43: The Crown

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#TCS43: The Crown

Harper Aurora's POV

"Are you kidding?" I asked in disbelief and pure surprise. My initial reaction was to run and go back inside the venue. Ate Miracle is inside the party! Of course, I need to hurry and check! We need to see her!

"Hold up." Law suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in front of him. I glared at him angrily. Ugh! This is an urgent situation, why isn't he letting me go back inside? He could follow, you know? Pretty sure, they'd love to see Ate Miracle too!

"Hello? You just told me, Ate Miracle might be inside, so let's go?" Maarteng say ko sa kan'ya. Like, what is he waiting for?

"No. You'll only cause Miracle to disappear again." I knotted my forehead again. Wow ah! How dare him? Is Ate afraid of me? Huh! I will not be surprised if she is, who would not fear a drop dead gorgeous Harper? Duh?

"No. You'll cause her to escape again." I retorted immediately and looked at him irritatedly, which caused him to chuckle a little. Seriously? Everything about this meeting and this night is ruined! And who should I blame? Tss!

"Look, Aurora. I already informed Justice about this, and both Rebel and him will do the job." Wow! He's such an utusero! He'll ask his brothers to do it for him, why not do it himself? So tamad!

"Why would I do it myself when I can order others?" I gaped at him when he stated that! Oh, my royals! Did he just read my mind?

"It's obvious." He told me while chuckling then flicked my forehead.

"Ouch!" I protested at him and held my forehead. Agh! Akala n'ya 'di masakit?! It hurts you know! Psh. He thought my head's stone hard? Oh, well, Father would say that I'm hard-headed but not literal! Argh!

Before I could say anything more he suddenly put his hands over my shoulder and sat me down while looking intensely. His forehead was crumpled and he blew on my forehead, which made me back away at him for a second.

He didn't mind but he was so careful in handling me. I kept my mouth shut because I don't know what to do? And he's so up close, which made me see and admire his facial features more. His hooded eyes that sparkled gray was intense that commanded authority. His pointed nose, and rosy cheeks, with his thin and pinkish lips. He looked so gentle. But he somehow still felt so powerful.

Like an invisible crown was titled on his head, and a golden cape was at his back. He felt like a real royalty. His aura's heavy but it shines. Unlike Rebel who's dark and dangerous, unlike Justice that was cold and intelligent, Law... he's just him. The mystery. The power. The law.

"You calm now?" I inhaled too much when I heard him spoke, that I almost choked with my own air. Goodness, Harper! Where's the poise? Mother, would be so ashamed of you!

"Hmp! Why wouldn't you allow me to go back? You really missed me that much?" Pagtataray ko sa kan'ya. I crossed my arms at him and looked away. It's just that I wanted to see Ate Miracle. Because once we find her, I'm pretty sure Gabby, Rebel, Justice, and him would always want to be with us. They wouldn't hide anymore.

I heard Law took a deep breath. "It's complicated."

"Nothing's complicated, you just don't like explaining."

"Aurora..." He called softly then I felt him sat beside me.

"Why do you even play this game?" I asked... no... almost whispered to the wind. I'm not dumb. I'm pretty sure, they are playing a game. Hide and seek. And I don't even see why they need to play like this. Why can't they just explain everything to us.

The Crown SinnersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon