Chapter 32- Miss

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"Umm Alex Rhys is emm" he paused.

" Joey tell me"I said.

" Rhys is ........................ In his house" him and Jake burst out laughing.

" guys I hate you" I said to Joey. I threw a pillow at him. They were still laughing. I stood up with Casey I went up stairs. As I was shutting my doors I hear those pricks still laughing down stairs.

I put Casey down on my bed and got my phone. 185 text, 103 miss calls, 98 Facebook notifications and 389 tweets. Woah. First I phoned Rhys.

He answered in the first ring" Alex ur awake" he screamed down the phone.

" Yeah Rhys if ur not busy get ur ass to mine" I said he laughed.

"Of course see you in a few" he hung up.

I looked at my Facebook it was all people saying stuff like ' we're praying for you' and ' can't wait to see you sleepy head' ect.

I posted ' hey guys I'm up thanks for all the comments sorry for the worry xox Alex'. Now the hard part twitter. When I checked again I now had 403 tweets.

I went on. Same as Facebook except a lot of the people had green day, Mike, Tre, Billie or Jason in there name so I new they were just fans so I put the same comment that I did on Facebook.

Then I check my dads twitter. It had stuff like ' hope ur daughter wakes up' and stuff. I went to the room my mum and dad had here and took my dads laptop.

His twitter was still up. He never says anything to fans so I will for him. I simply said ' thank you for all ur kind words, hopefully be back on tour soon love you guys BJA x' post.

Seconds later I went back to my room Casey was sleeping so I put him in his cot and tucked him in with a blanket. I turned away the minuet Rhys walked in my room.

He grabbed me into a bone crushing hug but I didn't mind. I guess he missed me. He let go a bit just to kiss me. It was good I missed it. Even thou It felt like overnight for me it was 3 months for them.

After a couple minuets Rhys pulled away." Hey Alex" he said.

"Why hello Rhys I guess you missed me" I chuckled. He hugged me again.

" Of course I fucking missed you" he squeezed me. I just laughed" oh I forgot" he said. He pulled 2 small presents out of his hoodie pocket.

" Happy late Birthday love me and Casey" he said. I smiled." Come on open them" he said sitting on my rocking chair. I sat on his lap and opened the first one. It was a heart shaped sapphire with Casey ingrained in the front.

"Aww Rhys thank you" I hugged him.

"That's from Casey" he said. I stood up and took Casey back to the chair."

"Thanks Casey" I whispered.

"Okay open the next one" Rhys said. I opened it and it was a ring box. I opened it up and I was a silver band with a really nice design on it and in the middle it said 'promise'. I looked at Rhys confused.

"It's a promise ring do you accept" he said. I smiled and nodded

"yeah of course I accept" I said. I kissed Rhys again.

"So you staying over tonight" I asked

"Yeah" he said. We sat on the black wooden rocking chairs for what seemed like hours. We all fell asleep. At about 10pm I was woken by dad." Alex come on you and Rhys get to bed tomorrow is Monday aka school suka" he said smiling.

I groaned and hit Rhys. I got up and put Casey back in his cot." Night daddy" I said hugging him and kissed his cheek.

"Night sweet dreams" he said. And left my room.

" Rhys come on let's go to bed" he got up and stretched. I took my sweats and hoodie off and put one of Rhys' tops on. Rhys stripped down to his boxers and we both climbed into bed.

" I missed this so much Alex" he said.

" Me too babe" I answered snuggling into his chest. He kissed my forehead and we both fell asleep.

'Beep Beep Beep' noooo school. I hit Rhys and got Casey. And went back to bed.

" Come on Alex school" Rhys said.

"I'm not going" I said. Rhys sighed

" Okay I'm going Ill get all ur work to get you caught up." I smiled

" thank you". I fed Casey and Rhys came back in my room. He was wearing a black shirts, skinny black jeans and his tie in his back pocket.

"Bye babe" he said and kissed my cheek. He handed me a coffee.

" Yummy bye" I hugged him.

"Have a good day" he said.

"I will you too" he left. Seconds later I heard Jake run.

"bye mum, dad, Joey,Alex and Casey." He shut the front door. In the distance I could hear" Rhys wait up" over and over. I giggled.

Once I drunk my coffee I took Casey down stairs and we played on the sofa in our jammies.

Casey had this cute smile on his face to I found my iPad sitting on the other sofa so I went and got it and took a picture. Then I noticed I had a tweet so I went on twitter. I looked and found dad had tag me in a pic it said.

' I walked in and found a cute family.'

I opened the picture and it was a picture of me, Rhys and Casey on the rocking chair and we were all asleep and we looked soo cute so I saved it and sent it to my phone.

Now I wanted pay back so I sneaked up stairs and put Casey between my parents and took a picture. I tagged my dad saying sleep well. It was funny cause he had eyeliner smudged over his face from the interview last night. I pick Casey back up and decided to go bug Joey. Yay !!

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