Q & A

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Hiiiiii Moaaaaaa!!!
First off, omg we have like almost 13k all together like omg you guys are freaking amazing! 😭💜💜💜🥺
Secondly, will you guys marry me y'all are so sweet and awesome?
Thirdly, thank you for supporting me and this series! It was so fun doing this series and I really think I just fell in love with being an author and Yeonkai and you guys support that and I love you all so much for it thank you :)

Okay next lol, fourthly.
My Q&A!!!!
It shall start now. I also added some of my own questions hehe. But you might not even care for some of them so I'll make it as interesting as possible.

• What inspired you to write this book?
Being honest, it was nothing fantastic. I read this book series "Only you can save me - Camren" and I really liked it because it was interesting, detailed, and just amazing. And because of that, I wanted to be able to make something like that. Somewhat of the same plot idea with different people and goals. And one day, I was in class and I kept thinking about something I could do as a hobby because I actually had time on my hands then. And at that same time, I had recently fell in love with Yeonkai and just TXT in general. And since I loved the ship so much, I decided I would try and write a fanfic about them revolving around one of Yeonjun's abusive relationship because that's what it was revolved around in the camren book. The reason why I chose the dad as the role is very personal so we won't get into that but literally, A lesbian fanfic was what inspired me to write this gay, sad, and kpop series about Yeonkai. And this random decision only happened in span of like 35 minutes.

• Why did you make a sequel?
Okay so at first, I was planning to have just one book hopefully but I didn't even plan anything out for the plot or characters or literally anything. So that entire book was just me rolling off of my ideas and motivation which is why it's so chaotic and long. And when I started to get to the end, I had been putting way too much effort but I couldn't end the book. I had already hinted so many things and indicated there would be more because of the details and research I was doing and putting. I knew that if you were to be in such an abusive relationship like that, you were bound to mess up your mental health and I wanted to be able to actually be realistic. So I made the sequel revolve around both Yeonjun's and Kai's mental health. So I just started writing and I actually planned out everything this time. So before you write a book. PLAN IT OUT.

Why did you name your books "Crown" and "Can't We Just Leave The Monster Alive"?
Alright. We're gonna get into some song meaning and lyrics. The song crown is about a boy who suddenly finds horns grown on his head and he's very upset about it because well, people see him as this monster instead because of that difference. This would be similar to the way Yeonjun thinks of himself. He doesn't love himself because he feels like he's not enough, strong, or deserving of the love from Huening Kai or anyone else really. He sees himself as this monster. Which is later on extended when his mental health issues are introduced in the book. He believes that he is a monster but Huening Kai is trying to show him that these things in his life doesn't and shouldn't change the way he loves Yeonjun because he sees him as a prince. He sees his horns as his crown. As something that makes him strong. Which is why the cover has those two 'sides' of Yeonjun. For the sequel, I was thinking of making the title run away or something but the song just didn't connect to the book. But when I went through CWJLTMA, it talked about how the boys just wanted to stop fighting this monster. This monster that is only causing them pain and struggle. And now somehow the roles have changed. The hero and the monster switch. And Yeonjun and Kai's relationship represent that. Kai was jun's hero in the beginning but now it's Yeonjun's turn to help his boyfriend. The song continues to repeat it'll be alright and let's stay here together, forever which shows that small bit of hope Yeonkai have for eachother. The songs tell the story through their lyrics.

Can't We Just Leave The Monster Alive?🗡️ - YeonKaiWhere stories live. Discover now