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I wasn't able to stay the night with Quinn and Dash like I wanted to but I stayed as late as I could. I made sure Dash's aunt. Shanice, who had to come after her shift at work saw me and I showed my support for Quinn and them.

"You are definitely the wife type!" Shanice exclaimed giving me a tight squeeze. "You hear that Dashawn ? I want this girl as my niece in law." Her words warmed my heart and caused the both of us to shoot Dash a look.

It was around 1AM once I got home from the hospital and as I closed in on the house , I noticed that the two cars that were once missing were now parked in their rightful places in the driveway. I knew how stupid I must of looked to my dad when confronting him and once I saw the cars, I was surprised I even got across.

"Did you see?" I was greeted by KJ once I finally closed the house door behind me.

"Did I see the two large cars in front of the house ? Nah... no KJ I didn't." Sarcasm was usually my go to when I didn't want to be bothered, I didn't mean to be crabby I was just tired.

"Ah... you're being an asshole..." KJ nodded obviously understanding his little sisters attitude after knowing her for years. "You talked to pops ?"

I dropped the keys on to the living room table and escaped from the confides of my jacket. "I guess I did, It didn't go too well at first, I needed help and without them it wouldn't of ended great." I let out a over exaggerated sigh like a kid trying to get someone's attention. "I'm still just a little girl trying to play in a big mans world and he knows that.."

"Man fuck that." KJ sucked at his teeth shoo'ing away the words I just put in to the air. "Pops wasn't letting you handle business for him before because he saw you as a little girl.. he knows how strong and capable you are and that nigga is scared... he knows how he sharpened the stick he doesn't  wanna see how it pokes back."

"You think I'm a strong stick?" I poured out my bottom lip as I felt tears welling in my eyes.

"Of course I do and so does pops it's just a lot harder being on the wrong side of your crazy ass that's why he is trying fo make you feel like less."

"I'm not crazy." I let a smile creep on to my lips.

"Who the fuck giggles and laughs when they're mad?" KJ asks with a raised eyebrow. "That's a different type of crazy but anyways... ain't shit wrong with being a girl in a mans world y'all do it better anyways."

"Awwww!" I flung my arms around KJ and pulled him in for a tight hug. "Are you sleepy ? Because you're being extra supportive."

"Nah... I'm wide awake." He wraps his arms around me returning the hug. "Just had to reassure you on how great you are."

It wasn't odd for KJ to be the voice that picked me up when I was down. When I was younger he was always there but things fall apart when I left to live with Aunt Toya and things got worse when I came back but it's nice to feel like the two of us are getting close again.

"You wanna watch TV with me?" KJ asks plopping back down on to the couch.

I nodded and curled up beside my big brother and we talked for a little while until I eventually passed out but when I woke. Ack up hours later I was in my bed, under the covers.

I stretched out a bit feeling my foot graze the curled up dog on the end of my bed. My other foot stretched out and kicked something else sitting on the edge of my bed and it caused me to jump up.

"Ouch?" My eyes were still adjusting to the light but the voice was familiar.

It was Dash.

"What are you doing here?!" I kicked at his back again. "Babe you scared the shit out of me! Why aren't you at the hospital?"

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