Chapter 35

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( Sebastian's pov)

We walked down a hallway when we saw a figure fly across the room at the end of the hall "what was that?" Grell asked. The figure came down the hallway as though responding to our presence it was Lucy. "Hey guys it's about time. Follow me I know where Ciel is. " She in formed us. We followed her as she showed us the way.

We then arrived at a room where the young master and Angela were. "Master!" I shouted as I went to retrieve him. Before I could take a step Lucy stopped me " if you try to take him by force now his cinematic record will be horribly changed. He will become less than human." She said. "He shall become as pure as the driven snow" Angela said. " My master pure" I said with a smirk. Lucy than began to laugh now back in her human form began to laugh. "Oh you can try to accomplish that all you like but it's never gonna happen." she said.

The young master was now floating above is all. "He's rewinding his cinematic record all on his own." Grell said.

(Lucy's pov)

Angela looked shocked as Ciel fell from the above us and Sebastian caught him. "The horror of such an unclean heart. Deprived with out light. I shouldn't have shown you mercy. I shall purify you here and now." Angela said. "then let us begin." Sebastian says with a smirk. Everyone stood in their ready positions when the undertaker walked by with a cart of books. "Excuse me coming through." the undertaker says as he walks by us. "Undertaker?!?" Ciel says surprised. "Hi" he replies with a wave. I wave back and smile. "What are you doing here?" Asks Grell "he's the legendary grim reaper." I reply. "But he doesn't look anything like him" Grell Andrea frantically.

As he runs over to the undertaker and moves the hair away from his face them says " take me." on a very longing voice.

Angela then flys up to the light portal she created and says "I'll start my purification at the abbey seeing how you seem busy." . the second she finished I made my jet black wings appear and flew in to the light portal after her. "Lucy!" I hear Sebastian yell just before I was through the portal.

(Sebastian's pov)

What is she thinking she's not fully a demon she could get herself killed. "What is that?" Ciel asked "an angelic seal." will answered

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