Chapter 5: Tape 2

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Third Person Pov

"Yeonjun! It's time for your medicine!". "Oh! Alright! Thanks Jaehyun!". Yeonjun exclaimed. He grabbed the pill bottle out of Jaehyun's hand and then filled a cup of water. "Did you just get done with your therapy?". He then asked. Jaehyun nodded. "It wasn't that bad……..I actually got something out of it this time. What about you?". He explained. Yeonjun took his pill and then shook his head. "I'll be going after a couple hours. They decided to move it for some reason. They've been changing a lot of things for me. They even gave me a different kind of SSRI". Jaehyun shrugged. "I'm sure it won't change anything". Yeonjun laughed and then patted Jaehyun on the shoulder. "Lets go do some dance practice!". He suggested. "Yeonjun, no! I suck at dancing! I always have to watch you rehearse your performances!". Jaehyun whined. "Oh come on! I can try to teach you something!". Yeonjun exclaimed. "Let's do karaoke. I'm better at that". "Alright, your loss". 

Time Skipppppp

"That was hella fun!". Yeonjun exclaimed. "Yes, it was indeed". Jaehyun replied laughing. "Alright, I have to go record a tape. You can watch me if you want but It'll be boring". "Oh it's okay, I'll watch". Jaehyun said. They walked in Yeonjun's room and then Jaehyun made himself comfortable on his chair. Yeonjun grabbed his camera and sat on his bed starting it. "Hey guys…….Yeonjun again…...uh…..I don't exactly know what I want to talk about but I have few feelings to share right now so, why not give it a try?". Yeonjun took a deep breath and then spoke softly. "I miss you all…...very very very much. I miss taking care of you guys and fooling around……….God I miss your cute smiles and pretty faces a-and I don't even know man!". Yeonjun threw his head in his hands frustrated. He looked at Jaehyun. "What am I supposed to say?". He asked. "How about you tell them how you are, how you're doing and feeling about yourself. Update them. And then you can talk about them and you feel too". Jaehyun replied. Yeonjun looked at the camera and then Jaehyun. He nodded and then continued to speak.

"Okay so…….I've been pretty good actually. Um I've been taking my medicine and therapy is going well and my doctor's tell me I'm actually progressing……….I made a new friend!". Yeonjun chuckled and then brushed his hair back awkwardly. "His name is Jaehyun……'s kinda of an oxymoron……..I'm here to get better because of an abusive relationship but he's here because he started the abusive relationship……..he's nice though, I promise. He's always there for me and learning from me. Of course I like it here, to have people I can relate to and tell anything to but it's not the same when I don't get to be with you all…….I don't get to be with my best friend, or my soulmate, my little brother, or especially my boyfriend……….It's just that I don't know if you guys even want me in your life anymore".

"But Camren always tells me how sad and tired you guys are from me not being there…….my mind can be a little dumb I guess……….but the point is, I miss you all so much and I hope you guys get better while I'm gone because I don't want to be the reason you all fall apart……...I've been feeling better about myself. I don't think so negative all the time which is good. I just wish you guys were here to see me improve". Yeonjun groaned in embarrassment. "There isn't a point to this tape honestly……..but that's okay…...I might be repeating things but I don't know…...I did want to talk about you guys…….Camren tells me that you aren't doing too well but decent enough………..I got the schedule for work. Everything we'll be doing when I get back. Honestly, I feel like it'll be nice to just work hard for long since we have so many performances coming up. Since I just haven't really done too much for a while……uh....I don't have too much to talk about so I'm gonna end this tape but I promise next week I'll actually start making sense". Yeonjun laughed looking at Jaehyun and then the camera with a curious face. 

"I love you all okay? I love you Soobinnie. I love you Beomie. I love you Taehyunnie. And I especially love you Huening Kai. Don't cry. I know you might be now but don't okay? I'm okay. And you are too. We'll see each other soon and you can have all the kisses and hugs you want. For now, I'll give you one". Yeonjun kissed the camera as if he knew Huening Kai would still appreciate it. "Here's kisses for the rest of you". Yeonjun blew kisses over and over dramatically. "I love you all! Goodbye!". "That was interesting to see". Jaehyun said as he looked at his phone screen. "I know, I'm bad at doing that but I'm getting used to it, don't worry". Yeonjun replied. "I won't". "Anyway, let's go outside. I feel like looking at the garden". Yeonjun insisted, already grabbing his stuff to leave. "Could we get something to eat after though?". Jaehyun asked getting up. "Yeah, of course". Yeonjun replied. They walked side by side to the garden. "Can I ask you something?". "Yeah, what is it?". Yeonjun answered. "Who exactly is this Huening Kai you talk about? I just get confused and I am curious about him". Jaehyun explained. Yeonjun chuckled. "Get ready for a lot of talking then". "We got all day". 

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