Chapter 14: Tape 3

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Third Person POV



Yeonjun groaned in annoyance, reaching over to turn the alarm off but he couldn't reach it. He gave up after a few seconds and laid there on his bed, staring at the wall. It wasn't long before he realized all his surroundings. "Yeonjun Hyung?". A quiet voice said. Yeonjun looked over to see Huening Kai, snuggled into his dolphin plushie. "Oh Kai.......sorry....I forgot we slept on my bed this time". Yeonjun said, smiling as he gazed over his boyfriend. "It's okay but that alarm is annoying so I'm gonna turn it off". Huening Kai tapped the off button and then slightly jumped onto Yeonjun. "Good morning~". He said in a cutesy tone. "Good morning baby". Yeonjun lifted an eyebrow due to his sudden energy and then tucked Huening Kai's long hair begin his ear. "You're so damn pretty". He whispered. The younger blushed furiously and nodded. "So you agree with that?". The older asked. "Yeah....cause if you say it. Then it has to be true". Huening Kai replied. Yeonjun chuckled and ruffled Kai's hair before getting up. "Gotta go wash up baby. You coming?". The younger nodded and then immediately got up, clinging onto the older's arm.

Once they were done washing up, Yeonjun and Huening Kai walked to the kitchen to eat some cereal. They quietly sat at the table, finishing their small breakfast. After washing their dishes, they sat on the couch cuddling. "How did you sleep baby?". The older asked. "I actually slept well. No nightmares or crying". Huening Kai answered. Yeonjun smiled and brushed his fingers through the younger's hair. "That's good. You had good dreams I assume?". The younger nodded enthusiastically. He then switched his position to face Yeonjun. "I remember me teasing you about your baby hands". Yeonkai both chuckled, measuring their hands to see if it was true. "See? You do have baby hands". Yeonjun turned a light shade of red and nodded. He kept his hand on Kai's, smiling to the size difference. "My baby is growing so fast. It's so sad but I'm proud". The older said quietly, blowing a kiss. The younger chuckled and nodded. His eyes stared at their hands and it eventually fell to his wrist. He stared at the recovering cuts wondering why he ever listened to the voice. I'm so stupid....He thought. "Kai?........Kai. Stop staring at the cuts". Huening Kai tuned him out and felt tears form in his eyes thinking about what happened when he had used the razor. The older smacked his lips and then gently placed his hands over the cuts. Making the younger look away. The older kissed Kai's wrists. "Stop looking at your flaws. They aren't important. What's important is that you're here. With me. That you're alive and getting better now. Okay?...........hey".

Yeonjun grabbed Huening Kai's chin and turned his head to face him.
"Just look at me. Focus on me. Nothing else has to matter right now". Yeonjun pulled Huening Kai closer and stroked his head softly, burying his nose into the younger's hair. He took note of how it smelled, like cherry blossoms. "Are you smelling my hair Hyung?". "Yes. It just smells good. I have to cherish it before we start working". "Are you saying we won't be able to spend time with each other as much?". Huening Kai asked with a hint of sadness in his voice. Yeonjun let go of Huening Kai and sat up. The younger did the same and looked at him with a look of uncertainty. "We'll still be together we'll just be worried about work more. But it's not necessarily a bad thing okay? We'll get to perform, go to award shoes, make videos of us doing fun stuff, release new content and merch for Moa and even see them. They've been waiting for us baby. We have to do the best we've ever done". Huening Kai smiled, agreeing to the older's words. He collapsed onto his lap and relaxed. "Comfortable?". Yeonjun asked. "Very".

"Do you think my cuts will go away before Moa can see them? I don't want them to. I'm too scared makes me feel ugly and......and small".

