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Prince Ash Evanulif of Feary almost closed his lavender stare against the acute pleasure roiling over him. Never in all his centuries of living had he ever come close to such sweetness his teeth ached from clenching hard against it. She was everything he'd been warned to expect and more. And she was his. Wholly his. Inexplicably his. All his.

That was something, she would learn for herself. And soon. For a mating bond with him will override all others before him. It was probably the reason why Nick kept her from him. Had he put forward his claim, Nick's bond to her would have been overridden. It was just the way it was meant to be. Her power sang to the strongest. And he was the strongest of his kind and all other kinds too. It was not a boast, just a fact. He had not lived for this long unchallenged without a reason.

He drew in a deep breath, taking in the delicious scent of her and trying not to cringe at all the other scents that wrapped about her. His lifemate had certainly been busy in his absence. But he could forgive her that much. It was not as if she knew of their customs. Their custom to remain a virgin till wed. Not all fay practiced it in this day and age but Ash wasn't your average fay. He was ancient and he had kept himself untouched in the ways of the old and true just for her.

The feel of her in his arms now left him weak. So deliciously weak that it was all he could do lying here like this. His knees had weakened at her first touch. He'd felt it on Earth but here in Feary, it was as if that part of her cloaked on Earth had come unravelled. She shone bright here. As brightly as he did and that was unusual in itself. His mate was certainly more than meets the eye and he for one couldn't wait to unveiling her. But he could not begin without becoming undone himself. Hence his conundrum. And the reason why he lied so still and unmoving while her hands roamed so freely over him.

It's was a delicious kind of painful torment and he knew not whether to call her to stop or urge her on.

But he knew it was a decision he needed to make and soon, for his senses were reeling like it's never done before and any moment now.... any moment now, he'd cave in and give in to the urge to make her his.

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