Chapter 3: You Scared Me

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Warning: I want to warn y'all that this chapter is really sad and sensitive especially to certain topics like depression. Read at your own risk. It's not too bad but it's not for viewers who are easily disturbed. And it's really just so sad.....

Huening Kai Pov

"I don't wanna do this Jimin Hyung". I said as I fiddled with my hands nervously. "I know you're nervous Kai, it's barely your third therapy session and you're trying to get used to it but it's gonna be okay. These people are trained to help you and they won't hurt you. There is nothing to be afraid of". Jimin comforted. I began to breath heavily. "Hey hey, calm down Kai". "I-I can't H-hyung". I whispered. I began to back up away from him and the members breathing heavily and frantically looking around. "Huening Kai, calm down. It's okay". Taehyun said trying to ease me but I shook my head. I held my chest tightly feeling a stinging pain. As I cornered myself, I could feel my vision get blurry and I felt nauseous. "I think he's having a panic attack. Go get a doctor!". A face I couldn't make out yelled. "I-I can't b-breath H-hyung". I murmured. My breath became short and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. It felt like everything was going wrong. It felt like I was gonna die. I didn't want to. I was only scared. I gasped as I lost my breath and could no longer speak. I only made small noises freaking out. "Kai! Huening Kai! Can you hear me!?". A voice asked. I did my best to nod. "You need to relax okay? Think about something that helps you calm down". The voice said. I shook my head refusing to do anything. "How are we supposed to calm him down Jimin Hyung!?". A voice yelled. They all began to talk and freak out but I couldn't make out anything. I couldn't breath or even move my body that much. I felt dizzy and like everything was just going out of control. I never felt this feeling. I tried to call out for Soobin Hyung or anyone but I couldn't even speak. I felt hands wrap around me and then cup my face. "Huening Kai, look at me. I know your vision is blurry but just try and look at me okay?". I nodded doing my best to follow whoever instructions were. "It's gonna be okay. 911 is on the way. They're gonna take you and we're all gonna go with you okay? Just please try to relax till they arrive". I nodded. I began to breath slowly even though it was short. I closed my eyes and held on to whoever was with me. "Just go slow Kai. Go slow sweetie". I felt myself calm down but I began to go unconscious. "He's not gonna stay awake Jimin Hyung". "Just hold onto him until the ambulance come. They said they'll be here in a few minutes". 

Time Skip

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I was alone too. I guessed I was at the hospital since I had a panic attack. "Soobin Hyung? Jimin Hyung? Beomgyu Hyung? Taehyun Hyung?". I called out everyone's names looking around. "Omg Kai! You're awake!". I heard a voice yell. It was Jimin who came running up to the bed. "Hi Jimin Hyung". I greeted. "How do you feel?". He asked softly. "Better". I replied. Jimin sighed in relief and then took my hand in his. "I was so scared for you Kai…...I was so worried something worse would happen…..I'm glad you're okay". He whispered. I smiled. "It's okay, I'm better now". "Do you want me to get the members? They're sleeping but I could wake them up, so you guys can talk". Jimin said. I shook my head. "Just let them rest for a bit". I said. Jimin nodded and kissed my forehead. "I'm gonna go get some food for you guys. I'll be back. But Taehyung Sii is gonna come over and visit". "Okay Jimin Hyung, thank you". 

I sighed as all I could do was wait for Taehyung Hyung to come. I didn't want to make the members tired of me, they deserved to rest after everything I've put them through because of my mental health issues. Maybe after a while of me spacing out, Taehyung finally came. He knocked on the wall looking at me with some flowers and a plushie on his hand. "Hey, can I go over?". He asked. I nodded smiling. Taehyung inhaled breathing slowly as he sat next to my bed placing the flowers down. "I got you a gift. I thought you might like it". He said handing me a small dolphin. It had cute big eyes and and ribbon wrapped into a bow around him. I smiled looking at it. "It reminds me of Yeonjun Hyung". Taehyung smiled at me and then caressed my head not saying anything. "He got me a dolphin as a gift during debut and I took it everywhere". I explained. "I bet you miss him". "I do…….so much". I murmured as I felt myself get emotional. "Oh no…..Kai…...don't cry please..…..I know you're hurting but I can't stand to see you cry". Taehyung begged softly. I sobbed and then reached out for a hug. Taehyung complied and then embraced me tightly as I cried into his chest uncontrollably. "We all miss him Kai". He whispered. 

