💖 Rebel Rebel (Star) 💖

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"My mom's pissed off."

Star looked at you, raising one eyebrow. "Why?"

Absentmindedly, you grabbed a curly strand of her hair and began playing with it. It was so soft.

She relaxed against your chest again. It had been like this for months- you would come over from your apartment to hers. Sometimes you guys would have sex, most of the time you wouldn't. But you almost always ended up in each other's arms.

It was nothing more than a friends with benefits case. For her, anyway.

"Because I chopped all my hair off," you stated.

Just two days ago, you had grown sick of your long hair. So you got a pixie cut. You loved it, but when your mom came to visit you she about had a heart attack.

"Well, I think it's beautiful," Star told you.

You smiled. "Thank you."

Another few minutes passed, and then she sighed and looked at you.

"You want to do something tonight?" She asked.

"Like what?"

She shrugged, thinking about it.

"We could go to a movie. Or dinner."

That did sound pretty nice.

"Yeah," you agreed.

She smiled and laid against you again, nuzzling her face into your neck.

It flew from your mouth before you could even think about stopping it. The words you had been forcing yourself not to say for the past two months or so.

"I love you."

She froze. Slowly, she half sat up and looked at you. "What?"

Your face was red and you dropped your gaze to her hands.


"Did you just say you love me?" She asked.

Well, there was no getting around it. Might as well be honest.

"Yeah. Yeah, I did."

It was quiet for maybe three seconds.

"Y/n, please look at me," she said.

With a tiny hesitation, you looked into her dark eyes. She raised one eyebrow, a small smile on her lips.

"Are you sure about that?"

You nodded at once. "Absolutely positive, I'm afraid. I tried not to, Star, I know we made agreements, but it was hard..."

You looked at her lips, then back to her eyes.

"You're so gorgeous. And you always make me laugh, and you're sweet and generous and compassionate. I could go on forever. It's just that-"

She cut you off with her mouth connecting to yours. It shocked you, but that didn't stop you from kissing back. Your lips lingered on each other's for a minute or so before she pulled away.

"I've been too afraid to tell you," she breathed.


She smiled at you. "I love you, y/n. I didn't want to tell you because we said we wouldn't fall for each other."

That made you happier than any words you had ever heard.

"Well, then, do you want to be my girlfriend?" You asked.

She nodded, pressing a kiss to your mouth again.

"I would love that."

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