Chapter 2: Too Cute

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Third Person Pov

"Here we are!". Jinmi exclaimed throwing her hands up excitingly. Huening Kai clapped cutely following after her to the entrance. "Guys wait! You need to put your sunblock and hats on!". Soobin yelled running after the younger ones. They paid their entrance fee and then Soobin made sure the younger ones had everything on and ready to go. "Alright! What do you wanna do first Kai?". Jinmi asked smiling. Huening Kai looked around and his eyes stopped landing on the water slides for groups. "How about water slides?". He asked. "Ohh! You chose something fun!". Jinmi exclaimed. "Come on Soobin Hyung and Jinmi!". Huening Kai exclaimed before grabbing both their wrists and dragging them to the slides. "We gotta try them all Hyung!". Huening Kai jumped up and down holding on Soobin's arm. "Okay okay! We will aga". Soobin replied. He caressed Huening Kai's head and then his cheek. Huening Kai closed his eyes and then put his hand on Soobin's, enjoying the small gesture of affection. "I'm so glad you're happy about this". Soobin whispered. "Me too Soobinnie Hyung". Huening Kai responded with a cute smile. Soobin smiled back and then kissed the younger's forehead. "Now let's go have some fun!". He exclaimed. "Yay!". "Guys! Come on! No way I'm being some sort of third wheel!". 

Time Skippppp

"Let's go in the calmer pool. It has waves and we can just hang". Jinmi suggested. The boys nodded and then walked over to the entrance where they could put life jackets on and get a single tube. "Come on Jinmi! You're so slow!". Soobin exclaimed teasingly. "Oh hold on bunny boy!". Jinmi joked back. They were all in the water trying to get on their float tubes. But Huening Kai kept falling over. "Come on Kai! Just sit!". Jinmi urged. Huening Kai jumped on his tube able to sit on it, but then flipped over falling into the water. "Ahhh!". He screamed before hitting impact. "Oh! Huening Kai sweetie!". Soobin yelled out rushing to help the younger. He pulled the younger out of the water and then proceeded to make sure he was okay. "I'm fine Soobin Hyung! It's okay!". Huening Kai assured him. "Let me help you get on aga". Soobin held the tube while Huening Kai tried to jump on but he kept flipping over. (Lmao I watched the video where he was doing this while he was with Yeonjun and it was so hilarious and cute but I got sad when I realized the only reason I was watching it was so I could do this chapter and make Kai sad oof) "Okay clearly we can't get you on like that, just sit on my lap Kai". Soobin said. Huening Kai giggled. "But aren't there rules?". He then asked. "Yeahhh but……..they don't have to apply right now". Soobin replied smirking. "Okay then". "Omg this is a bad ideas guys". Jinmi added as she chilled on her tube. Huening Kai carefully got onto Soobin's tube, sitting on his lap facing him. Surprisingly, they didn't fall. Unless Huening Kai started to move a lot. "What if I fall Hyung?". The younger asked. "Then fall on me okay?". "Okay". "You're such a good Hyung Soobin". Jinmi said almost squealing. "I am huh?". "Yeah Hyung!". 

"So how have you been Jinmi?". Huening Kai asked as he played with Soobin's hair. "Pretty good. Glasses are going quite well and I even met someone I like". Huening Kai gasped. "Omg who!?". He asked. "You'll know one day". Jinmi replied. "Does that mean you're gonna be with them?". "Hell yeah it does". Jinmi said smirking. "So scandalous". Soobin commented. "Why thank you". "So how about you guys?". Jinmi asked. "Hmm good I guess". Soobin answered. "What about you Kai? You doing okay?". Jinmi said. "Yeah……it's been pretty hard actually but…...I can bear it enough". Huening Kai said softly. He played with Soobin's hair trying to avoid being upset. "I'm sorry for asking". Jinmi suddenly apologized. "No no it's okay, it's just that…...I don't talk about these things so much…...I can't really talk to people about my problems". Huening Kai explained. Jinmi hummed in sad way. "How about you give it a try? I'm a good listener, don't worry". Huening Kai looked at Jinmi innocently with sad eyes and then nodded. "Well…..….it's just so hard to be happy all the time…….I always want to just sleep and ignore everything. So I won't cry or scream or anything like that". He started. Soobin hugged Huening Kai even though he seemed to be the one in his arms and rubbed the younger's back comfortingly. "I mean, I've figured that I'm probably depressed since I have to go to therapy and take medication every other day". 