"I'm back!- hey guys…..". Jimin said as he walked into the room confused. "You guys okay?". He asked. I nodded letting go of Taehyung. I sniffled wiping my tears away. "Yeah, we're good. Just having a small moment". I said. Jimin nodded and then placed down a bag. "Both of you eat something. I'll go wake up the members, let them eat and talk to the doctor so I can take you guys home". He explained. "Okay Jimin Hyung". I responded. Then Jimin left. Taehyung set up the food and then attempted to feed me. "You should eat first". He said. "Are you sure Taehyung Hyung?". I asked furrowing my eyebrows unsure. "Yeah, I'm not that hungry anyway". Taehyung replied. I nodded and then took a bite of the food. It was quiet while We both ate. Not even a word until we were finished. "So am I still gonna go to my therapy session today?". I asked. "No, it's moved til tomorrow". I nodded and then lifted myself up. I groaned and then attempted to get out of the bed but Taehyung stopped me. "Let me carry you". He said. Taehyung carried me bridal style and then carefully let me down. "Do you need to go anywhere?". "No, I'm just gonna go see the members". I answered. "Okay, I'll be here". Taehyung responded. 

I closed the door behind me and stood right in front of the members. "Hi Hyungs". I greeted with a small smile. "KAI". Taehyun immediately ran to me and hugged me tightly. "Hi Taehyun Hyung". I said groaning a bit from how tight his hug was. "We were so worried and scared…….I thought that you might not wake up or something…..don't ever scare me half to death like that!". Taehyun sobbed into my chest not letting go. I wrapped my arms around him, caressing his head to comfort him. "I won't. I promise". I whispered. We let go and then I embraced Beomgyu. "I'm so glad you're okay baby". He whispered on the verge of tears. "Don't cry Beomgyu Hyung". I begged softly. Beomgyu sniffled and did his best to smile at me. "Where's Soobin Hyung?". I asked looking around. "He and Jimin Hyung went to the reception desk to see if you could leave yet". Beomgyu explained. I nodded and then sat next to Taehyun. I rested my head on his shoulder as I waited for Soobin to get back. 

After a few minutes, he finally arrived with Jimin by his side. He was talking with Jimin until he saw me. He quickly walked up to me and then stopped in his tracks looking down at me. I smiled and then spoke. "Hi Soobin Hyung". He looked at me like I was a ghost and then he just started to cry. It was weird. Soobin never cried so easily. Last time he ever cried was when Yeonjun couldn't go with us to an awards show. He only stared and me and cried. But then he started yelling after a bit. "Y-you scared me s-so b-bad Kai! I t-thought something w-worse would h-happen!". "Soobin, calm down. Don't yell at him". Jimin softly spoke. Soobin stopped speaking and then he started to sob even more. I felt frozen. I didn't think that this would ever happen. To see him like this. My eyes widened when he fell to his knees in front of me, head in his hands, and crying uncontrollably. "Soobin Hyung……..". I mumbled. "Seeing you in my arms unconscious was horrible…..….I couldn't stand the thought of you being hurt like that…...I wanted to just curl up into a ball and cry about you for hours and hours". Soobin explained quietly. "You can't just do that Kai! You can't! You can't keep making me think you're getting better and then get hurt! It hurts so much! You're messing with my head! You can't ever do that to me! I can't stand it anymore!". He yelled before breaking down again. I kneeled down and then pulled him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry Soobin Hyung". I whispered. "I'm sorry too Kai". He mumbled back. 

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