Part 52

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The dingy warehouse was brightly lit when she got there. A welcome change from the day before. Saera strode on in like she owned the place. Spine stiff and ready to battle. Only to instantly deflate at no Nick to stick his dick out of whack. Saera gulped down her disappointment. Then fixing a frown in place to hide that fact, Saera channelled her request to the next in line for authority. This one was no summer sunshine either despite being a blondie with an over bright smile. A smile that now looked brittle as it was directed at her.

"Casey, how ya doing?" Saera beamed her own smile brightly, hoping to hell that grimace now adorning Casey's face wasn't because of the kiss she'd shared with her boyfriend. Her on again off again, dick of a boyfriend, Nick. It was amazing the variety of wordplay she could have with a Nick. His mother chose well.

"Whadaya want, Saera? Another make out session with my boyfriend?"

And the bitch pulled no punches. "That was all on him, honey, " Saera returned.

"You had the pleasure of kissing my boyfriend, Saera!" Casey called out on a percing shriek.

Saera winced, before adding the assurance in a lie. "Any pleasure was all his."

"You say that now," said Casey disbelievingly. "But we both know as soon as he steps through that door you'd be all over him."

Nick would be there. A thrill of excitement rushed down her spine. Saera tried not to turn back towards the door with blatant impatience. But the glint of excitement in her eye gave her away. Casey's face darkened in warning. She was not the one to cross on the best of days and now not at all. Casey was second in command because she earned that spot. Not because she was sleeping with the boss. That was just a side benefit. Not that she thought it was a benefit at all.

Saera hurrumphed in answer. It was all Nick's fault. The dick just had to stick his tongue into things. Then with his non stop texting all day. His often lewd play with words suggesting how a skillful teacher could help her make better sex spells. How was a girl not to get all roused up at the possibility of seeing that smug son-of-a-bitch? Her mouth had been practically watering in anticipation all the way over. It was a dick move that working her up all day only to stick his girlfriend on her. A real dick move.

"Just remember witch, Nick is mine."

Saera pouted grumpily. "Okay." It was not as if she didn't already have more than her share of man to deal with. The princes really were more than a handful. They were two handfuls. Saera inwardly snickered.

"I'm just here to sell you stuff, Casey. Give me a good price and I'll be out of your hair." She said. It would be the best thing if she did do the disappearing trick before her duce of a boyfriend got there. It would serve him right if she sticked her on him too. What was he thinking playing her up all day like that only to not turn up when she was there? "You know Casey, you should take Nick in hand nice and tight. It ain't right demanding kisses like that. I'm not his property." She threw in the last more vehemently. She was really feeling it. "Nick's a dick!"

"Tell you what," said Casey, leaning in close till her nose was almost pressed to her own. "I'll tell Nick you said all that and I'll have him look over your stuff and pay you what he thinks is right. How's that for fair?"

She had to give it to Casey, all said and done the bitch was still loyal to the dick. Shaking her head, Saera surrendered the potions. There was nothing for Nick to make fun of her in that. She'd learned her lesson with the sex potion. Those were all straight laced spellwork there and of good quality too. He'd better pay her right or she'd stick Massey on him. No way he'd be bullying her for a kiss... or getting away with it, if he did.

Shoulders slumped with fatigue from what had turned out to be a long weekend, Saera made her way back to the mansion, first through the noisy night market and then on past the quiet of the city. She was almost a block away from home when a glint in the dark caught her eye. It was not a glint off metal but something a deep black yet able to reflect off light. Startled into stopping, Saera found herself stepping off the path and moving closer for a proper look.

The pitch black moved, heaving up then down, almost as if it was breathing. But it was too dark to tell anything else. Closing her  she sought to see with her magical side. Using her power to prod it and test the substance. A low growl that sounded otherworldly rumbled into the pit of her stomach where it settled steeped with fear. She took a careful step back. Her mind instantly replaying the conversations she'd heard earlier. No not the one about the princes birthday ball but the very chilling one  about the escaped demon. Bright red eyes flashed open and the startled scream that left her lungs took on a shrilly variety as the demon unfolded from where it rested and raised itself to full height before stepping out of the lane to stand under the streetlight in all its hell-like glory.

"Wha...?" She gasped out loud at ghastly sight. "Wha...?"

She gulped. What the fuck was she doing screaming like a girl. She was a Shore. Shores don't scream. They just do!

Whipping out her knives, she took a pace back and crouched ready to lunge up and take that shit down.

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