Chapter 23- jellyfish has been named

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Jelly fish only woke me up once at midnight then slept till 10 am. What a good child.

Last night I had phoned Haley and told her about everything and how Rhys thinks its my mum who is pregnant.

" So today ur gonna name jellyfish with Rhys" Joey said,

"yes in 5 minuets I'm going to FaceTime him and say that my mum had the kid and ask him for name ideas." he nodded

"well done" he said.

I picked my iPad up and called Rhys.

"hey Alex" he said.

" Hey Rhys so I'm coming back in a week cause mum had the baby" I lied.

" awww what did she have" he asked.

" a boy"

" if I ever have kids I would want a boy first so he would look after the younger siblings" he said.

I felt guilty." I know she hasn't named him yet. So ur first boy what would you name him" I asked.

" I would call my boy Casey" he said. Jellyfish totally suited Casey. Casey started crying.

"Rhys I got to go but I get back on Sunday so meet me in the park at 1 okay" I said.

"Yes okay bye " he hung up.

I picked Casey off my bed and took him down stairs. Joey left like a minuet before I talked to Rhys. "Hey Alyx how u feeling" dad asked.

" I'm good and so is Casey." I said proudly.

" You named him awww how did u come up with Casey" Jake asked.

"Well I FaceTime Rhys I asked him what he would call his first kid and he said he wanted a boy and he would name it Casey and I'm telling him on Sunday when I get back to Scotland." I said.

I got up and went to the fridge and took orange juice out. I sat back down.

" I'm proud of you ally" Jake said. I put Casey down in his play mat thing and poured myself some orange.

" ally can I pick Casey up" Jake asked.

"Jake you don't need to ask" I said. Jake picked him up. Once I finished my orange juice and looked at the clock 12 pm. I stood up and stared to prepare Casey's milk. I had decided to give him breast milk in the morning and at night but at lunch he got formula.

" ally can I feed him" jake asked.

" yeah sure" I answered. Once the milk was ready I checked the temperature of it. Perfect, I passes jake to bottle.

" can you watch him while I go get dressed " Jake nodded.

I went up stairs" mum an I borrow a pair of skinnies"

" yeah in my wardrobe" I had my baby fat but not so much so I pick up a pair of jeans size uk 10 . Good.

I went to my room and put the jeans on and a MCR t-shirt. I went into Casey's room and picked out the baby black jeans , a green day band top and black converse. Yes that's right a baby Casey is gonna dress just like his mum, dad, Granada and uncles.

I got downstairs and Jake had just finished burping Casey. " hey can I get Casey I'm gonna go dress him" I asked Jake.

"yeah sure" he passed me Casey and I took him upstairs into his room. I lay him down on the changing table and changed his nappy and dressed him. Behind me Joey was there taking pics. Casey looked awesome. I took my phone out and took my own pic and set it as my screen saver.

" so what you doing today." Jake asked.

" a dunno we could go to shopping for Casey." I said.

" can we, Joey can drive us" Jakes said.

" okay" I picked Casey up off the play floor thing and locked him in his car seat. We put his pram in Joeys car and I strapped Casey in and we set off for the mall.

When we arrived. I got out and un strapped Casey and put him in his pram. " hey can we go to the badge place first I want to customise Casey's pram." I said walking in the mall.

" yeah as long as we get to help pick the badges out."Jake said. I nodded and looked at Casey he was asleep. We got to the badge shop and bought 100 badges to cover all round the pram excluding the hood.

After that we went baby clothes shopping. As I was shopping I got a lot of dirty looks from people cause I was soo young and had a baby. " Alex look at this" I walk round with Casey and Joey had found a Mobile that had guitars and drums and basses hanging down.

" awww we need to buy that" I said.

Once we finished we went to Starbucks . I got a hot chocolate and my brothers both got coffee. " Jake can you pass me Casey's mobile please." Jake fished threw the bags till he found a box and passed it over. I hung it from Casey's pram.

At 3pm we left the mall. Casey woke up on the way to the car. I took him out his pram and sat him in his carseat. We put everything away and went home. That night I fed Casey and put him to sleep in his onesie.

I got downstairs and took the bag with the badges and sat it in Casey's pram and took the pram upstairs.

I spent 1 hour and a half customising the pram and it looked great.

I went for a shower and got ready for bed. At 12 Casey started to cry threw the monitor. I got up and fed him and changed his nappy and took him to my room.

I woke up to gurgling. Casey was playing with his jellyfish. He was in the cot in my room.

" hey baby you hungry" I picked him up" of course you are baby". I fed Casey then dressed him. Today I was packing to go back to Scotland. We were going in a privet jet for a few reasons. Reason 1- Casey would be a week old. And reason 2- cause we had a lot of stuff.

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