Chapter 33: Anniversary Date

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Note: Yeonkai have not done anything super intimate except see eachother undressed. I just gotta clarify that for some of the details. It'll make sense later. Also l the members have their natural hair color now since they're on break. Okay. So now you can read.

One Year & A Half Later

Yeonjun's Bedroom
Saturday, 9:01 AM

"Huening ah~ wake up~".

"Come on baby. It's time to get up~".

Yeonjun sat next to Huening Kai and caressed his head gently. He smiled when he saw him hugging molang to his chest. "Wake up Ningning~ it's time to get up~". He said softly, poking at the boy for fun.

"....hmm... five more minutes Hyungie...". Huening Kai murmured, snuggling into the sheets.

"Sorry baby but not today. You told me to make sure you get up no matter what. So come on. Get your butt up and come take a shower with me". Yeonjun said, sighing softly. Huening Kai whined with a small pout but slowly got up from Yeonjun's bed. Yeonjun smiled when he saw how tired he look; his messy dark brown hair, his puffy cheeks, pouty lips, squinting eyes, and the little squeaks he was making.

"Good morning baby". He greeted, pulling his boyfriend into a hug.

"Good morning Jagiya". Huening Kai smiled and then rubbed his head against Yeonjun affectionately. (Like how cats purr against you hehe)

"Come on now. I have to drop you off soon so we have enough time for everything. But I have our clothes ready and everything else as well ".

"Alright. But you have to carry me there". Huening Kai said with a teasing smile. Yeonjun chuckled and nodded. He couldn't refuse his love like that. He carefully grabbed onto Huening Kai's thighs and pulled him up so he could hold onto his neck. Huening Kai giggled like a child as he wrapped his legs around his boyfriend's waist. "To the bathroom Hyungie!". He exclaimed, pointing to the door. The older nodded and then walked out of his room casually, greeting Taegyu who were cuddling in the living room.

"Just gonna take a shower". He told them both when he saw their confused faces.

"Don't end up fuc-". Before Beomgyu could finish his sentence, Taehyun covered his mouth with wide eyes.

"What's wrong with you?". He asked, watching as Beomgyu just laughed and then snuggled closer into him. Yeonjun just rolled his eyes and walked into the bathroom, closing the door with his foot. He placed Huening Kai on the toilet and then immediately started the shower.

"I'll go in first". The older said, slipping his clothes off. When he fully undressed, he walked into the shower carefully and started his own routine. Meanwhile, the younger stripped himself slowly, still a bit sleepy. He opened the shower curtains, ready to get in. The older looked back and smiled, holding out his hand so he could have him as support. When they were both in, they started to wash themselves, teasing eachother and giggling while they were at it. After a few minutes, Yeonjun turned the shower head off and then grabbed their hanging towels. They quickly dried themselves off and got dressed into comfy clothes. They weren't going out yet. The couple then took their turns to blow dry their hair and use any essentials if they wanted. After that whole half hour of getting ready, they left the bathroom and grabbed their things.

"Alright. I'm gonna go drop Kai off and I'll be back".

"Okay Yeonjun Hyung! Bye Ningning!". Taehyun responded with a smile.

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