Chapter 22 - Nameless

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6 uneventful months later

Okay so my pregnancy was going good jellyfish was 8 months old and today mum brothers came back for the summer.

They never visited in the 7 months cause they had exams. I had them too but they were online but I A+ them all.

I wasn't going to the airport to pick Joey and Jake up cause my belly was soo big I could barely get up. It was good the boys were here cause we are starting jellyfishes room. Me and mum need their help.

Dad, Mike and Tre are off doing there UNO, DOS,TRE tour but were coming back for a 2 month break before they tour the UK.

" Alex, jellyfish" Joey shouted. I smiled I missed him sooo much.

I managed to get to my feet and ran to the door. Joey was there. I grabbed him into a bear hug.

" hey did you miss me" Joey asked. I nodded because of these stupid hormons I started crying.

Joey started to laugh. " woah ally ur sooo big" Jake my twin who I missed too but so much more. He had a cast on his right leg.

" what happened jakey" I asked hugging him when he got to the door.

" I well emm when the plane landed I was soo excited I started running about and emmm never see the stair case and fell down a flight of stairs." I burst off laughing along with Joey.

" you missed it Alex it was sooo funny." Jake rubbed my belly

" it fells so hard."

" that's what she said" me and Joey burst out.

" ohh ha ha " the baby started kicking at the laughing.

My little jellyfish love when people laughed." Did jellyfish just" I nodded.

"Omg let's feel" Joey said dropping his case down.

" Its so weired" Joey said.

" I know but he somehow on kicks when someone laughs" I said rubbing my hand over my big belly.

" he's gonna be a joker." Jake said.

" and he kicks when I play the guitar or green day. But he only kicks for green day" I said.

"he has good taste in music then" omg that was Mike. I turned and my dad,Mike and Tre were standing there.

"hey jellyfish miss me" Tre said.

" good to feel loved" I said.

" awww Alex I love you more than jellyfish." Tre said walking up to me and hugging me. Mike did the same and so did dad.

After a bit I was tired so I went to bed and put green day on. I usually put jellyfish to sleep. Once I was in P.J' s I lay down and Joey came in with Jake. They lay down on the bed and we all fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night and the bed was wet and so was I. Shit had I peed. Nope the water was clear.

I turned the lamp on. " Alex what's......why am I wet" Jake said.

"Jake I think my waters broke." I said.

Jake jumped out the bed like it burned him.

" I'll get mum and dad JOEY GET UP ALEX'S WATERS BROKE" Jake screamed and ran out my room.

" huh what Alex"

" Joey I need you to do something can you pack me a bag of stuff like clothes and stuff and pass me fresh jammies. "

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