Chapter 32: WE DID IT!

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Third Person POV

It was early and quiet in the dorm since everyone was sleeping as much as they could before their alarms went off for work. But it wouldn't be long before a certain couple would start to conversate. (You all know who I'm talking about😌) Yeonjun and Huening Kai were spooning in bed, snoring softly and snuggling closer to each other any chance they got. Yeonjun hugged Huening Kai's waist protectively and buried his face into his neck. Meanwhile Huening Kai held onto his Hyung's hand. It was still peaceful in the room until Yeonjun was woken up by the whimpering and small cries of Huening Kai. He immediately checked up on him, trying to wake the younger. "Huening Kai? Are you okay baby?". He asked, a worried expression building on his face. The younger continued to move frantically and whimper in his sleep. "Huening Kai! Wake up baby". The older began to shake the younger, which eventually woke him up.
Huening Kai sat up, weeping. (I've never used that word omg) He began to hyperventilate. "Hey hey, it's okay. It was just a dream". Yeonjun assured him, cupping his face gently and then looking into his eyes. "Nothing bad is gonna happen to you okay? You're safe as long as I'm here". He said softly. Huening Kai sniffled and nodded. He slowly went in for a hug and Yeonjun was already pulling him onto his lap. Huening Kai hugged his Hyung tightly as he rubbed circular motions in his back as comfort. After a couple minutes, Huening Kai was calm and he released his tight grip. Yeonjun noticed and then spoke softly. "Do you wanna talk about your dream?". He asked. Huening Kai nodded, not moving at all. "Was it about Lu Zi?". " was horrible. It felt so real". The younger answered. "Can you tell me what it was?". The older asked. " the dream...Lu Zi was hurting me...... because he caught me trying to leave him for you.......a-and then he tied me to the b-bed and s-started t-touching me harshly.......and h-he went all the way". Huening Kai explained, his eyes glistening from the few tears he let out. "All the way? As in he raped you?". The older asked, pulling away and looking at the younger with a shocked expression. Huening Kai nodded, looking down with a guilty frown. "W-why would you dream of that baby?". Yeonjun asked. "Because it almost happened.......and I was so scared". Huening Kai said making the older frown. Yeonjun groaned in annoyance before kissing his boyfriend on the lips softly. "I swear to god I'll make him pay for hurting you". He whispered. "No Hyung. No violence". Yeonjun whined, looking up at Huening Kai. "But he deserves it....".

"And you're better than that". Huening Kai stated calmly, running his fingers through Yeonjun's blonde locks. "Not even one punch in the face? I didn't get to finish him off last time". Yeonjun said. Huening Kai sighed before giggling. "Okay fine....I do kinda think it'd be cool for you to punch him..". He mumbled. The older smiled softly as he caressed the younger's cheek and then his neck and collarbone. It soon turned into an upset frown when he came upon the hickeys and bite marks Lu Zi left. He touched the area causing Huening Kai to hiss in pain. "Hyung......that hurts". "Where else did he hurt you?". Yeonjun asked in a deep voice. Huening Kai sighed and then pulled his sleeves down to show the bruises he had on his wrists. Yeonjun carefully held them in his hands and placed soft kisses on the bruises. He then leaned forward and start to suck and kiss over Lu Zi's harsh treatment. Huening Kai shut his eyes tight and bit his lip at the same, whining quietly due to how relieving and good it felt. His hands gripped onto Yeonjun's shoulders tightly, his nails digging into his shirt and skin. "H-hyungie~ you're making me feel w-weird". He breathed out. This made the older pull away and then chuckle. "Then Hyung must be doing something right". He whispered. The two then smiled at each other, so happy to be in each other's arms. "Jagiya...". "Yes?". The older answered. "Will you please kiss me?". The younger asked. "You don't even have to ask baby". Yeonjun crashed his lips onto Huening Kai's and kissed him passionately. He had missed embracing him like this. Huening Kai instantly kissed back and then used his hands to push Yeonjun into the bed. "Let me get comfy baby". Yeonjun whispered, disconnecting their lips and gently pushing Kai out of the way. He laid down and then gestured for the younger to straddle him. Huening Kai grabbed a hold of Yeonjun's jaw and then kissed him roughly. The two didn't pull apart for air or even to move in their position. Eventually, Yeonjun slipped his tongue into baby's mouth, exploring his cavern proudly. Huening Kai just kept still, letting his Hyung do his own thing. After a few more seconds, he followed Yeonjun's lead and entered his tongue. The kiss was very intense and long. It had been so long since they'd been able to do this, which was problem with Kai because in the middle of the kiss, he quickly pulled away with a hard gasp. His lips were parted, his eyes shut, and he was breathing heavily as he rested his hands on Yeonjun's chest. "Are you okay baby?". Yeonjun asked, rubbing his hand against the younger's thigh. "I'm fine......I'm just feeling a bit dizzy...". The younger answered, taking deep breaths. The older nodded and then carefully flipped their position. "How about we go slow for a bit?". He asked.

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