Chapter 28- Day with my old family

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When I woke up I was still wrapped in Rhys' arms. I smiled. It felt right to be in Rhys' arms like I was made to be there. I was lying in his arms when of course Casey decides to start crying. I laughed and went and got him.

" Hey Casey how was ur sleep hmm" I asked. He cuddled closer to me.

" Aww ur still tired you just wanted a hug" I took him to my bed and lay down.

" Morning" Rhys said sleepily.

" Good morning" I said. Casey was sleeping again between me and Rhys.

"So what you doing today" Rhys said.

" Well I was going to go vist my adopted gran cause I never said goodbye to her or that part of my family" I said.

"Ok so what you doing with Casey." Rhys asked.

" I was going to take him" I said.

" I need to go school shopping need anything" I shook my head nope. Rhys got up and kissed my cheek then Casey's." See you at school on Monday" he called from the door.

"Yeah bye."

Once Casey woke up an hour later I got him dressed. Today he had dark purple jeans, a Beatles top and converse with a hoodie. I wore blue jeans, a superman top and knee high converse with a hoodie too.

I was going to get the bus to my grans it would take like 30 mins but I couldn't be bothered with waking Joey up. I put Casey in his pram and put my earphone in Nirvana was playing and I walk to the bus stop.

Casey was just watching the clouds. It was cute. I got to the bus stop at 1:30 the bus was due in 5 minuets so I sat on the little seats and waited. The 13 came and I got on. The driver gave me a dirty look but we was just jealous cause he was in his late 40s and probably never got laid. Once I sat down I took Casey out his pram and he just looked out the window.

I got off the bus at 1:54 good timing. From the bus stop it was like a 10 minuet walk to my grans. When I was walking I stopped off at a shop and bought a drink. Casey was so amused with all the colours about him.

When I finally got to my grans I just walked in like normal. I left Casey in the hall for a minute.When I walk in the living room door I was tackled to the floor by my little cousin Harley ( who's only a couple months younger than me) and my big cousin Luke( who's a year older than me).

" Hey guys" I said. Harley hit my shoulder." What was that for" I said. She just hugged me. Once they let me go I hugged my gran, uncle Howard, cousin Brittany, cousin Zyan, cousin Parker, auntie Rose, auntie Sally, uncle Harry and finally my cousin Ashley who was the only one I talked too about the whole adopted thing.

When everyone had calmed down I sat down." Hey" I said.

" Where the hell have you been I missed you so much" Harley exclaimed.

"2 secs Harley who all knows" I asked.

" Only the adults ur cousins know nothing" Harry said. I nodded.

" Right I'll tell you guys it in a minuet but can I introduces someone." I asked. Everyone in the room nodded. I got up and went to the hall. I picked Casey up and went back into the living room.

" Right okay don't freak out but this is my son Casey" I said. People gasped." Okay now that that's settled can my cousin come upstairs so I can explain and I think the adults might want to talk."

Everyone nodded and we left the room. We always hung out in the big room upstairs. Once we got in I sat on the blue rocking chair with Casey. Everyone just stared at me.

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