first" Rhys said.

"Toiletries" I said so we went to that department.

" Spider-Man" Casey screamed. I looked around and saw Spider-Man toiletries like shampoo, tooth brush, toothpaste, sponge ect so I pick up loads of each so it would last awhile.

Then I went to the adult bit. Got normal girls stuff and so did Rhys a the men part. Once we got to make up I picked up all the black eyeliners and put them in the trolley. There was about 20 of them. Rhys razed an eyebrow" what dad always steals mine" I said. Rhys laughed." Let's go buy then we can go to Costco" I said. We payed for every thing then went to my car. I put Casey in and Rhys put the bags in. Then sat next to me.

We got home at 5:30 and I took some bags in and so did Rhys. Casey sat on the sofa and put a Kerrang on. What a smart child I have most 2 year olds love cartoon mine kid loved music.

Joey and Cole help with the bags the stole 2 cans of irn bru then sat next to Casey. The bags were in my room so I filled the hold all suit case with the stuff then went back down stairs to find the boys playing guitar hero.

"Hey" they said when I walked in. I sat down and Casey came and sat on my lap. He watch the screen and I played with his long black hair.

" Alex want a go" max asked.

"Hell yeah" I took his guitar and beat Travis in a duel. At 8 o'clock I made pasta for everyone. Rhys left a 9 to say goodbye to his family and me and Casey went to bed.

My alarm went off at 6am cause the flight was at 10am it was a jet so we could be late but then we would get in trouble. I put all the cases in my car and went to wake Casey up." Casey tour day" I said. Casey smiled then opened his beautiful blue eyes.

"Morning mummy" he said.

" Morning baby what do you want to wear" I asked.

"Uncle joeys stuff" he said. I knew what he meant. So I took his Emily's army t-shirt and a pair of black shorts and got him dressed.

" Okay Casey go say goodbye to your uncles and ill get ready" I said. He nodded and ran bare foot the the boys room. I put a baggy white shirt on, skinny jeans, black tie and black docs on my bed then followed Casey.

I got to the door and stood there Casey was sat in Max's knee listing to the boys talk to him.

"Good morning Alex" jake said.

"Morning" I said and walked over and sat on the top bunk with my twin. We sat with our legs dangling over the bunk and jake had his arm over me. We talked of ages then we had to say goodbye when Rhys came at 9am.

I hugged everyone and left Jake for last." Bye sis" he said squeezing me tightly.

" Bye Jakob I'm gonna miss you and Casey will miss you too" I said. I saw Jakes eyes fill with tears.

I smiled" Pussey" I whispered.

"Hey" he whined. I laughed and hugged him.

"See you soon" I got in the car." Ready" I asked them all. Casey and Rhys nodded. We waved good bye then we were off.

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