Part 82

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The ferocious growl ripped from his throat. A warning of his own. Then Darr leapt in a single bound, his hands reaching out for a protruding tree limb. Using that as an anchor, he launched himself through the trees, using the momentum to carry him forwards. Each leap and bound was accompanied with the furious yapping of the enraged wolves. Darr had crossed into their territory without permission.

But he didn't need permission. His wife owned the land. Shore Mansion was every bit his as it was hers. With a taunting grin, Darr threw a challenge over his shoulders, "Catch me if you can."

The howls that greeted his words would have sent a lesser man peeing in his pants. Darr only grinned wider.
Undaunted he launched his body into the air again and ape swung his way towards the mansion. The sounds of the chase closing on his heels spurred him on with an exhilarated laugh. It was only when he drew close to the road again, the another sound drew his attention. An approaching car on this secluded road only spelt trouble. Especially one with an engine as silent as that.

His shift in direction was as effortless as it was instantaneous. The pack at his heels followed silently behind without a murmur of protest. The thud of larger paws joined their midst, easily overtaking the the rest to strike out ahead beside him. Darr wasn't sure why, but he found he was oddly glad to have Cade suddenly running there below him.  He dropped to the ground, taking off on his feet towards the new threat comforted with the knowledge that back up was on hand. Darr knew while he may not be welcome, he would not be mortally harmed. Not when they were both bound to the same mate.

Their steps took them bounding back over the wall past the Shore property line, taking Darr back out from whence he'd come. A frown marred his perfect face as he came to an abrupt halt just outside the view of the approaching vehicle. The Rolls Royce Wraith crept up at a slow crawl giving Darr enough time to not only grimace at the occupant he sighted within but to leap further back into the dense forest wrapping himself up in its foliage camouflage enough to stay hidden as the wraith crawled on by.

His phone was pressed to his ear not a moment later and all he muttered to the wolf's inquisitive cock of his ear was a short command. "Get back to her. She needs you."

While not as informative as he'd liked, Cade didn't linger to question him further. Instead sensing the underlying urgency to his words, he bounded back towards the Shore land, over the wall and was soon racing the car up the drive to the mansion. Who let it in past the gates without his approval Cade didn't quite know but he knew whoever it was was going to get hell from him.

"This better be good, Darr. I'm busy."

"Your mother is here," said Darr with a muddled scowl coming over his face. "At the Shore mansion."

The line burst with static that had nothing to do with the connection and everything to do with the furious wizard behind it. Darr's frown deepened and panic was starting to set in. He turned back to face the other wolves who had caught up to him and were scowling back in their show of aggression. The alpha had left a bunch of them to keep an eye on him. To no doubt stir him clear of the Shore lands and one Shore in particular. Well fuck that!

Darr shifted on his feet ready to blow his way through the pack and on to his goal. The lure of setting his sights on Saera the only draw taking him forwards. If he had to take care of a bitch queen in the process than that was just a bonus.

Leaping over startled wolves. Bounding back over the wall and then speed running most of his way back to the mansion, Darr arrived in time to confront the animosity between all parties at Saera's front door. Saera's aunt was there in all her proud but poor dignity. Oddly enough, Saera herself was missing from the scene. His eyes narrowed suspiciously and Darr raised his aristocratic nose to delicately sniff the air searching for her unique scent. The low warning growl that rolled off Cade was warning enough that Darr wasn't going to like what he found. He barred his own teeth in a warning grin before shifting on his feet undecidedly.

Keeping his eyes on the darkling queen should be his priority. At least until Svennett got there to take care of his own mother. Darr stepped back concealing himself into the folds of the forest ignoring the growls that rumbled out behind him from the pack that was doing a shoddy poor job of guarding him. And he settled to wait.

Thankfully he didn't need to wait long. He felt the disturbance in the air when Svennett landed just outside the gates. He knew it wouldn't be long before the prince wrapped himself over here after clearing it. And if his mother could get past without a murmur the he would have no problem either. The security in this place was surprisingly shitty.

But then who would want to break into the home of the shunned in normal circumstances. But things were far from normal now and Darr had every right to suspect it was going to divert even further off course before the sense of normalcy prevailed. And no doubt that would be a feat in itself.

Darr returned a growl for a snarl of his own as a persistent wolf nipped at his heels. And then he was off again. This time following his nose as he left Svennett to deal with his mother's suspicious arrival at the door of the Shores.

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