Chapter 33

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When Athena turned ten, something terrible have happened.

Athena have just gotten more stubborn than ever.

And it all started on Owen.

When someone grabbed Owen for a kiss, Athena was upset.

"No!" She said, immediately pulling Owen away from the witch.

The man stumbled back and looked at Athena in surprise.


Athena immediately stood in front of Owen. Her pout would crush anyone who've upset her, her blue eyes that glared at the young woman was adorably frightening and how she stood protectively in front of Owen was threatening.

"Wenny's mine!" She stated stubbornly. "You can't kiss him!"

Owen blinked owlishly at her, feeling more flustered at Athena's words than getting randomly kissed by a young woman.

The lady couldn't help but chuckle. "Why's that?"

"Because Wenny's my big brother!" Athena said. "And I won't let anyone hurt him!"

"But I'm not hurting him."

Athena gave the woman and huff and answered. "In the future you will. This is a fling!"

Owen gaped in disbelief while the woman laughed loudly.

"Athena!" Owen scolded while his cheeks flushed red. Horror striking over his expression. "Where in the world did you get that word from!?"

Athena looked up at Owen and blinked. "From Zenny."

He'll have to kill that man later.


The second it happened was when Zen was watching a movie.

Athena went downstairs after her small nap (that she believes that she's too old for) and sat down beside Zen who was just too focused on watching.

She was still too drowsy and cranky that she took his bowl of popcorn without asking. It completely surprised Zen and he glared at her.

"Thena." He warned. "Gimme the popcorn."

Athena pouted at him. "No!"

"Please?" He said, batting his eyelashes for effect.

Athena wasn't in the mood to play though and she immediately hugged the bowl protectively. "S' mine now!"

Zen sighed. "How about sharing?"

"No." She stubbornly refused. "S' mine..."

"But you can't have-"

Athena munched on the popcorn, looking at the TV while showing zero interest on what Zen's about to say.

Now that was rude.

"Athena, we should share." The man emphasized. "Sharing is caring."

Despite his attempts, Athena just whined childishly while hiding the bowl from Zen's reaching hand.

The man grew frustrated. He didn't want to get another popcorn because he'll have to wait for another two minutes or so and he doesn't want that. Beside, the bowl was still half full, there's no way that Athena will be able to finish that.

"Athena Eleanore Hale." Zen said sternly, causing her to jump in surprise.

Athena's head snapped at him, her eyes wide, filled with disbelief and shock. Zen hates using his elder voice but Athena was being rude and they didn't raise a rude child.

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