Chapter 18 - The count Down to Christmas

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2 days to Christmas.

I woke up and I didn't feel too good. I rushed to the bathroom and was violently sick. Urrrgghhh I hate being sick. I sat it my bathroom for about a hour before going back to bed.

Mum came in " mum I'm sick" I moaned.

" aww my poor baby you just stay in bed I'll come check on you soon" she stood up " do u need anything"

I shook my head " no thanks mum" she nodded and left my room.

I woke up a couple hour later and there was a glass on water and a note.


Get ur ass better ur the only one who has fun with me

Love Tre xoxo

I laughed a bit but laughing made me feel sick and then. Sick. Urrrgggghhh. I went back to bed.

1 days till Christmas

I woke up and sunlight was coming threw my window. I got up and felt sick.

I ran to the bathroom and was sick again. Urrgghh I was getting really pissed off.

Mum came in about ten" hey baby how you feeling" she asked rubbing my fore head.

" I feel like shit mum" I said.

" well honey I have book you an appointment at the doctor for this afternoon" she said. She got up and kissed my head and left my room.

At 11 I got out of bed. I was sick again and the decided to go for a quick shower. Once out the shower I go ready in my black skinnies, green day top and a knee high pair of converse.

At 12 I left for the doctors with mum. When we got there I was taken with a couple of minuets. " hi I'm doctor Amy White" she said.

" hi I'm Adrienne and this is my daughter Alex." Mum said shaking her hand.

We go to a white room and my mum had to wait out side. I told the doctor that I was sick she asked lots of details the asked me to go to the bathroom to pee in a little jar so she could run some tests.

20 minuets later she came back and told me " well miss armstrong it turns out are pregnant ........." She kept talking but I couldn't hear her. I was pregnant shit I was pregnant with my best best best friends kid shit shit shit. "Miss armstrong would you like me to tell ur mum"

I nodded. She left the room and seconds later came back with my mum. " mrs armstrong the news is ur daughter is pregnant she is about 8 weeks" the doctor said. I looked up at my mum, she hugged me. What?

" baby we'll get through this " she said. We talked for a bit until we left.

" So Alex this probably sounds crazy but what do you want to do cause I'm not going to be the mom who forces the kid in to adoption or abortion so what do YOU want to do" she said.

I didn't expect this she was so calm. " mum can I keep it it sounds mad but I was adopted and I wish I wasn't and I don't believe in abortion" I said still shocked.

" yes of course Alex but I have a couple conditions" hear it was." I want you to stay in America for the whole pregnancy and after the birth you can go back to scotland when the baby is a week old at least, second I want you to be home schooled for the whole pregnancy and last I want to tell ur dad." She said.

Okay I could deal with that. I though she would be like we will pretend its my kid or something.

We talked the whole ride home she asked who the dad was and I told her. She said I should tell him but I didn't want to so she didn't pressure me which was good and we agreed I would tell the boys and she would tell dad the minuet we went in.

When we arrived mum took dad away." Alex what up are you okay" Joey asked hugging me.

"please tell me ur not dying or something" Jake said hugging me too.

"okay come to my room and I'll tell you" I went up stairs and the boys followed. I sat on my chair and the boys sat on my bed.

"okay boys how would you guys like to be uncles" I said smiling.

I know I'm stupid cause I'm only 15 but so. " wait ur knocked up" Joey asked shocked.

" yep and Rhys is the father but do go protective big brother and like kick his ass cause we were drunk so just don't" I said they both looked shocked.

Jake got up first he opened his arms I stood up and he hugged me " congratulations" then Joey got up " yeah congrats" he hugged me.

Of us or all 3 of us. One big group hug. " can I be there when you tell Mike and Tre cause they'll kill Rhys" Joey said.

Shit I never thought about that. " sure but were not telling them the dad" I said looks between the the 2 boy they nodded.

"you need to promise" I said.

" we promise" the said together.

" kids dinner" mum shouted.

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