Yeonjun's POV

"Huening Kai?". I said with serious tone. "Yes Hyung?". He looked at me with a sad expression. His almond brown eyes glistening because of his tears. "I wanna show you something. It'll help". I said, reaching out for his hand. Huening Kai nodded, returning the gesture. I stood up and grabbed a tape out of my room, putting it into the TV. "We're just gonna watch a tape". I sat down next to Huening Kai, wrapping my arm around his shoulders. He looked at me confused but complied. The tape had me in it or course. I had saved this one especially for him.

"Hi Ningning! My baby! My amazing boyfriend!............I had been really preparing to make this tape for you so I hope it helps you in any way possible!................I wanted to talk about your health. I know it's getting worse as we speak and I hope that while you're watching, it's actually gotten better but.........I know you feel like a burden to everyone and you're scared of everything. I know what that feels like and I know that you don't know what to do anymore. I can just feel it. I can tell from the way Camren describes your state as well. I just want you to know that you aren't alone Kai. That voice in your head? That's no one. You don't have to listen to it. It's wrong. About everything. You are an amazing, beautiful, talented, kind, fun, and overly adorable human being. I'm so lucky to be able to call you my boyfriend. Everyday that I spent with you, I knew I was happy. Even though I forgot it so much. I was so happy that I had you in my life because you're so important to me and I don't think you realize that. You doubt yourself so much when really you're so much more than anyone could imagine. I want to tell you something. Something for the future..............if you have hurt yourself Huening Kai, in any way. If you haven't gotten's okay. I know that sounds confusing but I'm trying to say that it's okay for you to tell me. It's okay for me to know. I'm going to help you get through every little thing that comes your way. When I come back, I'm going to make sure I make you the happiest you ever have been........ because you deserve it. Very much. You are going to be alright Huening Kai. I promise. I'm not gonna let you accidentally jump or fall".

The tape ended and I looked at Huening Kai to see his reaction. He didn't say anything and he seemed to be lost in thought. I took a deep breath and then grabbed Huening Kai's hands to pull him onto my lap. I hugged him tightly and placed kisses on his neck affectionately. It took a few seconds but Huening Kai eventually embraced me back, nuzzling his face into my neck. "Did you really mean what you said in that tape?". He asked, his voice muffled. "Of course baby. Every word". I replied. I heard sniffles and soon felt wet droplets fall into my shoulder.
"I'm so sorry that I hurt myself Yeonjun Hyung.......I think I'm starting to have a straight mind.......I-I'm so s-sorry Yeonjunnie H-hyung!". Huening Kai began to cry onto my shoulder, his grip on me getting tighter. I stroked his head gently, letting him do whatever he needed. "It's okay baby. I forgive you". I whispered, taking his hands off me.

I cupped his face, wiping the remaining tears on his face. He sniffled and then whimpered when I stopped holding him. I chuckled and intertwined our fingers. "T-thank you". Huening Kai murmured, inhaling slowly to calm himself down. "It's just my job baby". I said, leaning in to kiss Huening Kai. When our lips met, he immediately kissed back. It was soft and slow, but it sent so many thoughts and feelings through my head. It was all fast pacing as we both enjoyed the moment. It wasn't long before we pulled away, looking into each other's eyes. "I love you Jagiya....". "I love you too Baby".

A/N: IM BACK GUYS OMGGGG AHHHHHH lol I know I know, I took a bit longer than a month and I did write such a short chapter but that's okay. I'm still giving you something but I hope you liked that chapter. Things are gonna start getting happy in this book. Sure it will get a bit conflicting but I can promise that Huening Kai will not be going through so much anymore. Maybe a bit of anxiety and insecurity here and there but I'm not letting him get more depressed because I'm gonna cry if I keep doing that. 😳 But anyway, thank you all for reading and just supporting me and this series especially. Crown was my first fanfic and we're already on a sequel. I didn't plan for it and honestly I wish I had ended the first book but too late now. Let's just hope this one isn't that long. I might end it when their comeback ends. 🤔 BUT

Bye Moaaaaaa! I love you all so so so so so so much! 🥺👉👈💜 Don't forget to vote and follow me 😉 hehe. Author Min out!

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