Chapter 5 -Unbelievable

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Well, my situation has completely changed over the past couple of days. After finding out about my biological parents and meeting Billie, I decided I wanted to see what my biological family is like. This did not go down will with my parents. Not one bit. 

I came home and explained that they were still my parents but I just wanted to see what my other family was like. They both went nuts and kicked me out, saying that if I wanted to look for other parents then I wasn't to do it while living under their roof. Which actually broke my heart, my parents who chose me, are now kicking me to the kerb. 

I made the decision that I was going to move to the states with Billie, but if I didn't like it, I would be moving back and Ashely offered me her spare room. I haven't decided when I want to head back, I still have to tell my school friends and say goodbye to everyone, which will be so hard. 

"What the hell?" I grumbled, as I stirred on the uncomfortable surface. I opened my eyes to a different surrounding than the hotel room. I was on a plane, like one in the air, going who knows where. "What the fuck, Billie, where are we going?" I yelled, throwing my pillow at his sleeping figure in front of me.

"California." He mutter, using my pillow to get more comfortable. 


"Aids called, I'm needed back home and I couldn't leave you, so here you are." He shrugged like it was nothing, which made me mad.

"Who the hell do you think you are? You can't just make that choice for me, I haven't said goodbye to my friends, I never quit my job, my clubs or even said a proper goodbye to my family!" I screamed, jumping up. 

"I never even though Ally-" He started, I just shook my head and locked myself in the bathroom for the rest of the flight, I can't even look at him right now. 

There was only a couple hours left of the flight but I spent it in the small bathroom due to how stubborn I am. I had to return to my seat for the landing but I picked the one furthest from Billie, Mike and Tré. I'm not talking to any of them, they should have stopped and thought about what they were doing. 

I got in the car just completely ignoring the bags, I don't want to be here just yet so I'm not doing any work towards it. I just sat in the back seat but I had company a couple minuets later. Tré poked me and pulled out one of my earphones. 

"Ally A, I never knew, Billie told me you consented, don't be mad!" He pouted and I smiled at him, I could never be made at him, he's like a 5 year old. 

Tré and I played games on my phone the whole journey to wherever we were going. I'm guess we're heading to what I should call home, that's probably our destination. Everything already seemed so different over here; the houses, the people, the cars, the streets. How am I going to get to know a whole other city at the other side of the world. 

The car stopped in the drive of an amazing looking house. I peaked over the seat in front to see a lady and 2 boys standing on the steps. That's Adrienne, my biological mother, Joseph and Jakob who are my big brothers. It's insane that I actually have siblings, I've never had siblings before. Well, not one's that I knew about. 

"I know you're pissed at me but just listen, they don't know that I found you so I'm going out with the guys, like I normally would. I'm going to tell Adie I brought her a surprise back, that's going to be you." He said as he turned to look at me. 

What a dick? They might not even want me here, they probably don't have a room for me and it will just stress everyone out have a stranger living with them. I'm getting stressed about the whole thing. I'll soon find a grey hair. I nodded because what else could I do. 

The 3 guys got out the car and Billie headed straight over to Adie with a massive smile on his face, which brightened her up. After a quick hug and peak on the lips, they stopped and his face turned serious as he pointed over to the car. A massive smile appeared on Adrienne's face and then she ran straight over to the car. 

Shit. This is actually happening. I meeting my birth mum, like properly, all grown up. She came closer, I watched her but she couldn't see me due to the blacked out windows. I looked over her features and recognised some of them, I looked so much like her, it's actually insane. I don't even know her but just looking at her, I love her so much. 

"Alexandra." She gasped. She stumbled back like the wind was knocked out of her, before pulling me into a hug, with tear leaking out of her eyes. 

Adrienne, well my mum, held onto me so tightly that I could barley breathe. The boys soon made their way over and Billie did the introducing with Adie just held me close. It was another good few minuets until she let me go and the boys pulled me into individual hugs. 

Jakob put his arm around me as I was lead inside, this is so weird, this is the family I should have grown up in. But instead I had a completely different life, in a completely different country to my brothers. 

"Billie Joe, I haven't even had a chance to fix Ally's room up!" Adrienne scowled as she hit Billie. 

"Sorry, I wanted to surprise you and then I ended up coming home all rushed, because of you so don't be mad at me. Alex already is because she never got to say goodbye to anyone." Billie rolled his eyes as he looked over to me. 

"Boy's, take Alex up to her old bedroom, I need to talk to your father!" 

Wait! Old bedroom, what?

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