Chapter 64

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The next week went by in very different ways for the four of them. For Jisoo and Jennie, the week was about healing – Jennie gave Jisoo her space, which she took gladly; after all, Jennie had lied to her, and although she had forgiven her for it she was still hurting. It didn't help that there was a preliminary hearing set for the next week regarding the case with Jennie's parents, meaning Jennie was stressed about that – more than once did they get on each others nerves due to the stress and anxiety that resided in the apartment, but thankfully there was enough room there for the two of them to have their own space and cool off before making up with whispered apologies and kisses. Even amidst arguments, they were both more than aware of the fact that they weren't truly angry at each other; no, they were angry at just about everything else, Jennie's parents most of all, and that anger was only increased by the anxiety and stress and fear that resided within their hearts.

Lisa was anxious and stressed as well, but for a whole other reason. It had been six days since her visit to Sing Sing – for six days, she'd bitten her tongue and managed to keep her secret, though not as successfully as she'd hoped. Chaeyoung had noticed her jittery movements and the tension in every action and word she spoke, but was yet to narrow down on the exact cause of her stress. She'd assumed it was because Lisa had sent out a job application that she really wanted to get, and had been so kind to her by bringing her pizza and beer and surprising her with kisses and hugs, far often than normally.

Lisa wished she could tell Chaeyoung what she'd done. She wanted Chaeyoung to tell her she'd be okay, that she wouldn't be arrested and sent to prison for essentially putting out a hit on Jennie's parents – well, not a hit, they weren't going to die, but she had essentially brought about their eventual downfall.

That is, if it succeeded. That was also another source of her anxiety – she'd hoped it'd be fast, that by the next day they'd be wrecked, but there was nothing.

By the seventh day she'd grown accustomed to that constant state of slight distress, so much so that she went to sleep almost entirely calm. Chaeyoung was staying over again – well, nowadays she was almost always there, and Lisa thought it absolutely ridiculous that she still insisted on keeping her apartment, but she let her do what she liked. So long as she got to curl up in her arms at night, Lisa didn't bother herself with where Chaeyoung's mail was delivered.

She fell asleep, calm and relaxed, yet unaware of the hell that was about to break loose in a matter of hours.

Jisoo and Jennie were woken at about five in the morning to the shrill ring of Jisoo's phone. Jennie groaned and gave Jisoo a shove, and Jisoo reached over to grab the phone and answered it in an annoyed tone.


"Good morning to you too," Dara replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh, morning, Mom," Jisoo yawned. "I thought this was Lisa."

"Well, it's me. Have you seen the news today?"

"Mom, it's five in the morning. So no."

"Something's happened. You might want to check."

"What's happened?"

"You know that social justice group, those hackers – the Mission, that's what I think they call themselves?"

"Get to the point, Mom-"

"They've exposed the Kwon, Jisoo. The whole thing. It's all over the internet, your's pretty massive."

Jisoo paled. "Wait, what?"

"I'll call you later, you need to see it for yourself."

Dara hung up the next second, and Jisoo immediately pulled up the news on her phone. Jennie was half asleep, yet unaware of what was going on, and as Jisoo scrolled through the articles, she began hearing quiet curses spilling from her lips.

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