"Does nothing help make you happy?". Jinmi asked. "I mean, the members do. Not all the time but……...I really do appreciate it". Huening Kai put his arms around Soobin's neck and rested his chin on his head. "It's just that…….us being here… only reminds me of Yeonjun Hyung…..he took me here and we had so much fun". Huening Kai began to cry softly. "Oh no, don't cry Kai. It hurts my heart to see you like this". Jinmi swam over and then comfortingly rubbed Huening Kai's shoulder. "It's okay to cry, don't worry. Just try not to be so down all the time so you won't okay? If you still have more to say, then me and Soobin are here to listen for you". "I-I just m-miss him s-so m-much! We haven't h-heard anything f-from him. What if he h-hates u-us!? O-or me!?". Huening Kai continued as he stuttered and his voice cracked. "Oh aga, he doesn't hate us or you especially. I'm sure he's just waiting for the right time to talk to us somehow". Soobin assured the younger. He caressed his head as he looked up at the younger. "Don't cry sweetie. Don't think about the bad stuff. Let's just smile and have fun okay?". Soobin smiled and held Huening Kai's hands affectionately. Huening Kai nodded and wiped his tears. "Yeah..….let's have fun". He murmured.

"Hey guys! There's a wave coming! Brace yourself Soobin!". Jinmi exclaimed. "Omg ahh!". Huening Kai screamed. His signature dolphin scream haha. The wave splashed over them knocking down Sookai. "I got you Kai!". Soobin yelled holding onto the younger tightly. They flipped over as Huening Kai fell onto Soobin, as promised. They both gasped as they popped out of the water for air. All of them laughed as Soobin and Huening Kai had to try and get back onto the float. After getting back on, they just hung out talking about simple things. "Hey, can we go eat something?". Huening Kai suddenly asked. "Oh, do you want to?". Soobin answered with a question. "Yes Hyung, it's why I'm asking". Huening Kai giggled. "Okay, we can go eat at their sauna place, let's go Jinmi". "Okay!". 

Time Skippppp (Again)

Soobin's Pov

"Here guys, I got the food. Set up the mat". I said as I held the tray with the boiled eggs, Sikhye and ice cream. (a traditional drink that is korea sweet rice with some kind liquid idk) I sat down and let the younger ones eat first. "I can't crack the egg guys". Jinmi mumbled as she still focused on her food. "Here, crack it on my forehead. It works. Trust me". Huening Kai said. Jinmi shrugged and then hit his head with the egg and surprisingly it cracked. "Oh wow!". Jinmi exclaimed before laughing. I smiled amused and then continued to eat my ice cream already almost done with it. I watched as Huening Kai focused on his food. He seemed like he was distracted and that was a good thing really. "Soobin Hyung?". Huening Kai said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes Kai?". I answered. "Can I sit on your lap and then lay on it when I'm done eating?". He asked cutely. I nodded with wide smile. I gestured for him to come over. He complied and then gladly let me hold onto him. "You guys are too cute omg". Jinmi commented. We both laughed. 

After finishing our food, we decided it was time to wrap up the day with a massage chair. It was quite enjoyable. In fact, Huening Kai ended up falling asleep. "Huening Kai, aga". I grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him gently. "Kai, wake up. We have to go and get changed to leave. The staff is waiting outside". I explained. Huening Kai slowly woke up but was still very sleepy as I helped him up. I held him by the waist leading him to wherever we needed to go. "Let's go aga". "Where's Jinmi?". He asked quietly. "She's already in the car sweetie". I replied. "Can we cuddle when we get home Soobinnie Hyung?". "Of course Kai". I sweetly answered. "Yay". He said in a sleepy tone. 

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