Chapter 21: The Announcement?

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Third Person POV

"Today is the day! Are you excited!?". Beomgyu exclaimed, flashing a teasing smile at Yeonjun and Huening Kai who were sitting on the couch, talking. "Are you kidding me!? I'm nervous as hell!". Yeonjun replied. Huening Kai reached over and grabbed his hand. "It's okay Hyung, I think everything will turn out better than you think". He said. Yeonjun smiled and nodded. "I guess you're right. I just thought this would be easier". "Me too, but everything will be okay". Huening Kai smiled and then turned to Beomgyu. "I agree with Kai, things will turn out fine. Now, I'mma go get in position with the others". He said. Beomgyu, Soobin, and Taehyun sat in the middle of the practice room, letting Kyung Min set up the camera and Vlive. "Okay, it will go live in a few seconds. Be ready Yeonkai". She said. "Alright, thanks". "Okay, 3.......2.....1!". Kyung Min exclaimed, giving Soobin a thumbs up. "Annyeonghasaeyo Moa! It's your precious boys!". Soobin exclaimed, waving cutely. "We've missed you so much Moa!". Taehyun then said, smiling like a babie. "I hope you guys all watch this! We have something to discuss". Soobin said, nodding. "Would you like to start Beomgyu?". He then asked. Beomgyu smiled and nodded. He faced the camera and then giggled softly before speaking. "Moa, as you all know. Our comeback is coming very close which is already enough of a surprise. But we wanted to show you guys something very important. This comeback is going to very very different from any of our albums and we hope you can accept it because it does mean a lot to us". "But, as we shouldn't ramble like Beomgyu Hyung, let us show you the difference. But first, we'll need all the members". Taehyun interrupted, smiling at his boyfriend sweetly. "Come on over Yeonjun Hyung and Huening Kai. Moa are waiting". Soobin said with a smile. "We're coming!". Yeonjun yelled from across the practice room. He sat down first and then let Huening Kai sit on his lap comfortable. "Can you tell Moa the secret we've been hiding?". Soobin asked, smirking softly as he saw everyone in the comments go crazy from the suspense.

"Well you see, this comeback has given us an opportunity to come clean. It's not easy to say and it's definitely gonna be a hard one to take in but Moa, I hope your support is in the decision and you don't see us differently". "Come on Hyung! Moa are going crazy!". Huening Kai exclaimed before giggling. Yeonjun smirked to the camera and then looked at Huening Kai deeply. "I see you're very excited baby". "Of course Jagiya!". Yeonjun connected their lips and kissed him passionately, smiling in-between the kiss. Huening Kai of course kissed back, giggling as Yeonjun cooed at him softly. The other members began to clap loudly, cheering for Yeonkai. "Woo hoo! Yeonkai is finally coming out!". Taehyun exclaimed. "Yeonkai has been hiding their relationship for a long time Moa. Now they're going public with their pda of course". "Are you surprised Moa!?". Beomgyu teased, leaning onto Soobin. Yeonjun and Huening Kai finally pulled away and then looked at the camera. "Moa, we're sorry for making you wait so long for something so amazing like this. My boyfriend and I hope you all can be happy for us and see us as we are. We aren't lying about anything we've said or what you've seen with us. We made this decision on our own and we do understand the consequences and what it brings to our status and the company's. Please be supportive and give us all the love you can because we've done alot to get here together. Thank you so much Moa. We love you". Yeonjun expressed, smiling sweetly and kissing Kai on his cheek. "I hope we surprised you all. We're all very excited about comeback and what we have to offer officially as Yeonkai. Thank you Moa. I love you!". Huening Kai waved cutely, cueing all the other members to join. "Bye Moa! See you soon!". Soobin exclaimed. "Bye Moa! Love you!". Taehyun and Beomgyu waved, hugging each other. "Go Yeonkai!". They all yelled before Kyung Min ended the vlive. "I'm so proud of you guys! Ahhhh!". Kyung Min gushed, pulling Huening Kai and Yeonjun into a hug. "Thanks Kyung Min, it was nerve wracking but I feel much better". Yeonjun said. "Yes, thank you Kyung Noona. We're glad you're being so supportive". Huening Kai then replied. "Of course, now. Let's get to practicing. We got alot to do".

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