Part 16

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Saera moved through the packed hallways with no repercussions for simply existing. That was a good thing. Her dorm mates was ignoring her, a favour she could happily return. The darklings they had sic on her were equally determined to look past her and she merely rolled with it. It had been a bumpy first day, but things were finally beginning to look up.

With only one more lesson before lunch, Saera's stomach grumbled. She reached into her bag and dug out an apple. The other fruit she'd swiped but hadn't yet had time to ear that morning. She sank her teeth into it with a satisfying crunch and lifted her lashes to find a pair of ebony dark eyes peering down at her.

"Oh.. um, sorry," she muttered, assuming she must have been in his path and was the reason for the scowl marring the otherwise breathtaking face. Wizards were generally an attractive lot. Saera could name a number she had wanted to get down and dirty with over the years. None who knew her or whom she new within, but she had seen her fair share of panty dripping men roaming about the homes she'd robbed for a living. And this one was positively delish. Unbidden the memory of her wedding consummation raised it terribly sultry head and the day got incredibly warmer

Saera shifted uncomfortably at the unnerving stare and shuffled out of the dude's way. Her gaze unmoving from the piercing darkness of his gaze. A murmur of recognition flowed through the crowd around her as his abrupt pause in the middle of the busy hallway drew everyone's attention.

The darkling Prince.

The prince of darkling factor, was every bit what he was labelled to be. Darkly brooding was just one it. A commotion sounded off behind her and his gaze rose from hers to settle with an even greater scowl at the man
who suddenly came up behind her.

Saera gulped, before lifting her head to glance up over her shoulder at another hotty bent on setting her panties a fire.

The pallid Prince. 

Two arch enemies meeting over head. She knew it had been to early to start celebrating her as yet uneventful second day at the Academy. Her late sleep in not withstanding. That had actually been a boon. She felt better rested because of it and hence able to be sandwiched between hot and hotter, a title shared in vice versa, without so much as a flinch. Saera bit into her apple, her gaze warily on the two adversaries now busy in a hostile face off as she inched her way out of their midst.

She heaved a hasty breath in relief, when without another word the two simply rounded her and moved off. Saera stood to the side, glancing between the two royals. One dark and brooding and the other, her gaze settled a little uncertainly at the retreating back of the blond haired blue eyed Adonis that was the pallid Prince. He was now laughing and chatting amiably with the pallid ass kissers that surrounded him. It was a sharp contrast to the almost feral vibe she'd felt from him standing behind her. She paused a moment to study him intently then in noticing nothing further amiss, she shrugged her shoulders and moved on to her next class.

Professor Diane, was clearly a darkling. She was sultry seduction persinified. Something none of the witches in the again coed classroom appreciated. It was hard to stand out in a wizards attention when having to compete with that. No wonder the darklings went dark. Who could deny that?

"Dabbling in the dark arts was said to be dealing with the devil," she said, the husky timbre of her tone seductively teasing. "Practitioners of these arts were labelled darklings and they in return called the rest of the witchling society who abhorred the dark arts as pallids. Now in this class, whether you be a pallid or a darkling, you will be treated equally harsh in your assessments. To move on to the next level you must first pass my class and that means all of you pallids and darklings will be learning and performing the same magic."

Saera grinned. Now she's talking something she wanted to hear. She had in her life of crime stolen from a number of darklings or two, and had to say their methods of security far outweighed anything a pallid could come up with. It had been an exciting experience breaking into their homes.   Naturally one or two of those break ins had led to a visit to the darkling library, from which certain books naturally went missing.

It would be good to expand on the knowledge she had already gained.

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