Chapter 29: Distantly Being Distant With Distance

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A/N: two updates in one day!??? How!?? Lol enjoy

Third Person POV

(Some randomish moment I've added in for effect)

"Why don't you fucking know how to listen!? Huh!?". Lu Zi asked, raising his voice and his hand. Huening Kai flinched in fear and was hesitant to say anything. "I-I'm sorry!". "I fucking told you that you are mine. And you better let us both own up to it or else I'm gonna have to try another way to show you!". Huening Kai shook his head aggressively. "No no! I won't disobey you again! I swear!". He yelled, avoiding Lu Zi's intimidating stare. "You better not! I'm tired of you and your god damn whining!". Lu Zi grabbed Huening Kai by his jaw harshly and brought his face dangerously close. "If I kiss you, hug you, hold your hand, and sweet talk you then you better fucking respond back the way I want. I don't care if you're embarrassed because it's in front of the staff or your stupid Hyungs. We are together now and everyone has to fucking know that. So don't ever refuse my affection or else I'll tie you to my bed and then show you what being mine really means". He sneered, watching with a evil smile as Huening Kai nodded, fear in eyes. He let go of him and then walked away casually. "Hurry up and go back to your stage rehearsal. Your performance starts in a few minutes". He said. Leaving Huening Kai there to feel so helpless.

It had only been a few days since the breakup, but both Yeonjun and Huening Kai were miserable. They had been so distant lately, only speaking to eachother about work and seeing each other then. Huening Kai had been forced to live with Lu Zi at his house and not talk to his Hyungs about anything other than work. When they asked him questions about the breakup he had to just ignore it and pretend everything was fine. Especially when Lu Zi was around every single day. Staying to see the performances and then smothering Huening Kai to purposely hurt or bother anyone in the room. He hated every second of being Lu Zi's boyfriend. He was so bipolar and controlling. He would yell and hit him when they were 'home' and then be so sweet in public. He wouldn't let Huening Kai see his Hyungs or family or even the staff members when they questioned what happened between Kai and Yeonjun. Lu Zi made sure that Huening Kai knew the consequences when he disobeyed him. When he refused to love him, to tell people they were together, to admit that he didn't love Yeonjun especially. And Huening Kai knew damn well. Lu Zi had already hurt him multiple times before he forced affection onto him. Leaving bite marks, hickeys, hand marks, and bruises on him to show people they were 'serious'. Everything about it hurt Huening Kai. He would cry when he was alone and then yell at himself in the mirror. He hurt Yeonjun so much and he knew it. He could see that Yeonjun wasn't sleeping, eating, drinking water, resting after work, and taking care of himself. He could see how hurt he was every time he kissed Lu Zi or said I love you to him. And it wasn't just him either. Even the members were hurt by it. The fact that Huening Kai was being like that and then daring to just treat them the way he treated Yeonjun. But no one ever saw how sad and angry Huening Kai was. At himself and Lu Zi. He had to break Yeonjun's heart so he could save his and everyone else's career. It wasn't fair. It never was when it came to him and Yeonjun.

It was another painful day at work for all the boys. They were rehearsing and only making small conversation before completely ignoring eachother. They were supposed to be going in a meeting with their manager but they refused because they knew it was about what happened with Yeonjun Huening Kai. No one was actually gonna say anything. It seemed to piss everyone off. Not only that but it created even more tension between the boys. Sometimes they'd start arguing. Mostly because Yeonjun worried about Huening Kai or got pissed when Lu Zi touched him but the younger just wouldn't let him without yelling. An example:

"Why the hell do you have bruises all over you!? Huh!? Did Lu Zi do that!?". Yeonjun asked, yelling at Huening Kai in front of everyone. "He didn't! Jeez! Can you just mind your own business!? You don't need to know anything about me!". Huening Kai shouted back. "Yes I fucking do! And also, you can't lie to me Huening Kai! There are literal hand marks on you! Who else is gonna fucking do it!?". Huening Kai scoffed and then looked at Yeonjun with a serious expression. "You could......which is why we're not together". He said. Yeonjun fell silent and then stopped yelling. Huening Kai chuckled softly. "That's what I thought". He murmured before wrapping an arm around Lu Zi.

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