Part 17

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With the darklings clearly invading Change Academy, a blow up of sorts was not entirely unexpected. That it would happen so soon was. That it would interrupt Saera's personal enjoyment of a delicious lunch was unacceptable.

Grabbing a tray, Saera had all her attention glued on the assortment of delicious food. The lasagna caught her interest but so did the chicken Parma and the fried chicken. Licking her lips she slabbed on a helping of all three onto her plate. If nothing else of worth came of her time here at Change Academy, she'd still have this. Moments of utter bliss indulging in  sinful feast. For the regular consumption of such decadence in divine food had to be a sin. Mentally shrugging, she added a desert plate to her tray. Death by chocolate was a good way to go in anyone's books. Who was she to disagree?

Finding a gapping spot between, a wizard and witch, Saera squeezed herself in, knowing that the one place her presence would be happily tolerated was between two warring factions... in this case, between warring spouses?

Not caring either way, Saera set her tray down and simply went for it. Lost in ecstasy a moment later, it was sometime before the happenings around her penetrated her enjoyment of her food. Saera raised her head with an abrupt snap at the unmistakable sound of an explosion.

"Shit!" She had known that peace was a far fetched ideal and that something like this was bound to happen. But did it have to happen over lunch? Grabbing another forkful, she closed her lips over a mouthful of cake, glad, she was mostly done with her lunch and shovelled in a few more bites as the fight broke out and ramped up around her. Grabbing her fork and plate, she manoeuvred about spell casting students, fucking the stray curses that seemed to be angled her way. A glance at Lyra's evil grin told her her roommates were taking the opportunity of the distraction to toss a few her way.

Frowning hard, Saera abandoned the plate. She was a little full anyway. She wasn't used to such big meals. Pausing to swallow down some water, Saera turned tail. She did not as a rule lower herself to petty altercations. Not like the two warring Princes were doing at the far end of the room. It was clear how it all started. If the Prince of Pallid and the Prince of Darklings were at odds then it only made sense the rest of the flock would follow. It was at moments like this that Saera appreciated being hung out to dry on the fence. Not having sides simply meant she had nothing to fight for. Still petty indulgence, like that Lyra and her friends were clamouring was hard to deny. So she let loose a few fitting curses as she made her way out of the cafeteria dodging spells and curses and even grinned as the odd few she hurled out met their mark eliciting a satisfactory cry of pain.

But as expected no self-indulgence were without consequences, everyone's there came about in one big blow.

It was Dean Lore who stepped in to stop blown out battle. Saera raised her head from where she hid behind an overturned table. The cafeteria had divided, the pallids at one end and the darklings in the other. The occasional exchange between Saera and her dorm mates became fewer, it was harder to shoot curses over other pallids without hitting them unintentionally. So the self-proclaimed princess of her dorm kept an eye on her while they battled on, looking for opportunities to get a shot in. Saera slunk low, riding out the furore, with a disgruntled sigh. Being caught in a cross-fire was no fun thing. She was not trigger happy by nature. Stealth was more her thing. It was probably a result from a life of thieving. Stealth and cunning. Those were right up her alley. Only apparently they weren't just up hers alone.

"Stop! Stop this nonsense at once." Dean Lore's voice boomed out magically, demanding instant attention and getting it. "I want to know who started it. Who is responsible for this?"

Her sharp gaze looked over everyone in the room, darklings and pallids alike. The two princes didn't back down but rose boldly to their feet. No doubt knowing they were above petty things like actual punishment. Their avid supporters were quick to jump to their feet as well, unwilling to have their royals marching the planks without them in tow. The rest followed. Saera rose gingerly, she'd gotten caught in a couple of misfired hexes. At least she hoped those had been misfired. It left her a little shaky on her knees.

No one spoke. Perhaps the silence was enough to point out the guilty culprit. A mistake Saera would never again make. Her own gaze busy eye balling the two sexy prince, still stiff in their disregard of the each other, Saera completely missed Lyra. Taking the opportunity of everyone's distraction, she stepped forward pointing a finger at Saera. "It was the shunned witch, Shore, who started it." The malicious grin she shot Saera's way told her two things.

One she had clearly been taking her spat with her roomies a little too lightly.

Two, Lyra was past gone dead meat.

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