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The Prince stared at her searchingly as if to convince himself that she meant what she said. Then he sighed, reaching up to run a hand through her hair that almost made her swoon with pleasure. "There is so much you don't understand. It's best you meet with my Nana. She's our ancient and her seer skills is unparalleled. She will have the answers you seek. She will be able to tell you what you need to know. What will help you accept what is and what should be."

Saera rested her head back on his chest and stared up at the cloudless blue skies wondering what she'd gotten herself into this time. Her face nuzzled closely into his chest, her nose burried against his skin as she drew in the fay aroma that on him was strangely addictive.

"I don't even know your name," she muttered against him and his chuckle rumbled against her. She looked up and found herself smiling down at him. She felt the same longing she's felt for her other mates with him, and she wasn't even mated to him yet. But what held her attention and her mind spellbound was the fact that besides the pull between them, he's not once tried to rush her into doing whatever that was needed to fullfill their mating bond. Indeed all he'd done since he'd brought her to Feary was to lie besides her like this and cuddle.

Her lips twitched in bemusement as she continued to stare down at him. Meeting his unique lavender gaze with something akin to awe as she studied the splendid specimen of man that he was. If he could even be called that with his very Elven heritage. Her gaze roved over his delicate fay features and found his gaze busy making the same study of her.

"My name matters little," he said unexpectedly, "but I am called Evan by some and Ulif by others."

Saera frowned down at him. "But what is your name really?"

"I was born Prince Ash Evanulif of Feary."

Saera stared at him for a moment then said,"Ash it is, then." His grin was mesmerising and after a while Saera blinked... many breath to draw in a much needed breath. If her heart was pounding before its was all of thundering now. This was not good. She'd learnt and learned well by now, that a pretty face was just that. Nothing more. Nothing less. But definitely nothing more. A bitter lesson to learn but one better of learned.

They continued just lying there and staring at each other. Touching always but never inappropriately at least not in his part. Saera was sad to say the same could not have been said about her own actions. Her hands appeared to have a will of its own. They certainly travelled where they will. Exploring the smooth expanse of his silky skin roaming across the width and breadth of him. Her lips tingled with a yearning to follow and her panties soaked in the sheer pleasure of touching him. Something he did not seem to mind even if he did nothing to encourage it.

That left Saera a little non-plussed. Was he not as attracted to her? Nick too had always shown more control over their armorous  interludes than any of the others. What did that mean? Or did that mean anything at all?

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